FEES: JS as well as BismuthClient: add special ops, like alias and token!!!
proper colored logs and no verbose option
Don't show /transactions/receive/ or /transactions/receive/ if there is no loaded wallet.
OK - only listen to app.listen() + options
- https + user login => can use over the net
OK - allow to force/change the locale. top bar, use emojis?
avoid create wallet with no name
bis payment requests and send : check address and amount field for validity
OK - est. fees
OK - crystals menu
OK - wallet server selection (link there but no route)
- "queued on the blockchain" rather than "inserted to mempool" (mempool / pool/ eggpool ??)
OK - modal to confirm.
- js code , data table generic OK - check balance
OK - D: prefix for custom dragginator terms to translate.
wallet version + update (auto update? => os + version) OK - crystals version (api?) + update OK - crystal on/off
auto lock wallet after time out. (lock after time or 1 tx) OK - pin to send tx
warning if wallet not encrypted
2fa (token) to auto unlock wallet?
api: balance server (all addresses, bis as well as tokens) (+ reindex)
failsafe /load/global and /load/detail
define usual addresses with local labels
store bisurl for easy sending
attach colored label (like category with color) to our addresses, help differentiate our own adds from service ones.
API Feed (news on home, bridge legalese) from on chain info. Common method, useable by crystals as well.
Tools page