Can be used to parse RFC4515 style LDAP filter strings.
Goal is to provide end user understandable error messages.
test_parser.php '(cn=foo)'
For now just run test_parser.php
without any arguments.
It will test a few examples from the rfc as well as some
filters seen in the wild:
// from
(cn=Babs Jensen)
(!(cn=Tim Howes))
(&(objectClass=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*)))
(cn:caseExactMatch:=Fred Flintstone)
(cn:=Betty Rubble)
(sn:dn: Rubble)
(o:dn:=Ace Industry)
(:1.2.3:=Wilma Flintstone)
(o=Parens R Us \28for all your parenthetical needs\29)
// seen in the wild
(|(&(|(objectclass=person))(|(|(memberof=CN=Portal SecureB,OU=ITA Mail Groups,OU=France,OU=Central,OU=BMF Europe,DC=aiu,DC=sometech,DC=com)(primaryGroupID=840317))))(samaccountname=k2509)(samaccountname=k12305))
(|(&(|(objectclass=person))(|(|(memberof=CN=Portal SecureB,OU=ITA Mail Groups,OU=France,OU=Central,OU=BMF Europe,DC=aiu,DC=sometech,DC=com)(primaryGroupID=840317))(&(objectclass=person)(|(samaccountname=k2509)(samaccountname=k12305)))))(samaccountname=%uid))
- show snippet of error location
- unit Tests
- build ast
- use ast to provide better error reporting?
- make usable as a lib?
- translations? or keep that separate?
- composer
- support placeholders and giving warnings
- %uid, %login, %mail ... preferable freely configurable, a string[]
- performance vs eg