Qt Gauges is a short demonstration program that serves as contain for some useful gauges created using QGraphicsScene. The gauges include:
- A dial scene suitable for a speed display (engine RPM, airspeed, etc.).
- An attitude scene suitable for an AHRS (attitude-heading-reference-system).
- A horizontal or vertical linear gauge suitable for most generic measurements.
- A second linear gauge with a different style suitable for most generic measurements.
All of the gauges have a rich API that allows you to specific alarm values and colors, text labels, tick mark labels, etc. The Gauges are most commonly built by including a QGraphicsView in your form layour, and then calling gauge->setupView(QGraphicsView*). See the Qt Gauges project for an example. Note that the graphics view can be promoted to a QGraphicsViewNoScroll to progrmatically prevent the graphics view from scrolling in response to user mouse events.
Source code for Qt Gauges is available on github.
Contact information:
Bill Vaglienti
Five by Five Development, LLC