List of projects I've built during and after Makers Academy.
- Student Directory - My first programme. A Terminal app allowing to input and display a list of students.
- Roman Numerals - My first kata! Loads of TDD-ed fun.
- Fizzbuzz - Redone several times to get used to TDD.
- Supermarket - Initially just an exercise to get a grasp of CRC cards, but I coded it for fun!
- Airport - a weekend challenge
- Boris Bikes - A more complex version of Airport
- Battleships - First experience working in a team (5 people). Went well!
- Bookmark Collector - A Ruby/Sinatra app, using Mailgun to reset password
- Cowboy Ninja Bear - A Javascript app, an alternative version of Rock-Paper-Scissors, my first experience of Heroku
- Wunderlist - A Nina-Simone themed To-Do list, playing the song "Do what you gotta do" when you launch it. My first experience using jQuery and Node.js.
- Io - One day of learning Io
- Metaprogramming - One day of doing Ruby metaprogramming
- Ruby refresher - Week 8 challenge at Makers Academy
- Map to the Future - Final project at Makers Academy, built in 2 weeks in a team of four people.
- Send me a Text - Built during Wix Hackathon London