diff --git a/images/bot/src/bioconda_bot/comment.py b/images/bot/src/bioconda_bot/comment.py
index 305962b..d6b8718 100644
--- a/images/bot/src/bioconda_bot/comment.py
+++ b/images/bot/src/bioconda_bot/comment.py
@@ -49,22 +49,29 @@ async def make_artifact_comment(session: ClientSession, pr: int, sha: str) -> No
imageHeader = "***\n\nDocker image(s) built:\n\n"
imageHeader += "Package | Tag | CI | Install with `docker`\n"
imageHeader += "---------|---------|-----|---------\n"
for [ci_platform, artifacts] in artifactDict.items():
for URL, artifact in artifacts:
if artifact.endswith(".tar.gz"):
image_name = artifact.split("/").pop()[: -len(".tar.gz")]
+ comment += imageHeader
+ imageHeader = "" # only add the header for the first image
if ':' in image_name:
package_name, tag = image_name.split(':', 1)
- comment += imageHeader
- imageHeader = "" # only add the header for the first image
- if ci_platform == "azure":
- comment += f"{package_name} | {tag} | Azure | "
- comment += "show
Images for Azure are in the LinuxArtifacts zip file above."
- comment += f"`gzip -dc LinuxArtifacts/images/{image_name}.tar.gz \\| docker load` \n"
- elif ci_platform == "circleci":
- comment += f"[{package_name}]({URL}) | {tag} | CircleCI | "
- comment += f'show
`curl -L "{URL}" \\| gzip -dc \\| docker load` \n'
+ elif '---' in image_name:
+ package_name, tag = image_name.split('---', 1)
+ else:
+ continue
+ if ci_platform == "azure":
+ comment += f"{package_name} | {tag} | Azure | "
+ comment += "show
Images for Azure are in the LinuxArtifacts zip file above."
+ comment += f"`gzip -dc LinuxArtifacts/images/{image_name}.tar.gz \\| docker load` \n"
+ elif ci_platform == "circleci":
+ comment += f"[{package_name}]({URL}) | {tag} | CircleCI | "
+ comment += f'show
`curl -L "{URL}" \\| gzip -dc \\| docker load` \n'
+ elif ci_platform == "github-actions":
+ comment += f"{package_name} | {tag} | GitHub Actions | "
+ comment += "show
Images are in the linux-64 zip file above."
+ comment += f"`gzip -dc images/{image_name}.tar.gz \\| docker load` \n"
comment += "\n\n"
await send_comment(session, pr, comment)