Consider the linear mass-spring system shown. All masses and natural (i.e. unstretched) spring lengths are equal, but the spring constants vary as indicated. The top spring is attached at y = 1.5 m and the +y-direction is upward.
- On paper, write expressions for the equilibrium conditions for each mass.
- Define your matrix A and the right-hand-side vector b for the linear system Ay = b describing the mass-spring system.
- Determine the equilibrium positions y for each mass using the MATLAB command, x = inv(A)b
(From Garcia, #6 page 115) Using Kirchhoff's laws in circuit problems involves solving a set of simultaneous equations. Consider the simple circuit shown.
- Write a program that computes the currents, given the resistances and voltages as inputs.
- Have your program produce a graph of the power delivered to R5 as a function of V2
- Use this range of values for V2: 0 -- 20 V
- Use R1 = R2 = 1 Ω, R3 = R4 = 2 Ω, R5 = 5 Ω, V1 = 2 V, V3 = 5 V.
Important equations:
- Kirchhoff's loop rule: ΔV = 0 over any loop
- Kirchhoff's junction rule: net current flowing into a junction = net current flowing out of the junction
- Power delivered to a resistor: P = I2R