If you are in one of the following State organizations, you will publish open data directly through their open data portal, otherwise you can publish to the Statewide Open Data Portal.
Executive Agency Portals
Individual State Entity Portals
- Board of Equalization
- Controller’s Office
- Department of Justice
- Department of Tax and Fee Administration
- Employment Development Department
- Franchise Tax Board
- Treasurer’s Office
{% hint style="info" %} Is there a CA open data portal missing from this list?
Let us know through our online form. {% endhint %}
Please reach out to your data coordinator or portal administrator for any specific guidance. You should still prepare data in line with this handbook, even though you'll publish to a different portal.
When publishing to your organization’s portal, in many cases, those datasets will be "harvested" automatically so they are discoverable through the California Open Data Portal (you don’t need to know exactly how harvesting works to publish open data).