wBIS is an BEP-20 BNB Token with 1:1 native BIS counterpart.
- Chain: BSC Smart Chain
- Contract address:
(View on bscscan) - Name: Wrapped BIS
- Decimals: 8 (same as native BIS)
- Custom logo:
The Bsc bridge crystal comes with a one-click button to set up the correct custom token on your metamask extension.
The Bridge is decentralized and runs thanks to a custom BIS protocol.
It relies on Both a bridge and an oracle.
- BIS Bridge Address: Bis1FWBNBbrYZkQmCYQf8FQWTUCFEreUeT71 (View on explorer)
- BIS Oracle Address: Bis1XBNBY66wngPLVwbRbnSs4ScVBwE3iM7kL (View on explorer)
The bridge being decentralized, the user GUI is available as a Crystal within the Tornado Bismuth Wallet, since v0.1.43.
Tornado Bismuth Wallet releases
Crystal menu, tick to activate "BscBridge", then restart the wallet (only needed for first activation).
A Tornado allet, version >= 0.1.43
BSC Smart Chain Network added to Metamask
Activated BscBridge crystal, showing its logo
Metamask installed with an BSC address configured and some BNB funds for tx fees
Basic knowledge of BSC and related gas fees
Once the Bscbridge crystal is active, use the "Add to Metamask" green button from the BscBridge main menu to add the right token to your metamask.
Open Metamask and click on 'My Accounts' > 'Settings' > 'Networks' > 'Add Network'
Fill in the following data for the BSC Mainnet.
- Network Name: BSC Smart Chain
- New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
- ChainID: 56
- Symbol: BNB
- Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
Send native BIS to the bridge, get wBIS on BSC (same amount less 5 BIS fees)
- Pick "BIS->WBIS 1/2" menu - also available from "swaps" page
- Fill in BSC recipient and amount double check your BSC address, no going back
- Send the BIS
- Go to "Swaps" page
- wait for the BIS confs, then for the mint to be signed
- Use the "proxy mint" link to mint your wBIS (auto filled params)
- Your BNB wBIS balance is updated
Detailled step by step with screenshots
Burn wBIS on BSC, get native BIS on BIS chain (same amount less 5 BIS fees)
- Pick "wBIS->BIS" menu - also available from "swaps" page
- Fill in BIS recipient and amount double check your BIS address, no going back
- Check and adjust gas price
- Burn the wBIS
- wait for the BSC confs, then for the oracle and delivery to be signed
- You can go to "Swaps" page to monitor the progress
- Your BIS balance is updated