- test: add test for query view
- docs: update readme
- test: add test for CB6
- chore: update getMulti handler
- fix: fix test
- test: update test script
- chore: update nosql version, update findByIds implemtnation
- chore: use getMulti as findByIds
- chore: minor update
- chore: update config file
- chore: remove jscs, update CI script
- fix: remove useless code
- chore: lint code style
- chore: remove example folder
- chore: rename to couchbaseX to be compatible with all cb versions
- refactor: add support for couchbase5
- Refactored docker boxes.
- Upgrade modules.
- Updated modules which fixed a problem with reconnect to DB.
- chore(package): update uuid to version 3.0.0
- Smaller view but slower find.
- Added a test helper that flushes data by removing all data which is faster than a real flush.
- Use
to manage the test boxes.
- Reimplemented based on
and now all the hooks should return things asloopback-datasource-juggler
expects. - Updated modules and coding styles.
- update find/multiFind, destroy/multiDestroy to return array/count instead of throwing a error when instance does not exist
- update couchbase to 2.2.1
- Improved styles for the tests.
- Improved some coding style.
- chore(package): update es6-shim to version 0.35.0
- Use env var for Couchbase user and pass.
- Updated JSCS and other packages.
- add clusterManager() method and test case for bucket crashed
- add ping method
- Satisfy JSCS 2.9.
- Fixed coding styles.
- Fixed that the generated ID wasn't set back to model instance.
- Update README.md
- Setting up coveralls.io
- Reviewed all CRUD methods, but disabled bulk operations for now.
- Fix Node 0.12 doesn't have a proper
with es6-shim. - Reviewed CRUD for all the single instance operations.
- CI doesn't need a special config.
- Changed test bucket name.
- Fixed the create hook and use CAS as rev.
- Update dependencies.
- Resorted functions and put the bulk operations together.
- Save a
with the doc which is the model name. - Removed some debugs that would slow it down.
- Simpler way of getting a container ip.
- Small tweaks, for how we use promise etc.
- divide tests in separate describe
- Add tests for save() and destroy()
- update updateOrCreate() method and find() test
- Setting up Travis.
- API change: rebuilt view API and it now only uses promise (dropped callback).
- Added bucket manager API.
- Rebuilt connect() and disconnect().
- Implemented updateOrCreate(), save(), destroy(). Reviewed create().
- Update example
- First release.