Extension.Methods is a C# library built on top of .Net Standard 2.0. This library contains most of the extension methods that you would use in everyday life. We are committed to adding new methods.
The reason why we started this project is very simple. Mostly to automate a redundant process. Each time we used to start a new project, we had to copy and paste these lines of codes to our project. Though most of the extension methods are available in the internet, they are not present under a single library. So we added everything to one place and created a package out of it. Adding this package to your existing/new project is as easy as adding any other NuGet package.
The library is hosted on NuGet. You can install the same to your project using both Package Manager and .Net CLI.
Installing Extension.Methods using NuGet Package Manager Console
PM>Install-Package Extension.Methods
Installing Extension.Methods using .Net CLI
>dotnet add package Extension.Methods
This will install the packages and its dependencies to your project and you can start using the methods just by importing the Extension.Methods namespace.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Extension.Methods; // This is important
namespace YourProject.TestApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var l = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 3 };
l.InsertSorted(0); // You can use all the available extension methods like this.
The project contains extension methods for the followings.
- StringExtensions
- NumberExtensions
- DateTimeExtensions
- EnumExtensions
- JsonExtensions
- GenericExtensions
Checks if date string with dateFormat is parsable to System.DateTime
format. True if is valid System.DateTime
else returns false.
/// data : datetime string
/// dateFormat : date format "dd/MM/yyyy" by default
public static bool IsDateTime(this string data, string dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy");
var isDate = "09/10/2019".IsDateTime(); //Returns true.
isDate = "11/28/2019".IsDateTime("MM/dd/yyyy"); // Returns false
isDate = "11/28/2019".IsDateTime("dd/MM/yyyy"); // Returns false
Checks if a string is a valid int32 value. Returns true if the string is a valid Integer, else returns false.
/// val : string value
public static bool IsInteger(this string val);
var isNumber = "112".IsInteger(); //Returns true.
isNumber = "-23".IsInteger(); // Returns true
isNumber = "".IsInteger(); // Returns false
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Copyright (c) Swagat Swain. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.