Keycloak Logging Kubernetes wichtige minikube commandos wichtige kubectl commandos config maps About container runtime add-ons Anmerkungen zum Tutorial Module 3: change java versions in Intellij for a project: check java version used during build and at runtime: Java Optional ifPresent() orElseGet() throw Exception filter and map ifPresentOrElse(,) Lockback in SpringBoot Example logback.groovy configuration: Intellij Http-Client View "Endpoints" Examples for getting Keycloak tokens: other examples: DEBUG Log output Developing LangtonsAnt TDD style Implementation Rules: Langton's Ant Class : Example arrays/steps for "Langton's Ant": example start 6x6 array: the ant on x=2,y=3, direction=west, "." is a white field, "■" is a black field next step (1) according to the rules: next step (2) according to the rules next step (3) according to the rules Maven tricks Filtering resources Unix based OS ruby , gem find Docu fix for jekyll + minimal-mistakes theme 1st Trail (not working) Start with: Using "Remote theme methodPermalink": 2nd trail: git tricks: neues project welches local schon ein git ist, nach github oder hochladen git (remote) tags git (remote) branches git merge rebase vs merge: git stash oder reset wenn schon gemerged (und evtl. gepusht): git logs :gi git diff git patch git apply git checkout file specifig commit working with forks and pull requests on github: sync fork with master configure (local checked out ) fork with upstream repo: dannach synch mit: Junit5 Exceptions matchers filter logmessages in a test case Variante B: logback TurboFilter Variante A: Appender Filter (log4j 2.x) Variante B: logback TurboFilter Variante C Pitest Arguments ArgumentCaptor vs ArgumentMatcher Method references as parameters AssertJ, SoftAssertions and assertAll verify calling mock-methods Ansible humen readable output: OpenStack auf Mac, (python27 geht nicht): besser mit python3 und vscode: Links Netways OpenStack nutzen, einmalige Installation Netways nutzten , nach der Installation Cloud Foundry Tutorial links: Manifest.yml bash allgemein bash farben kill mehrere Prozesse mit grep gefunden debug