ROFL is a decentralized messaging application that manages group memberships based on token holdings. It serves as an off-chain oracle that verifies token balances and automatically manages group memberships.
- Users can create groups with specific token requirements (token address and minimum balance)
- Users request to join groups, creating pending memberships
- The off-chain app periodically:
- Fetches all pending memberships
- Verifies token balances against group criteria
- Automatically adds users to groups when they meet the requirements
Currently, the app supports token verification on:
- Ethereum Mainnet (Chain ID: 1)
Install the ROFL pre-requisites
Build the off-chain app binary:
oasis rofl build sgx --mode unsafe
Start the localnet node using Docker:
docker run -it \
-p8545:8545 \
-p8546:8546 \
-p8547:8547 \
-p80:80 \
-p8544:8544 \
-v ./:/rofls \
Read the logs from the running node:
docker ps | awk '{print $NF}' | xargs -I {} docker exec {} cat /serverdir/node/net-runner/network/compute-0/node.log