This is part of The Guide.
So what we’ve done in the previous chapter is awesome already, but what if we’d like a little dash of templating? Surely you have a couple more minutes, right?
The idea behind Brunch’s approach to templating is simple:
- Templates live in their own files, cleanly separated from JS or static HTML;
- These files get precompiled by whatever engine handles the template syntax, to produce a ready-to-use JS function: you pass it an object holding whatever dynamic data the template needs (what’s usually called a presenter or view model), and it spews out HTML;
- This function is wrapped as a module, as usual: it’s the module’s default export.
This avoids littering your JS with template code, as is too often seen with big fat String
literals, and also avoids littering your HTML with hackish <script type="text/handlebars">
blocks, which always looked godawful to me. Sure, that leaves JSX, but even there we’ll have tricks to clean things up…
From a code editor standpoint, having separate files also means we usually get better syntax highlighting.
We’re going to use Pug (formerly known as Jade) because, well, it is very nice. If you already do a lot of Ember, you might want to check out Emblem too, that ties Ember and Pug-style code nicely together.
Let’s start by installing the plugin for Pug (that hasn't been renamed from jade-brunch yet):
npm install --save-dev jade-brunch
Now let’s tell Brunch to add the resulting modules in our app’s JS build, with a new line at the end of our brunch-config.js
module.exports = {
files: {
javascripts: {
joinTo: {
'app.js': '/^app/',
'libraries.js': '/^(?!app)/',
stylesheets: { joinTo: 'app.css' },
templates: { joinTo: 'app.js' },
npm: {
globals: {
$: 'jquery',
We can then add our template file, perhaps in app/views/list.jade
h2 Things to do:
each item in items
li= item
All set! Using it inside our application.js
is straightforward:
"use strict";
var App = {
items: ['Learn Brunch', 'Apply to my projects', '…', 'Profit!'],
init: function() {
var tmpl = require('views/list');
var html = tmpl({ items: App.items });
module.exports = App;
Rebuild, open your public/index.html
file, and then…
How cool is that?!
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