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Releases: caltechlibrary/caltechdata_api

Improvements to version handling

03 Aug 23:01
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Fixes some bugs when new files are added without metadata changes and improved handling of persistent identifiers.

caltechdata_edit bug fix

03 Aug 16:30
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This release fixes a bug in caltechdata_edit, which impacted records without external files.

Community bug fix

23 Jun 23:18
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This release includes a bug fix for community record submissions.

New record creation and editing options

17 May 22:51
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This release adds new options to caltechdata_api:

  • default_preview is the file that will show up in the CaltechDATA file preview pane
  • file_descriptions is an array of text that is associated with external file links
  • s3_link is the parent download link for external file links (listed at the top of the external files block)

This release fixes a bug with duplicate filenames, supports passing embargo settings, and allows users to provide custom 'updated' dates. The new custom external files description type is also supported.

get_files is fixed to work with the current version of CaltechDATA.

An example automated data transfer script is included.

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0

Added author support

06 Apr 20:22
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What's Changed

  • Add in initial support for the InvenioRDM version of caltechAUTHORS by @tmorrell in #18. This package will likely have a name change in the future to indicate that it works with multiple Caltech repositories.
  • Fix bugs in handling of OSN linked files.
  • Add missing requirement s3fs by @mhucka in #16

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0

Bug fixes for metadata handling

11 Jan 00:42
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This release fixes some bugs in metadata handling, including errors that happened when a publication date or person name wasn't set.

Improving caltechdata_edit on draft records

05 Jan 00:43
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This release makes a few improvements to how the caltechdata_edit function works on draft records, including better support for editing and managing files attached to a draft record.

Small bug fix on identifiers and sizes

14 Dec 04:13
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This release includes a small bug fix on identifiers and improves size handling for attached files.

Fix DOI and Identifier handling

06 Dec 01:15
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This release fixes some issues with DOI and other identifier handling.

The caltechdata_edit function was changed so it accepts just one id at a time. This is the more likely use case and makes metadata checks easier.

This release improves metadata handling, add some example metadata files, and updates documentation.

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0

caltechdata_api for InvenioRDM

23 Nov 23:17
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This release of caltechdata_api is the first designed to work with InvenioRDM and the current version of CaltechDATA. The interface is generally the same, but has been enhanced to support the new features in InvenioRDM such as draft records. Code that supported the TIND version of CaltechDATA is no longer needed and has been removed.

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v1.0.0