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Course Notes ngrx

after authentication is implemented:


  • add actions to the courses module Actions for loadAllCourses und allCoursesLoaded
    • loadAllCourses triggered from the routerResolver, so before the router show the homescreen, no parameter
    • action name : "[source] what it does",
    • allCoursesLoaded: parameter: the list of courses . Source : the Courses Load - Effect
  • implement the action-types (importing the actions and exporting it )

router/Resolver for loading courses

  • implement a service that implements Resolve<any>
  • implement the resolve() method
  • plug it in to the courses.module router config by adding a resolve:{courses:CourseResolver} to it
    • AND as a "provider" , since it is a injectable Service
  • if courses are not yet in the store, then dispach the loadCourses Action
  • otherwise ignore it
  • the resolver returns an observable
  • avoid multiple triggers (from multipel threads)of the resolvers , make a semaphore into the resolver service

implement Effect for the action loadAllCourse

  • make @Injectable() CoursesEffects, and plug it into courses.module.ts:
    • add EffectsModule.forFeature([CoursesEffects]) into the imports
  • because this should trigger a side effect, we use an Effect instead of an Reducer to react to the Action.
  • but we don't use tap() but mergeMap(), since the action should be mapped to the courses[]
  • Then we emit return another action. this is acomplished by the following map() to map the coursesArray to a new Action (allCoursesLoaded) . Only THAT Action should be processed by a reducer to produce a new state

implement the reducer

  • ...that saves the courses from the loalAllCourse - Effect to the store
  • using EntityAdapter<MyClass>
  • add the Reducer to mymodule.module.ts to imports: StoreModule.forFeature('myClassName', myReducer)

use of ngrx EntityState

to save the courses from the httpservice in the Store using EntityAdapter<MyClass>

replace reload in home component by selectors

  • new file xxx.selectors.ts, define all selectors by using the createFeatureSelector() and createSelector() methods
  • add the compareCourses method pointer to createEntityAdapter<MyClass>()

avoid fetching the courses from backend multiple times

  • add a flag to the CoursesEntity
  • add condition to resolver so that it only loads if not already loaded.
    • for this createSelector for the new flag of the CoursesEntity
  • set the loaded flag to true in the coursesReducer in on(CoursesActions.allCoursesLoaded...

remove the loading indicator for the courses

Spinner only in app.component.ts and app.component.html, between router events NavigationStart and NavigationEnd . Because this is where the httpcall to the backend is performed.

Editing Entity Data

  • define an action using Update<MyClass> (which in turn contains a Partial<MyClass> field.)
  • the courses edit dialogue should be refactored to dispatch an action instead of saving the data directly to the backend.
  • add a on() to the existing reducer that immediately change the store in memeory
  • change the onSave() method accordingly

Saving the Data

  • add a effect to the existing effects , that does the backend call

after authentication is implemented, alternative:

try the same as above, but now instead using Actions, Effects, etc. use ngrx- Data

using ngrx Data

  • exception from the default behaviour: the actual courses data are in a json-element called "payload", instead transmitted directly with Courses[] as Json.
  • therefore use ngrx Data with a Custom MyDataSerivce class that extends the DefaultDataService<MyClass>
  • but we still need a resolver for the Router
  • as soon as the Router-Resolver takes care of getting the data from the backend, refactor the "home" Component to use the new Custom MyDataSerivce instead of the old "CoursesHttpService"
  • fix the wrong sorting by adding a {sortComparer: compareCourses} to EntityMetadataMap - configuration

adding CRUD operations

  • rewrite onSave() for modified course details using CourseEntityService instead CourseHttpService
  • change update behaviour to optimistic instead of pessimisic
  • mind the mode: 'create' | 'update';
  • rewrite add() and delete()

implementing ngrx EntityData for course lessons

  • add new Entity to EntityMetadataMap
  • implement a LessionEntityService just like MyDataSerivce above and -as it is a service- plug it into courses.module.ts- providers
  • rewrite the course component to use CourseEntityService and LessonEntityService instead of *HttpService. to get exactly one course from the courses array , use "find()" instead of "filter()"
  • combine courses$ and lessons$ with a pipe()
  • initially load only the first page of lessons
  • load more , if the user clicks "more"
  • fix change detection error in console using "delay(0)" for the load spinner