- Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 (#3091)
- Add extension property support (#264)
- Update dependencies to latest version & update project to ECMAScript modules (#265)
- Update path-parse dependency (#268)
- Expose exception error code (#257)
- Support setting transient variables via API (#244)
- Fix loading file variables (#208)
- Bump lodash to version 4.17.21
- Bump ws to 5.2.3
- Bump normalize-url to 4.5.1
- Bump y18n to 3.2.2
- Allow manual locking of a Task
- Support for Keycloak auth secured rest API
- Removed support for Node v8 and v9. Please use node version 10 or higher.
- support localVariables when fetching Tasks
- Not every Action will be logged by default. For example, polling will no longer be logged if it is successful.
You can define the log level as described in the docs. To emulate >=1.3.0 bahaviour, use
- Use priority when fetching Tasks
- Filter tasks by version tag
- Set maximum number of executed tasks using
- Filter tasks by tenant
- Filter tasks by process definition
- Make it possible to pass error message and variables when handling a bpmn error.
- Filter tasks by business key
- Setting typed date variable with a string value causes serialization issue
- Setting Local Variables
- Support for File & Date Variables
- Exchange Process Variables
- Fetch and Lock
- Complete
- Handle Failure
- Handle BPMN Error
- Extend Lock
- Unlock