kind — return a value's type category
kind(val: any) -> string
The kind function returns the category of the type of v
as a string,
e.g., "record", "set", "primitive", etc. If v
is a type value,
then the type category of the referenced type is returned.
A primitive value's kind is "primitive":
echo '1 "a"' | super -z -c 'yield kind(this)' -
A complex value's kind is it's complex type category. Try it on these empty values of various complex types:
echo '{} [] |[]| |{}| 1((int64,string))' | super -z -c 'yield kind(this)' -
A Zed error has kind "error":
echo null | super -z -c 'yield kind(1/0)' -
A Zed type's kind is the kind of the type:
echo '<{s:string}>' | super -z -c 'yield kind(this)' -