External APIs in KaiOS are implemented in an external daemon that communicates with the web runtime embedder. The APIs are conceptually represented by a set of services exposed over some transport protocols.
We want this system to fullfill the following goals:
- Implementers of services and clients of these services must not have to deal with details of the transport layer and of the message serialization and deserialization.
- The APIs are all asynchronous and message based with strong typing.
- Clients can call async methods and register themselves as event listeners.
- For performance reasons, properties can be cached transparently on the client side.
- Several transports can be supported simultaneously.
We use a custom service definition language to define services. The language provides basic types along with custom types definition.
// The FM Radio service
Service FmRadio {
// Search direction.
enum SearchDirection {
// Parameters for the search method.
type SearchParams {
freq: float,
dir: SearchDirection,
timeout: int,
property enabled: bool;
property antenna_available: bool;
property freq: float;
event frequencychange -> float;
event enable;
event disable;
fn enable(float);
fn disable();
fn search(SearchParams);
fn cancel_search();
fn set_freq(float);
import common_types;
// The Settings service
Service Settings {
type Setting {
name: str,
value: any,
type Lock {
fn set(Setting+);
fn get(str) -> Setting;
event settingchange -> Setting;
event observe(str) -> Setting;
fn create_lock() -> Lock;
- bool
- int
- float
- str
- binary
- json
- any
Modifiers are used to change the arity of a type: *
for zero or more, +
for one or more and ?
for zero or one.
Code generation can be customized by using annotations attached to declaration. The format for annotations is #[name1=value1,name2=value2]
The canonical implementation language for services is Rust. All services are registered on a thread, but can spawn their own ones. This allows direct communication between services without bouncing back on the 'main' thread by passing around a mpsc channel sender.
For instance, services can listen on services changes with low overhead.
The code generator creates a Trait and all the private types for each service in its own module.
The code generator will generate JS code following best front-end approaches.
We use the bitsparrow library to exchange data between the Rust and JS sides.