sambamba depth region: Segmentation fault (core dumped) #492
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Hi, I have a problem with sambamba depth region.
sambamba version: 0.6.6
Command: sambamba depth region -t 8 -L units.bed sorted_Pooled_cis.bam
#. chrom chromStart chromEnd F3 F4 readCount meanCoverage sampleName
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
bed file (part):
chrI 37 537 chrI:37-537|bin 500
chrI 612 1112 chrI:612-1112|bin 500
chrI 1187 1687 chrI:1187-1687|bin 500
chrI 1725 2225 chrI:1725-2225|putative_enhancer 500
chrI 2225 2688 chrI:2225-2688|bin 463
chrI 2688 3188 chrI:2688-3188|bin 500
chrI 3188 3651 chrI:3188-3651|bin 463
chrI 3651 4126 chrI:3651-4126|non-coding_promoter 475
chrI 4126 4601 chrI:4126-4601|putative_enhancer 475
chrI 4601 5099 chrI:4601-5099|bin 498
chrI 5099 5599 chrI:5099-5599|bin 500
chrI 5599 6099 chrI:5599-6099|bin 500
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