A SuperCollider Quark which allows to communicate with Eurorack modules when used with a DC coupled audio interface.
Please install sc3-plugins before because we rely on the Tartini pitch tracker for the tuning process.
// install from git repository
// restart sclang so EuroCollider is available
// view help guide for a quick start
For precise instructions please check out the provided documents via the SuperCollider documentation.
// assuming server is booted
e = EuroSynth(soundIn: 6, cvOut: 4, gateOut: 5).tune;
Pdef(\myEuroPattern, Pbind(
\type, \euro,
\euro, e,
\dur, 0.25,
\scale, Scale.chromatic,
\degree, Pxrand((0..12), inf),
\octave, Pseq([5, 4], inf),
c = EuroClockIn(trigIn: 6);
// play a pattern according to the clock
Pdef(\euroClockSync, Pbind(
\instrument, \default,
\dur, 1.0,
\degree, Pxrand((0..6), inf),
c = TempoClock(1.5);
e = EuroClockOut(clock: c, trigOut: 5);