To start the RStudio server use the following command:
rstudio-server --reservation=chilam01_101
Select option 5 (rstudio_scRNAseq_4.3.3.sif) when prompted.
This will send a job to the cluster to start the RStudio server with 8 cores and 32 Gigabytes of memory. Once the job starts you will get a message like this:
To launch the RStudio server:
- leave this job running in the terminal window (if you stop it, the session will end)
- copy the URL provided into your browser
- Enter your username and password. The username is your normal username. The password is given in the message above. Note: The password will change each time you start a new session.
- Remember to terminate the cluster job when you are finished with session
(just press
Ctrl + c
in the terminal window).
The RStudio server may not start with the working directory set to your
directory, so you may need to change this (once you've done
this once, it should remember for later sessions.)