From 9e8a846e34ceb803381a67a8a7bbdc6056608d4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alwin Zomotor <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 16:35:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix: fixed test case in client_test.go by removing it as it
 is no longer useful

Signed-off-by: Alwin Zomotor <>
 pkg/castor/client_test.go |  2 +-
 pkg/castor/entities.go    | 21 +++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkg/castor/client_test.go b/pkg/castor/client_test.go
index b7013e31..1067f280 100644
--- a/pkg/castor/client_test.go
+++ b/pkg/castor/client_test.go
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Castor", func() {
 				client := Client{URL: myURL, HTTPClient: httpClient}
 				tuples, err := client.GetTuples(2, BitGfp, uuid.MustParse("acc23dc8-7855-4a2f-bc89-494ba30a74d2"))
-				Expect(tuples).To(Equal(jsn))
+				Expect(tuples).To(Equal(tbytelist))
diff --git a/pkg/castor/entities.go b/pkg/castor/entities.go
index d8e34d35..973da640 100644
--- a/pkg/castor/entities.go
+++ b/pkg/castor/entities.go
@@ -47,29 +47,30 @@ type TupleType struct {
 	Name              string
 	PreprocessingName string
 	SpdzProtocol      SPDZProtocol
+	Arity             int8
 var (
 	// BitGfp describes the Bits tuple type in the Mudulo a Prime domain.
-	BitGfp = TupleType{"BIT_GFP", "Bits", SPDZGfp}
+	BitGfp = TupleType{"BIT_GFP", "Bits", SPDZGfp, 1}
 	// BitGf2n describes the Bits tuple type in the GF(2^n) domain.
-	BitGf2n = TupleType{"BIT_GF2N", "Bits", SPDZGf2n}
+	BitGf2n = TupleType{"BIT_GF2N", "Bits", SPDZGf2n, 1}
 	// InputMaskGfp describes the Inputs tuple type in the Mudulo a Prime domain.
-	InputMaskGfp = TupleType{"INPUT_MASK_GFP", "Inputs", SPDZGfp}
+	InputMaskGfp = TupleType{"INPUT_MASK_GFP", "Inputs", SPDZGfp, 2}
 	// InputMaskGf2n describes the Inputs tuple type in the GF(2^n) domain.
-	InputMaskGf2n = TupleType{"INPUT_MASK_GF2N", "Inputs", SPDZGf2n}
+	InputMaskGf2n = TupleType{"INPUT_MASK_GF2N", "Inputs", SPDZGf2n, 2}
 	// InverseTupleGfp describes the Inverses tuple type in the Mudulo a Prime domain.
-	InverseTupleGfp = TupleType{"INVERSE_TUPLE_GFP", "Inverses", SPDZGfp}
+	InverseTupleGfp = TupleType{"INVERSE_TUPLE_GFP", "Inverses", SPDZGfp, 2}
 	// InverseTupleGf2n describes the Inverses tuple type in the GF(2^n) domain.
-	InverseTupleGf2n = TupleType{"INVERSE_TUPLE_GF2N", "Inverses", SPDZGf2n}
+	InverseTupleGf2n = TupleType{"INVERSE_TUPLE_GF2N", "Inverses", SPDZGf2n, 2}
 	// SquareTupleGfp describes the Squares tuple type in the Mudulo a Prime domain.
-	SquareTupleGfp = TupleType{"SQUARE_TUPLE_GFP", "Squares", SPDZGfp}
+	SquareTupleGfp = TupleType{"SQUARE_TUPLE_GFP", "Squares", SPDZGfp, 2}
 	// SquareTupleGf2n describes the Squares tuple type in the GF(2^n) domain.
-	SquareTupleGf2n = TupleType{"SQUARE_TUPLE_GF2N", "Squares", SPDZGf2n}
+	SquareTupleGf2n = TupleType{"SQUARE_TUPLE_GF2N", "Squares", SPDZGf2n, 2}
 	// MultiplicationTripleGfp describes the Triples tuple type in the Mudulo a Prime domain.
-	MultiplicationTripleGfp = TupleType{"MULTIPLICATION_TRIPLE_GFP", "Triples", SPDZGfp}
+	MultiplicationTripleGfp = TupleType{"MULTIPLICATION_TRIPLE_GFP", "Triples", SPDZGfp, 3}
 	// MultiplicationTripleGf2n describes the Triples tuple type in the GF(2^n) domain.
-	MultiplicationTripleGf2n = TupleType{"MULTIPLICATION_TRIPLE_GF2N", "Triples", SPDZGf2n}
+	MultiplicationTripleGf2n = TupleType{"MULTIPLICATION_TRIPLE_GF2N", "Triples", SPDZGf2n, 3}
 // SupportedTupleTypes is a list of all tuple types supported by the castor client.