- HDWallet support (+8)
- Privacy enabling features (+8)
- Passkey wallets (either passkey authentication or passkey-based wallet creation) (+7)
- OPT_INs are a friction point (+6)
- Cross-Wallet Multi-Sig (+6)
- Better APIs for nodes (make node API as good as indexer API) to disincentivize usage of indexers (+5)
- Public adoption tracker site + champions (+5)
- More code examples for TEALScript/Puya (+4)
- There should be more than a single entity contributing to the protocol / node (+4)
- improved onboarding experience (zero-algo onboarding, fiat onramps, ...) (+4)
- signing fully specd/implemented for wallets.; transactions; signed data; auth (+3)
- Refinement in fees for transactions.; outer (gate fee) + itxn fixed fees (+2)
- USDCa as a payment method for non-crypto (regular) business transactions; (+2)
- algo:did method finalization (+2)
- Hierarchical Structures (make sure it fits with known standards) (+1)
- Rust lang subset to AVM compiler (+1)
- Consensus Incentives (+1)