A work-in-progress Magit clone for Neovim that is geared toward the Vim philosophy.
Plugin Manager | Command |
Packer | use 'TimUntersberger/neogit' |
Vim-plug | Plug 'TimUntersberger/neogit' |
NeoBundle | NeoBundle 'TimUntersberger/neogit' |
Vundle | Bundle 'TimUntersberger/neogit' |
Pathogen | git clone https://github.com/TimUntersberger/neogit.git ~/.vim/bundle/neogit |
Dein | call dein#add('TimUntersberger/neogit') |
You also use in the built-in package manager:
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/TimUntersberger/neogit $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/pack/plugins/start/neogit
Now you have to add the following lines to your init.lua
local neogit = require('neogit')
neogit.setup {}
You can either open neogit by using the Neogit
:Neogit " uses tab
:Neogit kind=<kind> " override kind
:Neogit commit" open commit popup
or using the lua api:
local neogit = require('neogit')
-- open using defaults
-- open commit popup
neogit.open({ "commit" })
-- open with split kind
neogit.open({ kind = "split" })
The create function takes 1 optional argument that can be one of the following values:
- tab (default)
- floating (This currently doesn't work with popups)
- split
Keybinding | Function |
Tab | Toggle diff |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Set a foldlevel |
$ | Command history |
b | Branch popup |
s | Stage (also supports staging selection/hunk) |
S | Stage unstaged changes |
<C-s> | Stage Everything |
u | Unstage (also supports staging selection/hunk) |
U | Unstage staged changes |
c | Open commit popup |
L | Open log popup |
p | Open pull popup |
P | Open push popup |
Z | Open stash popup |
? | Open help popup |
x | Discard changes (also supports discarding hunks) |
<enter> | Go to file |
<C-r> | Refresh Buffer |
You can configure neogit by running the neogit.setup
local neogit = require("neogit")
neogit.setup {
disable_signs = false,
disable_context_highlighting = false,
-- customize displayed signs
signs = {
section = { ">", "v" },
item = { ">", "v" },
hunk = { "", "" },
-- override/add mappings
mappings = {
-- modify status buffer mappings
status = {
-- Adds a mapping with "B" as key that does the "BranchPopup" command
["B"] = "BranchPopup",
-- Removes the default mapping of "s"
["s"] = "",
Right now only the status buffer supports custom mappings. The other popups will follow shortly.
List of status commands:
- Close
- Depth1 (Set foldlevel to 1)
- Depth2 (Set foldlevel to 2)
- Depth3 (Set foldlevel to 3)
- Depth4 (Set foldlevel to 4)
- Toggle
- Discard (Normal and visual mode)
- Stage (Normal and visual mode)
- StageUnstaged
- StageAll
- GoToFile
- Unstage (Normal and visual mode)
- UnstageStaged
- CommandHistory
- RefreshBuffer
- HelpPopup
- PullPopup
- PushPopup
- CommitPopup
- LogPopup
- StashPopup
- BranchPopup
Neogit defines three highlight groups for the notifications:
hi NeogitNotificationInfo guifg=#80ff95
hi NeogitNotificationWarning guifg=#fff454
hi NeogitNotificationError guifg=#c44323
You can override them to fit your colorscheme in your vim configuration.
The colors for contextual highlighting are defined with these highlight groups:
hi def NeogitDiffAddHighlight guibg=#404040 guifg=#859900
hi def NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight guibg=#404040 guifg=#dc322f
hi def NeogitDiffContextHighlight guibg=#333333 guifg=#b2b2b2
hi def NeogitHunkHeader guifg=#cccccc guibg=#404040
hi def NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight guifg=#cccccc guibg=#4d4d4d
You can override them to fit your colorscheme by creating a syntax/NeogitStatus.vim
in your vim configuration and adding your custom highlights there.
Set disable_context_highlighting = true
in your call to setup
to disable context highlighting altogether.
Neogit emits a NeogitStatusRefreshed
event whenever the status gets reloaded.
You can listen to the event using the following code:
autocmd User NeogitStatusRefreshed echom "Hello World!"
Further information can be found under :h autocmd
Note: This file is no longer being updated.
The todo file does not represent ALL of the missing features. This file just shows the features which I noticed were missing and I have to implement.
Assure that you have plenary.nvim
installed as a plugin for your neovim instance. Afterwards, run make test
to run the unit test suite.
Plenary uses it's own port of busted and a bundled luassert, so consult their code and the respective busted and luassert docs for what methods are available.