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File metadata and controls

366 lines (297 loc) · 14.3 KB


The configuration for jsii is recorded in the package.json file, which is the standard package manifest for NPM packages. This document describes the constraints and extensions jsii adds to the package.json schema.


Use jsii-config to aid in configuring a new jsii module.

Additional Requirements & Extensions

In order to be able to generate valid packages for all the supported target package managers, certain fields that are optional in the standard package.json schema are required by jsii.

For example, Maven Central requires packages to carry sufficient metadata, such as developer information and license, in order to be valid for publishing.

Field Required Extensions
author Required author.organization
license Required
main Required
repository Required
stability The field itself is an extension
types Required

Attribution & Licensing

  • The author field must be set. Although the string form ("The Octocat <[email protected]> (") works, it is recommended to set the value using the object format:
      // ...
      "author": {
        "name": "The Octocat",                // Required
        "email": "[email protected]",        // Optional
        "url": "",  // Optional
        "organization": false                 // Optional (defaults to false)
      // ...
    The organization field is an extension from the package.json schema that can be used to signal the author field refers to an organization and not and individual person.
  • The license field must be set to a valid SPDX license id. If you do not intend to release your package for third party consumption, UNLICENSED (not to be confused with Unlicense) is a valid option.

Source Control Information

The repository field must be set to the URL of the source-control system (such as a git repository) for the package. The recommended way to provide the value is using the object representation:

  "repository": {
    "url": "", // Required
    "type": "git",                            // Recommended
    "directory": "/path"                      // Optional

Library Entry Point

Both the main field must be set to the .js file that acts as the entry point of your library (what node's require('library-name') will load). Additionally, TypeScript's types field must be set to the .d.ts file corresponding to the main file. The assembly emitted by jsii will only represent types that are exported from the types file.

Package-level API Stability

The .jsii assembly document allows representing API stability levels on individual API elements. The default value set for API elements for which a stability declaration is not found can be configured using the stability field of the package.json file. It can be set to one of the following values: experimental, stable, deprecated and external. While the exact semantic value of those fields is defined by the package maintainer, the generic interpretation for those on packages is:

  • experimental - the package is not yet ready for production usage, as it is still in the early stages if it's development.
  • stable - the package is ready for production and it's APIs should be expected to adhere to semantic versioning.
  • deprecated - the package should no longer be used and may no longer be maintained. It is a good practice to set the deprecated field in package.json with an explanation of how consumers of the package should update their dependencies.
  • external - the package includes APIs that are derived from external artifacts, and the owners of those artifacts control their stability.

The jsii section

In order to configure the behavior of jsii, the package.json file must include a jsii section that can contain the following entries:

Field Type Required Default
excludeTypescript string[] none
metadata object none
projectReferences boolean true
targets object Required
tsc object { outDir: '.', rootDir: '.' }
versionFormat `short full`


By default, jsii will include all *.ts files (except .d.ts files) in the TypeScript compiler input. This can be problematic for example when the package's build or test procedure generates .ts files that cannot be compiled with jsii's compiler settings.

The excludeTypescript configuration accepts a list of glob patterns. Files matching any of those patterns will be excluded from the TypeScript compiler input.


The metadata section can be used to record additional metadata as key-value pairs that will be recorded as-is into the .jsii assembly file. That metadata can later be inspected using jsii-reflect utilities, for example.


The targets section is where jsii packages define which target languages they support. This provides the package generators with the additional information they require in order to name generated artifacts. Configuration is provided as a mapping from target name to a configuration object.

Configuring Python

The python target requires two configuration entries:

  • module - the name of the generated Python module, which will be used by users in import directives.
  • distName - the PyPI distribution name for the package.
  • classifiers - a list of trove classifiers to declare on the package. It is the user's responsibility to specify valid values (the authoritative list of valid trove classifiers is masted in the pypa/trove-classifiers package).
    • Some classifiers are automatically included (and should not be added to the classifiers property) based on relevant configuration from the package.json file:
      • Development Status :: is determined based on the package's stability
      • License :: is determined based on the package's license
      • Operating System :: OS Independent is always set
      • Typing :: Typed is always set
    • Additionally, the following Programming Language :: classifiers are already set (more could be added by the user if relevant):
      • Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
      • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
      • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
      • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8


  "jsii": {
    "targets": {
      "python": {
        "module": "hello_jsii",   // Required
        "distName": "hello-jsii", // Required
        "classifiers": [          // Optional
          "Framework :: AWS CDK",
          "Framework :: AWS CDK :: 1"
      // ...
    // ...
  // ...

