Tweet Model
type Tweet {
id: ID!
authorId: ID!
author: User!
createdAt: String!
updatedAt: String!
content: {
text: String # Original text
markup: String # html rendered in server [Markdown]
poll: Poll
media: [String] # image/gif gallery
snippets: [Snippet]
entities: { # parse in server
hashtags: [String]
mentions: [User]
links: [String] # Only show first Match
type Poll {
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
expiredAt: DateTime
question: String
options: PollOption
type PollOption {
id: ID # Hash for vote the option using Crypto
label: String
value: Float
votes: [User] # useResolver
type Snippet {
language: String # 'md','js','ts,'html','css','scss'
content: {
text: String # raw text
markup: String # html rendered in the server
|- models/
|- tweet/
|- tweet.schema.ts
|- tweet.typedefs.ts
|- tweet.resolver.ts
|- user/
|- user.schema.ts # User Mongoose Model
|- user.typedefs.ts # User GraphQL Type Definition
|- user.resolver.ts # User GraphQL Resolver