diff --git a/old/v0.1/oac diagram.png b/old/0.1/oac diagram.png
similarity index 100%
rename from old/v0.1/oac diagram.png
rename to old/0.1/oac diagram.png
diff --git a/old/v0.1/oac.html b/old/0.1/oac.html
similarity index 100%
rename from old/v0.1/oac.html
rename to old/0.1/oac.html
diff --git a/old/v0.1/oac.ttl b/old/0.1/oac.ttl
similarity index 100%
rename from old/v0.1/oac.ttl
rename to old/0.1/oac.ttl
diff --git a/old/v0.1/oac_files/base.css b/old/0.1/oac_files/base.css
similarity index 100%
rename from old/v0.1/oac_files/base.css
rename to old/0.1/oac_files/base.css
diff --git a/old/v0.1/oac_files/fixup.js.transferir b/old/0.1/oac_files/fixup.js.transferir
similarity index 100%
rename from old/v0.1/oac_files/fixup.js.transferir
rename to old/0.1/oac_files/fixup.js.transferir
diff --git a/old/v0.1/oac_files/jquery.min.js.transferir b/old/0.1/oac_files/jquery.min.js.transferir
similarity index 100%
rename from old/v0.1/oac_files/jquery.min.js.transferir
rename to old/0.1/oac_files/jquery.min.js.transferir
diff --git a/shapes.ttl b/shapes.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..787d6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shapes.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+@prefix odrl: .
+@prefix sh: .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Policy ;
+ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
+ sh:message "Policies must have an identificative URI";
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path [
+ sh:alternativePath ( odrl:permission odrl:prohibition odrl:obligation)
+ ] ;
+ sh:message "Policies must have at least one permission, obligation or prohibition.";
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+odrl:Offer rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Policy .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Offer ;
+ sh:message "Offers must have an assigner, either directly or on its rules";
+ sh:or (odrl:exactAssignerShape odrl:exactPermissionAssignerShape odrl:exactProhibitionAssignerShape odrl:exactObligationAssignerShape) .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Agreement ;
+ sh:message "Agreement must have an assigner and an assignee, either directly or on its rules";
+ sh:or (odrl:exactAssignerShape odrl:exactPermissionAssignerShape odrl:exactProhibitionAssignerShape odrl:exactObligationAssignerShape) ;
+ sh:or (odrl:exactAssigneeShape odrl:exactPermissionAssigneeShape odrl:exactProhibitionAssigneeShape odrl:exactObligationAssigneeShape) .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:assigner ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ sh:maxCount 1
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:permission ;
+ sh:node odrl:exactAssignerShape ;
+ ] .
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:prohibition ;
+ sh:node odrl:exactAssignerShape ;
+ ] .
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:obligation ;
+ sh:node odrl:exactAssignerShape ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:assigner ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:permission ;
+ sh:node odrl:exactAssigneeShape ;
+ ] .
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:prohibition ;
+ sh:node odrl:exactAssigneeShape ;
+ ] .
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:obligation ;
+ sh:node odrl:exactAssigneeShape ;
+ ] .
+odrl:Agreement rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Policy .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Agreement ;
+ sh:message "Agreements must have an assigner and an assignee";
+ sh:or ( odrl:topAssigneeMinShape odrl:nestedAssigneeMinShape ) ;
+ sh:or ( odrl:topAssignerMinShape odrl:nestedAssignerMinShape ) .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:assigner ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:permission ;
+ sh:node odrl:topAssignerMinShape ;
+ ] ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:prohibition ;
+ sh:node odrl:topAssignerMinShape ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:assignee ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:permission ;
+ sh:node odrl:topAssigneeMinShape ;
+ ] ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:prohibition ;
+ sh:node odrl:topAssigneeMinShape ;
+ ] .
+#tricky because the maxcount is not verified in fact given the OWA
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Permission ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:message "Permissions can have at most one assigner";
+ sh:path odrl:assigner ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ ],[
+ sh:message "Permissions can have at most one assignee";
+ sh:path odrl:assignee ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetObjectsOf odrl:action ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ sh:message "Please consider using Actions with a URI";
+ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetObjectsOf odrl:target ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ sh:message "Please consider using Assets with a URI";
+ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Asset ;
+ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
+odrl:Permission rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Rule .
+odrl:Prohibition rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Rule .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:message "Rules must have at least one action";
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Rule ;
+ sh:or ( odrl:topRuleMinActionShape odrl:nestedRuleMinActionShape ) .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:action ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path [ sh:inversePath odrl:permission ];
+ sh:node odrl:topRuleMinActionShape ;
+ ] ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path [ sh:inversePath odrl:obligation ];
+ sh:node odrl:topRuleMinActionShape ;
+ ] ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path [ sh:inversePath odrl:prohibition ];
+ sh:node odrl:topRuleMinActionShape ;
+ ] .
+odrl:Permission rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Rule .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Permission ;
+ sh:message "Permissions must have at least one target";
+ sh:or ( odrl:topPermMinTargetShape odrl:nestedPermMinTargetShape ) .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:target ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path [ sh:inversePath odrl:permission ];
+ sh:node odrl:topPermMinTargetShape ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass odrl:Constraint ;
+ sh:message "Constraints must have exactly one leftoperand, operator and rightoperand (or rightoperandreference) and rightoperandrefrence must be a uri" ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:leftOperand;
+ sh:message "Constraints must have exactly one leftoperand." ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ sh:maxCount 1
+ ] , [
+ sh:path odrl:operator;
+ sh:message "Constraints must have exactly one operator." ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ sh:maxCount 1
+ ] ;
+ sh:xone (
+ [sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:rightOperand;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ sh:maxCount 1
+ ]] [sh:property [
+ sh:path odrl:rightOperandReference;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ sh:nodeKind sh:IRI
+ ]]
+ ) .
\ No newline at end of file