The resulting package can be published to PyPI.

Configuring Java

The java target requires the following configuration:

  • maven - the groupId and artifactId for the Maven package.
    • Optionally a versionSuffix can be provided that will be appended at the end of the Maven package's version field. The suffix must start with a . or a -.
  • package - the root Java package name under which the types will be declared.


  "jsii": {
    "java": {
      "package": "acme.jsii.hello",   // Required
      "maven": {
        "groupId": "acme",            // Required
        "artifactId": "jsii-hello",   // Required
        "versionSuffix": ".PREVIEW"   // Optional
    // ...
  // ...

The resulting artifact is a Maven package that can be deployed to [Maven Central] using the deploy-staged-repository command of the nexus-staging-maven-plugin.

Configuring .NET

The dotnet target requires the following configuration:

  • namespace - the root namespace under which types will be declared.
  • packageId - the identified of the package in the NuGet registry.
  • iconUrl - the URL of the icon to be shown in the NuGet Gallery. It should be at least 64x64 pixels and a transparent background is recommended. See the .NET documentation for more information.
  • versionSuffix - an optional suffix that will be appended at the end of the NuGet package's version field. The suffix must start with a -.
  • signAssembly - whether the assembly should be strong-name signed. Defaults to false when not specified.
  • assemblyOriginatorKeyFile- the path to the strong-name signing key to be used. When not specified or if the file referred to does not exist, the assembly will not be strong-name signed.


  "jsii": {
    "dotnet": {
      "namespace": "Acme.HelloJsii",              // Required
      "packageId": "Acme.HelloJsii",              // Required
      "iconUrl": "", // Optional
      "signAssembly": true,                       // Optional
      "assemblyOriginatorKeyFile": "./key.snk",   // Optional
      "versionSuffix": "-preview"                 // Optional
    // ...
  // ...

The resulting artifact is a NuGet package that can be published to NuGet using the standard nuget push command.

Configuring GoLang - Experimental

The go target is currently unstable and not suitable for production use. To enable go package generation, add the go key with an empty object to the jsii targets configuration.

This will add generated go package code to your specified outDir for testing and experimentation.

  "jsii": {
    "targets": {
      "go": {},
      // ...
    // ...
  // ...


In order to the generated javascript can be properly loaded by the jsii runtimes, jsii generates a tsconfig.json file with fixed settings at the beginning of the compilation pass. Certain configuration options can however be set by the maintainers in order to better suit their development workflow or processes. Those configuration are set in the jsii.tsc section of the package.json file, but use the same name as tsconfig.json:

  • outDir - path to the directory when artifacts generated by the TypeScript compiler will be placed.
    • This influences the location of .d.ts and .js files, but will not affect the location of the .jsii file, which will always be placed at the package's root.
  • rootDir - specifies the root directory that contains all of the .ts source files. This is used in conjunction with outDir, to control the directory structure that gets generated.

Refer to the TypeScript compiler options reference for more information about those options.


Determines the format of the jsii toolchain version string that will be included in the .jsii assembly file's jsiiVersion attribute.

  • full (the default) - a version number including a commit hash will be used
    • For example: 0.14.3 (build 1b1062d)
  • short - only the version number of jsii will be used
    • For example: 0.14.3

This option is primarily useful for developing regression tests when developing jsii itself, as using the short format reduces volatility in the assemblies generated by development versions of jsii. Users of jsii are advised to leave the default setting, as having full version information can be essential when trying to troubleshoot assembly generation problems.

Dependency considerations

Like any node library, jsii packages can declare runtime dependencies using the [dependencies][npm-reps] section of package.json.

Dependencies that are jsii modules

Node modules are conventionally versioned using semantic versioning, but that is not true of all package managers that jsii is able to target. Additionally, only one version of the jsii runtime and kernel can be used within a given application. In order to avoid version resolution surprises at run-time, jsii requires duplicating jsii modules declarations from dependencies into the peerDependencies section.

Dependencies that are not jsii modules

The jsii runtimes in non-javascript languages do not use npm install, and as a consequence cannot rely on npm install bringing in a package's dependencies. As a consequence, dependencies that are not themselves jsii modules, must also be referenced in the bundledDependencies section, so that they are bundled within the NPM package.