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57 lines (56 loc) · 3.72 KB

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57 lines (56 loc) · 3.72 KB
Keybind Dispatcher Command Comments
SUPER D exec rofi -modi combi -combi-modi drun,window,ssh -show combi
SUPER SHIFT V exec clipman pick -t rofi
SUPER SHIFT K exec rofi -show keybinds -modi keybinds:/home/abs3nt/Scripts/
SUPER Return exec kitty
SUPER BACKSPACE exec firefox
SUPER H exec pcmanfm WOOO
SUPER CONTROL ALT P exec gospt toggleplay && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Toggle Play" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER CONTROL ALT Y exec gospt link | wl-copy && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Copied Song Link" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER CONTROL ALT N exec gospt skip && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Now Playing" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER CONTROL ALT H exec gospt previous && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Now Playing" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER CONTROL ALT U exec gospt unlike && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Unliked Song" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER CONTROL ALT L exec gospt like && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Liked Song" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER CONTROL ALT M exec gospt radio && gospt nowplaying | while read OUTPUT; do notify-send -t 4000 "Radio Started" "$OUTPUT"; done
SUPER SHIFT S exec slurp -d | grim -g - - | wl-copy
SUPER CONTROL ALT S exec grim -o DP-1 - | wl-copy
SUPER SHIFT CONTROL S exec wf-recorder -g "$(slurp)" --audio -f ~/Videos/Screenrecord/record.mp4
SUPER SHIFT CONTROL A exec killall -s SIGINT wf-recorder
SUPER SHIFT W exec ~/Scripts/
SUPER ALT L exec ~/Scripts/
SUPER V togglefloating
SUPER F fullscreen
SUPER SHIFT F fakefullscreen
SUPER P pseudo dwindle
SUPER J togglesplit dwindle
SUPER SHIFT Q killactive
SUPER left movefocus l
SUPER right movefocus r
SUPER up movefocus u
SUPER down movefocus d
SUPER 1 workspace 1
SUPER 2 workspace 2
SUPER 3 workspace 3
SUPER 4 workspace 4
SUPER 5 workspace 5
SUPER 6 workspace 6
SUPER 7 workspace 7
SUPER 8 workspace 8
SUPER 9 workspace 9
SUPER 0 workspace 10
SUPER SHIFT 1 movetoworkspacesilent 1
SUPER SHIFT 2 movetoworkspacesilent 2
SUPER SHIFT 3 movetoworkspacesilent 3
SUPER SHIFT 4 movetoworkspacesilent 4
SUPER SHIFT 5 movetoworkspacesilent 5
SUPER SHIFT 6 movetoworkspacesilent 6
SUPER SHIFT 7 movetoworkspacesilent 7
SUPER SHIFT 8 movetoworkspacesilent 8
SUPER SHIFT 9 movetoworkspacesilent 9
SUPER SHIFT 0 movetoworkspacesilent 10
SUPER mouse_down workspace e+1
SUPER mouse_up workspace e-1
SUPER mouse:272 movewindow
SUPER mouse:273 resizewindow