diff --git a/ICON_INDEX.md b/ICON_INDEX.md index a08d8ffe..776a06ee 100644 --- a/ICON_INDEX.md +++ b/ICON_INDEX.md @@ -1,1482 +1,1982 @@ # Icon Index -| Module Name | Original Name | -| -------------------------- | ---------------------------- | -| TwoFA | 2fa | -| ThreeDCubeSphere | 3d-cube-sphere | -| AB | a-b | -| AccessPointOff | access-point-off | -| AccessPoint | access-point | -| Accessible | accessible | -| Activity | activity | -| Ad2 | ad-2 | -| Ad | ad | -| AdjustmentsAlt | adjustments-alt | -| AdjustmentsHorizontal | adjustments-horizontal | -| Adjustments | adjustments | -| AerialLift | aerial-lift | -| Affiliate | affiliate | -| Alarm | alarm | -| AlertCircle | alert-circle | -| AlertOctagon | alert-octagon | -| AlertTriangle | alert-triangle | -| Alien | alien | -| AlignCenter | align-center | -| AlignJustified | align-justified | -| AlignLeft | align-left | -| AlignRight | align-right | -| Ambulance | ambulance | -| Anchor | anchor | -| Angle | angle | -| AntennaBars1 | antenna-bars-1 | -| AntennaBars2 | antenna-bars-2 | -| AntennaBars3 | antenna-bars-3 | -| AntennaBars4 | antenna-bars-4 | -| AntennaBars5 | antenna-bars-5 | -| Aperture | aperture | -| Apple | apple | -| Apps | apps | -| Archive | archive | -| Armchair | armchair | -| ArrowAutofitContent | arrow-autofit-content | -| ArrowAutofitDown | arrow-autofit-down | -| ArrowAutofitHeight | arrow-autofit-height | -| ArrowAutofitLeft | arrow-autofit-left | -| ArrowAutofitRight | arrow-autofit-right | -| ArrowAutofitUp | arrow-autofit-up | -| ArrowAutofitWidth | arrow-autofit-width | -| ArrowBackUp | arrow-back-up | -| ArrowBack | arrow-back | -| ArrowBarDown | arrow-bar-down | -| ArrowBarLeft | arrow-bar-left | -| ArrowBarRight | arrow-bar-right | -| ArrowBarToDown | arrow-bar-to-down | -| ArrowBarToLeft | arrow-bar-to-left | -| ArrowBarToRight | arrow-bar-to-right | -| ArrowBarToUp | arrow-bar-to-up | -| ArrowBarUp | arrow-bar-up | -| ArrowBigDown | arrow-big-down | -| ArrowBigLeft | arrow-big-left | -| ArrowBigRight | arrow-big-right | -| ArrowBigTop | arrow-big-top | -| ArrowBottomBar | arrow-bottom-bar | -| ArrowBottomCircle | arrow-bottom-circle | -| ArrowBottomSquare | arrow-bottom-square | -| ArrowBottomTail | arrow-bottom-tail | -| ArrowDownCircle | arrow-down-circle | -| ArrowDownLeftCircle | arrow-down-left-circle | -| ArrowDownLeft | arrow-down-left | -| ArrowDownRightCircle | arrow-down-right-circle | -| ArrowDownRight | arrow-down-right | -| ArrowDown | arrow-down | -| ArrowForwardUp | arrow-forward-up | -| ArrowForward | arrow-forward | -| ArrowLeftBar | arrow-left-bar | -| ArrowLeftCircle | arrow-left-circle | -| ArrowLeftSquare | arrow-left-square | -| ArrowLeftTail | arrow-left-tail | -| ArrowLeft | arrow-left | -| ArrowLoopLeft | arrow-loop-left | -| ArrowLoopRight | arrow-loop-right | -| ArrowNarrowDown | arrow-narrow-down | -| ArrowNarrowLeft | arrow-narrow-left | -| ArrowNarrowRight | arrow-narrow-right | -| ArrowNarrowUp | arrow-narrow-up | -| ArrowRampLeft | arrow-ramp-left | -| ArrowRampRight | arrow-ramp-right | -| ArrowRightBar | arrow-right-bar | -| ArrowRightCircle | arrow-right-circle | -| ArrowRightSquare | arrow-right-square | -| ArrowRightTail | arrow-right-tail | -| ArrowRight | arrow-right | -| ArrowTopBar | arrow-top-bar | -| ArrowTopCircle | arrow-top-circle | -| ArrowTopSquare | arrow-top-square | -| ArrowTopTail | arrow-top-tail | -| ArrowUpCircle | arrow-up-circle | -| ArrowUpLeftCircle | arrow-up-left-circle | -| ArrowUpLeft | arrow-up-left | -| ArrowUpRightCircle | arrow-up-right-circle | -| ArrowUpRight | arrow-up-right | -| ArrowUp | arrow-up | -| ArrowWaveLeftDown | arrow-wave-left-down | -| ArrowWaveLeftUp | arrow-wave-left-up | -| ArrowWaveRightDown | arrow-wave-right-down | -| ArrowWaveRightUp | arrow-wave-right-up | -| ArrowsDiagonal2 | arrows-diagonal-2 | -| ArrowsDiagonalMinimize2 | arrows-diagonal-minimize-2 | -| ArrowsDiagonalMinimize | arrows-diagonal-minimize | -| ArrowsDiagonal | arrows-diagonal | -| ArrowsDoubleNeSw | arrows-double-ne-sw | -| ArrowsDoubleNwSe | arrows-double-nw-se | -| ArrowsDoubleSeNw | arrows-double-se-nw | -| ArrowsDoubleSwNe | arrows-double-sw-ne | -| ArrowsDownUp | arrows-down-up | -| ArrowsDown | arrows-down | -| ArrowsHorizontal | arrows-horizontal | -| ArrowsJoin2 | arrows-join-2 | -| ArrowsJoin | arrows-join | -| ArrowsLeftDown | arrows-left-down | -| ArrowsLeftRight | arrows-left-right | -| ArrowsLeft | arrows-left | -| ArrowsMaximize | arrows-maximize | -| ArrowsMinimize | arrows-minimize | -| ArrowsRightDown | arrows-right-down | -| ArrowsRightLeft | arrows-right-left | -| ArrowsRight | arrows-right | -| ArrowsSort | arrows-sort | -| ArrowsSplit2 | arrows-split-2 | -| ArrowsSplit | arrows-split | -| ArrowsUpDown | arrows-up-down | -| ArrowsUpLeft | arrows-up-left | -| ArrowsUpRight | arrows-up-right | -| ArrowsUp | arrows-up | -| ArrowsVertical | arrows-vertical | -| Artboard | artboard | -| AspectRatio | aspect-ratio | -| AsteriskSimple | asterisk-simple | -| Asterisk | asterisk | -| At | at | -| Atom2 | atom-2 | -| Atom | atom | -| Award | award | -| Axe | axe | -| AxisX | axis-x | -| AxisY | axis-y | -| Backhoe | backhoe | -| Backpack | backpack | -| Backspace | backspace | -| Badge | badge | -| Badges | badges | -| BallAmericanFootball | ball-american-football | -| BallBaseball | ball-baseball | -| BallBasketball | ball-basketball | -| BallBowling | ball-bowling | -| BallFootballOff | ball-football-off | -| BallFootball | ball-football | -| BallTennis | ball-tennis | -| BallVolleyball | ball-volleyball | -| Ballon | ballon | -| Ban | ban | -| Bandage | bandage | -| Barcode | barcode | -| Basket | basket | -| Bath | bath | -| Battery1 | battery-1 | -| Battery2 | battery-2 | -| Battery3 | battery-3 | -| Battery4 | battery-4 | -| BatteryAutomotive | battery-automotive | -| BatteryCharging2 | battery-charging-2 | -| BatteryCharging | battery-charging | -| BatteryEco | battery-eco | -| BatteryOff | battery-off | -| Battery | battery | -| Beach | beach | -| Bed | bed | -| Beer | beer | -| BellMinus | bell-minus | -| BellOff | bell-off | -| BellPlus | bell-plus | -| BellRinging2 | bell-ringing-2 | -| BellRinging | bell-ringing | -| BellX | bell-x | -| Bell | bell | -| Bible | bible | -| Bike | bike | -| Binary | binary | -| Biohazard | biohazard | -| Blockquote | blockquote | -| BluetoothConnected | bluetooth-connected | -| BluetoothOff | bluetooth-off | -| Bluetooth | bluetooth | -| Blur | blur | -| Bold | bold | -| BoltOff | bolt-off | -| Bolt | bolt | -| Bone | bone | -| Book2 | book-2 | -| Book | book | -| BookmarkOff | bookmark-off | -| Bookmark | bookmark | -| Bookmarks | bookmarks | -| BorderAll | border-all | -| BorderBottom | border-bottom | -| BorderHorizontal | border-horizontal | -| BorderInner | border-inner | -| BorderLeft | border-left | -| BorderNone | border-none | -| BorderOuter | border-outer | -| BorderRadius | border-radius | -| BorderRight | border-right | -| BorderStyle2 | border-style-2 | -| BorderStyle | border-style | -| BorderTop | border-top | -| BorderVertical | border-vertical | -| Bottle | bottle | -| BoxMargin | box-margin | -| BoxModel2 | box-model-2 | -| BoxModel | box-model | -| BoxMultiple0 | box-multiple-0 | -| BoxMultiple1 | box-multiple-1 | -| BoxMultiple2 | box-multiple-2 | -| BoxMultiple3 | box-multiple-3 | -| BoxMultiple4 | box-multiple-4 | -| BoxMultiple5 | box-multiple-5 | -| BoxMultiple6 | box-multiple-6 | -| BoxMultiple7 | box-multiple-7 | -| BoxMultiple8 | box-multiple-8 | -| BoxMultiple9 | box-multiple-9 | -| BoxMultiple | box-multiple | -| BoxPadding | box-padding | -| Box | box | -| Braces | braces | -| Brackets | brackets | -| BrandAirbnb | brand-airbnb | -| BrandAirtable | brand-airtable | -| BrandAndroid | brand-android | -| BrandAngular | brand-angular | -| BrandAppleArcade | brand-apple-arcade | -| BrandApple | brand-apple | -| BrandAppstore | brand-appstore | -| BrandAsana | brand-asana | -| BrandBehance | brand-behance | -| BrandBing | brand-bing | -| BrandBitbucket | brand-bitbucket | -| BrandBooking | brand-booking | -| BrandBootstrap | brand-bootstrap | -| BrandChrome | brand-chrome | -| BrandCodepen | brand-codepen | -| BrandCodesandbox | brand-codesandbox | -| BrandCss3 | brand-css3 | -| BrandCucumber | brand-cucumber | -| BrandDebian | brand-debian | -| BrandDeviantart | brand-deviantart | -| BrandDiscord | brand-discord | -| BrandDisqus | brand-disqus | -| BrandDocker | brand-docker | -| BrandDoctrine | brand-doctrine | -| BrandDribbble | brand-dribbble | -| BrandEdge | brand-edge | -| BrandFacebook | brand-facebook | -| BrandFigma | brand-figma | -| BrandFirebase | brand-firebase | -| BrandFirefox | brand-firefox | -| BrandFlickr | brand-flickr | -| BrandFoursquare | brand-foursquare | -| BrandFramer | brand-framer | -| BrandGit | brand-git | -| BrandGithub | brand-github | -| BrandGitlab | brand-gitlab | -| BrandGmail | brand-gmail | -| BrandGoogleAnalytics | brand-google-analytics | -| BrandGoogleDrive | brand-google-drive | -| BrandGooglePlay | brand-google-play | -| BrandGoogle | brand-google | -| BrandGravatar | brand-gravatar | -| BrandHipchat | brand-hipchat | -| BrandHtml5 | brand-html5 | -| BrandInstagram | brand-instagram | -| BrandJavascript | brand-javascript | -| BrandKickstarter | brand-kickstarter | -| BrandKotlin | brand-kotlin | -| BrandLinkedin | brand-linkedin | -| BrandLoom | brand-loom | -| BrandMastercard | brand-mastercard | -| BrandMedium | brand-medium | -| BrandMessenger | brand-messenger | -| BrandMeta | brand-meta | -| BrandNetbeans | brand-netbeans | -| BrandNetflix | brand-netflix | -| BrandNotion | brand-notion | -| BrandNytimes | brand-nytimes | -| BrandOpenSource | brand-open-source | -| BrandOpera | brand-opera | -| BrandPagekit | brand-pagekit | -| BrandPatreon | brand-patreon | -| BrandPaypal | brand-paypal | -| BrandPhp | brand-php | -| BrandPinterest | brand-pinterest | -| BrandPocket | brand-pocket | -| BrandProducthunt | brand-producthunt | -| BrandPython | brand-python | -| BrandReactNative | brand-react-native | -| BrandReddit | brand-reddit | -| BrandSafari | brand-safari | -| BrandSass | brand-sass | -| BrandSentry | brand-sentry | -| BrandShazam | brand-shazam | -| BrandSketch | brand-sketch | -| BrandSkype | brand-skype | -| BrandSlack | brand-slack | -| BrandSnapchat | brand-snapchat | -| BrandSoundcloud | brand-soundcloud | -| BrandSpotify | brand-spotify | -| BrandStackoverflow | brand-stackoverflow | -| BrandSteam | brand-steam | -| BrandStripe | brand-stripe | -| BrandSublimeText | brand-sublime-text | -| BrandTabler | brand-tabler | -| BrandTailwind | brand-tailwind | -| BrandTelegram | brand-telegram | -| BrandTidal | brand-tidal | -| BrandTiktok | brand-tiktok | -| BrandTinder | brand-tinder | -| BrandTumblr | brand-tumblr | -| BrandTwitch | brand-twitch | -| BrandTwitter | brand-twitter | -| BrandUber | brand-uber | -| BrandUbuntu | brand-ubuntu | -| BrandUnsplash | brand-unsplash | -| BrandVercel | brand-vercel | -| BrandVimeo | brand-vimeo | -| BrandVisualStudio | brand-visual-studio | -| BrandVk | brand-vk | -| BrandWhatsapp | brand-whatsapp | -| BrandWindows | brand-windows | -| BrandYahoo | brand-yahoo | -| BrandYcombinator | brand-ycombinator | -| BrandYoutube | brand-youtube | -| Bread | bread | -| Briefcase | briefcase | -| Brightness2 | brightness-2 | -| BrightnessDown | brightness-down | -| BrightnessHalf | brightness-half | -| BrightnessUp | brightness-up | -| Brightness | brightness | -| BrowserCheck | browser-check | -| BrowserPlus | browser-plus | -| BrowserX | browser-x | -| Browser | browser | -| Brush | brush | -| Bucket | bucket | -| Bug | bug | -| BuildingArch | building-arch | -| BuildingBank | building-bank | -| BuildingBridge2 | building-bridge-2 | -| BuildingBridge | building-bridge | -| BuildingCarousel | building-carousel | -| BuildingCastle | building-castle | -| BuildingChurch | building-church | -| BuildingCommunity | building-community | -| BuildingCottage | building-cottage | -| BuildingFactory | building-factory | -| BuildingFortress | building-fortress | -| BuildingHospital | building-hospital | -| BuildingLighthouse | building-lighthouse | -| BuildingMonument | building-monument | -| BuildingPavilon | building-pavilon | -| BuildingSkyscraper | building-skyscraper | -| BuildingStore | building-store | -| BuildingWarehouse | building-warehouse | -| Building | building | -| BulbOff | bulb-off | -| Bulb | bulb | -| Bulldozer | bulldozer | -| Bus | bus | -| Businessplan | businessplan | -| Butterfly | butterfly | -| Calculator | calculator | -| CalendarEvent | calendar-event | -| CalendarMinus | calendar-minus | -| CalendarOff | calendar-off | -| CalendarPlus | calendar-plus | -| CalendarStats | calendar-stats | -| CalendarTime | calendar-time | -| Calendar | calendar | -| CameraMinus | camera-minus | -| CameraOff | camera-off | -| CameraPlus | camera-plus | -| CameraRotate | camera-rotate | -| CameraSelfie | camera-selfie | -| Camera | camera | -| Candle | candle | -| Candy | candy | -| Capture | capture | -| CarCrane | car-crane | -| CarCrash | car-crash | -| Car | car | -| Caravan | caravan | -| Cardboards | cardboards | -| CaretDown | caret-down | -| CaretLeft | caret-left | -| CaretRight | caret-right | -| CaretUp | caret-up | -| CashBanknoteOff | cash-banknote-off | -| CashBanknote | cash-banknote | -| Cash | cash | -| Cast | cast | -| Ce | ce | -| Certificate | certificate | -| ChargingPile | charging-pile | -| ChartArcs3 | chart-arcs-3 | -| ChartArcs | chart-arcs | -| ChartAreaLine | chart-area-line | -| ChartArea | chart-area | -| ChartArrowsVertical | chart-arrows-vertical | -| ChartArrows | chart-arrows | -| ChartBar | chart-bar | -| ChartBubble | chart-bubble | -| ChartCandle | chart-candle | -| ChartCircles | chart-circles | -| ChartDonut2 | chart-donut-2 | -| ChartDonut3 | chart-donut-3 | -| ChartDonut4 | chart-donut-4 | -| ChartDonut | chart-donut | -| ChartDots | chart-dots | -| ChartInfographic | chart-infographic | -| ChartLine | chart-line | -| ChartPie2 | chart-pie-2 | -| ChartPie3 | chart-pie-3 | -| ChartPie4 | chart-pie-4 | -| ChartPie | chart-pie | -| ChartRadar | chart-radar | -| Check | check | -| Checkbox | checkbox | -| Checks | checks | -| CheckupList | checkup-list | -| Cheese | cheese | -| ChevronDownLeft | chevron-down-left | -| ChevronDownRight | chevron-down-right | -| ChevronDown | chevron-down | -| ChevronLeft | chevron-left | -| ChevronRight | chevron-right | -| ChevronUpLeft | chevron-up-left | -| ChevronUpRight | chevron-up-right | -| ChevronUp | chevron-up | -| ChevronsDownLeft | chevrons-down-left | -| ChevronsDownRight | chevrons-down-right | -| ChevronsDown | chevrons-down | -| ChevronsLeft | chevrons-left | -| ChevronsRight | chevrons-right | -| ChevronsUpLeft | chevrons-up-left | -| ChevronsUpRight | chevrons-up-right | -| ChevronsUp | chevrons-up | -| ChristmasTree | christmas-tree | -| Circle0 | circle-0 | -| Circle1 | circle-1 | -| Circle2 | circle-2 | -| Circle3 | circle-3 | -| Circle4 | circle-4 | -| Circle5 | circle-5 | -| Circle6 | circle-6 | -| Circle7 | circle-7 | -| Circle8 | circle-8 | -| Circle9 | circle-9 | -| CircleCheck | circle-check | -| CircleDashed | circle-dashed | -| CircleDot | circle-dot | -| CircleDotted | circle-dotted | -| CircleHalfVertical | circle-half-vertical | -| CircleHalf | circle-half | -| CircleMinus | circle-minus | -| CircleOff | circle-off | -| CirclePlus | circle-plus | -| CircleSquare | circle-square | -| CircleX | circle-x | -| Circle | circle | -| Circles | circles | -| ClearAll | clear-all | -| ClearFormatting | clear-formatting | -| Click | click | -| ClipboardCheck | clipboard-check | -| ClipboardList | clipboard-list | -| ClipboardPlus | clipboard-plus | -| ClipboardX | clipboard-x | -| Clipboard | clipboard | -| Clock | clock | -| CloudDownload | cloud-download | -| CloudFog | cloud-fog | -| CloudLockOpen | cloud-lock-open | -| CloudLock | cloud-lock | -| CloudOff | cloud-off | -| CloudRain | cloud-rain | -| CloudSnow | cloud-snow | -| CloudStorm | cloud-storm | -| CloudUpload | cloud-upload | -| Cloud | cloud | -| CodeMinus | code-minus | -| CodePlus | code-plus | -| Code | code | -| Coffee | coffee | -| Coin | coin | -| ColorPicker | color-picker | -| ColorSwatch | color-swatch | -| ColumnInsertLeft | column-insert-left | -| ColumnInsertRight | column-insert-right | -| Columns | columns | -| Comet | comet | -| Command | command | -| Compass | compass | -| Components | components | -| Cone2 | cone-2 | -| Cone | cone | -| Confetti | confetti | -| Container | container | -| Contrast2 | contrast-2 | -| Contrast | contrast | -| Cookie | cookie | -| Copy | copy | -| Copyleft | copyleft | -| Copyright | copyright | -| CornerDownLeftDouble | corner-down-left-double | -| CornerDownLeft | corner-down-left | -| CornerDownRightDouble | corner-down-right-double | -| CornerDownRight | corner-down-right | -| CornerLeftDownDouble | corner-left-down-double | -| CornerLeftDown | corner-left-down | -| CornerLeftUpDouble | corner-left-up-double | -| CornerLeftUp | corner-left-up | -| CornerRightDownDouble | corner-right-down-double | -| CornerRightDown | corner-right-down | -| CornerRightUpDouble | corner-right-up-double | -| CornerRightUp | corner-right-up | -| CornerUpLeftDouble | corner-up-left-double | -| CornerUpLeft | corner-up-left | -| CornerUpRightDouble | corner-up-right-double | -| CornerUpRight | corner-up-right | -| Cpu | cpu | -| Crane | crane | -| CreativeCommons | creative-commons | -| CreditCardOff | credit-card-off | -| CreditCard | credit-card | -| Crop | crop | -| Cross | cross | -| Crosshair | crosshair | -| CrownOff | crown-off | -| Crown | crown | -| Crutches | crutches | -| Cup | cup | -| Curling | curling | -| CurlyLoop | curly-loop | -| CurrencyBahraini | currency-bahraini | -| CurrencyBath | currency-bath | -| CurrencyBitcoin | currency-bitcoin | -| CurrencyCent | currency-cent | -| CurrencyDinar | currency-dinar | -| CurrencyDirham | currency-dirham | -| CurrencyDogecoin | currency-dogecoin | -| CurrencyDollarAustralian | currency-dollar-australian | -| CurrencyDollarCanadian | currency-dollar-canadian | -| CurrencyDollarSingapore | currency-dollar-singapore | -| CurrencyDollar | currency-dollar | -| CurrencyEthereum | currency-ethereum | -| CurrencyEuro | currency-euro | -| CurrencyForint | currency-forint | -| CurrencyFrank | currency-frank | -| CurrencyKroneCzech | currency-krone-czech | -| CurrencyKroneDanish | currency-krone-danish | -| CurrencyKroneSwedish | currency-krone-swedish | -| CurrencyLeu | currency-leu | -| CurrencyLira | currency-lira | -| CurrencyLitecoin | currency-litecoin | -| CurrencyNaira | currency-naira | -| CurrencyPound | currency-pound | -| CurrencyReal | currency-real | -| CurrencyRenminbi | currency-renminbi | -| CurrencyRipple | currency-ripple | -| CurrencyRiyal | currency-riyal | -| CurrencyRubel | currency-rubel | -| CurrencyRupee | currency-rupee | -| CurrencyShekel | currency-shekel | -| CurrencyTaka | currency-taka | -| CurrencyTugrik | currency-tugrik | -| CurrencyWon | currency-won | -| CurrencyYen | currency-yen | -| CurrencyZloty | currency-zloty | -| Currency | currency | -| CurrentLocation | current-location | -| CursorText | cursor-text | -| Cut | cut | -| Dashboard | dashboard | -| DatabaseExport | database-export | -| DatabaseImport | database-import | -| DatabaseOff | database-off | -| Database | database | -| Details | details | -| DeviceAnalytics | device-analytics | -| DeviceAudioTape | device-audio-tape | -| DeviceCctv | device-cctv | -| DeviceComputerCameraOff | device-computer-camera-off | -| DeviceComputerCamera | device-computer-camera | -| DeviceDesktopAnalytics | device-desktop-analytics | -| DeviceDesktopOff | device-desktop-off | -| DeviceDesktop | device-desktop | -| DeviceFloppy | device-floppy | -| DeviceGamepad | device-gamepad | -| DeviceLaptop | device-laptop | -| DeviceMobileMessage | device-mobile-message | -| DeviceMobileRotated | device-mobile-rotated | -| DeviceMobileVibration | device-mobile-vibration | -| DeviceMobile | device-mobile | -| DeviceSpeaker | device-speaker | -| DeviceTablet | device-tablet | -| DeviceTv | device-tv | -| DeviceWatchStats2 | device-watch-stats-2 | -| DeviceWatchStats | device-watch-stats | -| DeviceWatch | device-watch | -| Devices2 | devices-2 | -| DevicesPc | devices-pc | -| Devices | devices | -| Diamond | diamond | -| Dice | dice | -| Dimensions | dimensions | -| DirectionHorizontal | direction-horizontal | -| Direction | direction | -| Directions | directions | -| Disabled2 | disabled-2 | -| Disabled | disabled | -| Disc | disc | -| Discount2 | discount-2 | -| Discount | discount | -| Divide | divide | -| Dna2 | dna-2 | -| Dna | dna | -| DogBowl | dog-bowl | -| DoorEnter | door-enter | -| DoorExit | door-exit | -| Door | door | -| DotsCircleHorizontal | dots-circle-horizontal | -| DotsDiagonal2 | dots-diagonal-2 | -| DotsDiagonal | dots-diagonal | -| DotsVertical | dots-vertical | -| Dots | dots | -| Download | download | -| DragDrop2 | drag-drop-2 | -| DragDrop | drag-drop | -| DroneOff | drone-off | -| Drone | drone | -| DropCircle | drop-circle | -| DropletFilled2 | droplet-filled-2 | -| DropletFilled | droplet-filled | -| DropletHalf2 | droplet-half-2 | -| DropletHalf | droplet-half | -| DropletOff | droplet-off | -| Droplet | droplet | -| EarOff | ear-off | -| Ear | ear | -| EditCircle | edit-circle | -| Edit | edit | -| Egg | egg | -| Elevator | elevator | -| EmergencyBed | emergency-bed | -| Emphasis | emphasis | -| Engine | engine | -| EqualNot | equal-not | -| Equal | equal | -| Eraser | eraser | -| Exchange | exchange | -| ExclamationMark | exclamation-mark | -| Exposure | exposure | -| ExternalLink | external-link | -| EyeCheck | eye-check | -| EyeOff | eye-off | -| EyeTable | eye-table | -| Eye | eye | -| Eyeglass2 | eyeglass-2 | -| Eyeglass | eyeglass | -| FaceIdError | face-id-error | -| FaceId | face-id | -| FaceMask | face-mask | -| Fall | fall | -| Feather | feather | -| Fence | fence | -| FileAlert | file-alert | -| FileAnalytics | file-analytics | -| FileCertificate | file-certificate | -| FileCheck | file-check | -| FileCode2 | file-code-2 | -| FileCode | file-code | -| FileDiff | file-diff | -| FileDigit | file-digit | -| FileDislike | file-dislike | -| FileDollar | file-dollar | -| FileDownload | file-download | -| FileEuro | file-euro | -| FileExport | file-export | -| FileHorizontal | file-horizontal | -| FileImport | file-import | -| FileInfo | file-info | -| FileInvoice | file-invoice | -| FileLike | file-like | -| FileMinus | file-minus | -| FileMusic | file-music | -| FileOff | file-off | -| FilePhone | file-phone | -| FilePlus | file-plus | -| FileReport | file-report | -| FileSearch | file-search | -| FileShredder | file-shredder | -| FileSymlink | file-symlink | -| FileText | file-text | -| FileUpload | file-upload | -| FileX | file-x | -| FileZip | file-zip | -| File | file | -| FilesOff | files-off | -| Files | files | -| FilterOff | filter-off | -| Filter | filter | -| Fingerprint | fingerprint | -| Firetruck | firetruck | -| FirstAidKit | first-aid-kit | -| Fish | fish | -| Flag2 | flag-2 | -| Flag3 | flag-3 | -| Flag | flag | -| Flame | flame | -| Flare | flare | -| Flask2 | flask-2 | -| Flask | flask | -| FlipHorizontal | flip-horizontal | -| FlipVertical | flip-vertical | -| FloatCenter | float-center | -| FloatLeft | float-left | -| FloatNone | float-none | -| FloatRight | float-right | -| Focus2 | focus-2 | -| Focus | focus | -| FoldDown | fold-down | -| FoldUp | fold-up | -| Fold | fold | -| FolderMinus | folder-minus | -| FolderOff | folder-off | -| FolderPlus | folder-plus | -| FolderX | folder-x | -| Folder | folder | -| Folders | folders | -| Forbid2 | forbid-2 | -| Forbid | forbid | -| Forklift | forklift | -| Forms | forms | -| Frame | frame | -| FreeRights | free-rights | -| Friends | friends | -| GasStation | gas-station | -| Gauge | gauge | -| Gavel | gavel | -| Geometry | geometry | -| Ghost | ghost | -| Gift | gift | -| GitBranch | git-branch | -| GitCommit | git-commit | -| GitCompare | git-compare | -| GitFork | git-fork | -| GitMerge | git-merge | -| GitPullRequestClosed | git-pull-request-closed | -| GitPullRequestDraft | git-pull-request-draft | -| GitPullRequest | git-pull-request | -| GlassFull | glass-full | -| GlassOff | glass-off | -| Glass | glass | -| Globe | globe | -| Golf | golf | -| Gps | gps | -| Grain | grain | -| GridDots | grid-dots | -| GridPattern | grid-pattern | -| Grill | grill | -| GripHorizontal | grip-horizontal | -| GripVertical | grip-vertical | -| Growth | growth | -| H1 | h-1 | -| H2 | h-2 | -| H3 | h-3 | -| H4 | h-4 | -| H5 | h-5 | -| H6 | h-6 | -| Hammer | hammer | -| HandClick | hand-click | -| HandFinger | hand-finger | -| HandLittleFinger | hand-little-finger | -| HandMiddleFinger | hand-middle-finger | -| HandMove | hand-move | -| HandOff | hand-off | -| HandRingFinger | hand-ring-finger | -| HandRock | hand-rock | -| HandStop | hand-stop | -| HandThreeFingers | hand-three-fingers | -| HandTwoFingers | hand-two-fingers | -| Hanger | hanger | -| Hash | hash | -| Haze | haze | -| Heading | heading | -| HeadphonesOff | headphones-off | -| Headphones | headphones | -| Headset | headset | -| HeartBroken | heart-broken | -| HeartRateMonitor | heart-rate-monitor | -| Heart | heart | -| Heartbeat | heartbeat | -| HelicopterLanding | helicopter-landing | -| Helicopter | helicopter | -| Helmet | helmet | -| Help | help | -| HexagonOff | hexagon-off | -| Hexagon | hexagon | -| Hierarchy2 | hierarchy-2 | -| Hierarchy | hierarchy | -| Highlight | highlight | -| History | history | -| Home2 | home-2 | -| Home | home | -| HotelService | hotel-service | -| Hourglass | hourglass | -| IceCream2 | ice-cream-2 | -| IceCream | ice-cream | -| IceSkating | ice-skating | -| Id | id | -| Inbox | inbox | -| IndentDecrease | indent-decrease | -| IndentIncrease | indent-increase | -| Infinity | infinity | -| InfoCircle | info-circle | -| InfoSquare | info-square | -| Italic | italic | -| JumpRope | jump-rope | -| Karate | karate | -| Kering | kering | -| Key | key | -| KeyboardHide | keyboard-hide | -| KeyboardOff | keyboard-off | -| KeyboardShow | keyboard-show | -| Keyboard | keyboard | -| Ladder | ladder | -| Lamp | lamp | -| LanguageHiragana | language-hiragana | -| LanguageKatakana | language-katakana | -| Language | language | -| Lasso | lasso | -| LayersDifference | layers-difference | -| LayersIntersect | layers-intersect | -| LayersLinked | layers-linked | -| LayersSubtract | layers-subtract | -| LayersUnion | layers-union | -| Layout2 | layout-2 | -| LayoutAlignBottom | layout-align-bottom | -| LayoutAlignCenter | layout-align-center | -| LayoutAlignLeft | layout-align-left | -| LayoutAlignMiddle | layout-align-middle | -| LayoutAlignRight | layout-align-right | -| LayoutAlignTop | layout-align-top | -| LayoutBoardSplit | layout-board-split | -| LayoutBoard | layout-board | -| LayoutBottombar | layout-bottombar | -| LayoutCards | layout-cards | -| LayoutColumns | layout-columns | -| LayoutDistributeHorizontal | layout-distribute-horizontal | -| LayoutDistributeVertical | layout-distribute-vertical | -| LayoutGridAdd | layout-grid-add | -| LayoutGrid | layout-grid | -| LayoutKanban | layout-kanban | -| LayoutList | layout-list | -| LayoutNavbar | layout-navbar | -| LayoutRows | layout-rows | -| LayoutSidebarRight | layout-sidebar-right | -| LayoutSidebar | layout-sidebar | -| Layout | layout | -| Leaf | leaf | -| Lego | lego | -| Lemon2 | lemon-2 | -| Lemon | lemon | -| LetterA | letter-a | -| LetterB | letter-b | -| LetterC | letter-c | -| LetterCaseLower | letter-case-lower | -| LetterCaseToggle | letter-case-toggle | -| LetterCaseUpper | letter-case-upper | -| LetterCase | letter-case | -| LetterD | letter-d | -| LetterE | letter-e | -| LetterF | letter-f | -| LetterG | letter-g | -| LetterH | letter-h | -| LetterI | letter-i | -| LetterJ | letter-j | -| LetterK | letter-k | -| LetterL | letter-l | -| LetterM | letter-m | -| LetterN | letter-n | -| LetterO | letter-o | -| LetterP | letter-p | -| LetterQ | letter-q | -| LetterR | letter-r | -| LetterS | letter-s | -| LetterSpacing | letter-spacing | -| LetterT | letter-t | -| LetterU | letter-u | -| LetterV | letter-v | -| LetterW | letter-w | -| LetterX | letter-x | -| LetterY | letter-y | -| LetterZ | letter-z | -| LettersCase | letters-case | -| License | license | -| Lifebuoy | lifebuoy | -| LineDashed | line-dashed | -| LineDotted | line-dotted | -| LineHeight | line-height | -| Line | line | -| Link | link | -| ListCheck | list-check | -| ListDetails | list-details | -| ListNumbers | list-numbers | -| ListSearch | list-search | -| List | list | -| LivePhoto | live-photo | -| LiveView | live-view | -| LoaderQuarter | loader-quarter | -| Loader | loader | -| Location | location | -| LockAccess | lock-access | -| LockOff | lock-off | -| LockOpen | lock-open | -| LockSquare | lock-square | -| Lock | lock | -| Login | login | -| Logout | logout | -| Lollipop | lollipop | -| Luggage | luggage | -| Lungs | lungs | -| Macro | macro | -| Magnet | magnet | -| MailForward | mail-forward | -| MailOpened | mail-opened | -| Mail | mail | -| Mailbox | mailbox | -| Man | man | -| ManualGearbox | manual-gearbox | -| Map2 | map-2 | -| MapPinOff | map-pin-off | -| MapPin | map-pin | -| MapPins | map-pins | -| MapSearch | map-search | -| Map | map | -| Markdown | markdown | -| Marquee2 | marquee-2 | -| Marquee | marquee | -| Mars | mars | -| MaskOff | mask-off | -| Mask | mask | -| Massage | massage | -| MathFunction | math-function | -| MathSymbols | math-symbols | -| Math | math | -| Maximize | maximize | -| Meat | meat | -| Medal2 | medal-2 | -| Medal | medal | -| MedicalCross | medical-cross | -| MedicineSyrup | medicine-syrup | -| Menu2 | menu-2 | -| Menu | menu | -| Message2 | message-2 | -| MessageCircle2 | message-circle-2 | -| MessageCircleOff | message-circle-off | -| MessageCircle | message-circle | -| MessageDots | message-dots | -| MessageLanguage | message-language | -| MessageOff | message-off | -| MessagePlus | message-plus | -| MessageReport | message-report | -| Message | message | -| MessagesOff | messages-off | -| Messages | messages | -| Microphone2 | microphone-2 | -| MicrophoneOff | microphone-off | -| Microphone | microphone | -| Microscope | microscope | -| MiliratyAward | miliraty-award | -| MilitaryRank | military-rank | -| Milk | milk | -| Minimize | minimize | -| MinusVertical | minus-vertical | -| Minus | minus | -| Mist | mist | -| MoodBoy | mood-boy | -| MoodConfuzed | mood-confuzed | -| MoodCrazyHappy | mood-crazy-happy | -| MoodCry | mood-cry | -| MoodEmpty | mood-empty | -| MoodHappy | mood-happy | -| MoodKid | mood-kid | -| MoodNervous | mood-nervous | -| MoodNeutral | mood-neutral | -| MoodSad | mood-sad | -| MoodSmile | mood-smile | -| MoodSuprised | mood-suprised | -| MoodTongue | mood-tongue | -| Moon2 | moon-2 | -| MoonStars | moon-stars | -| Moon | moon | -| Moped | moped | -| Motorbike | motorbike | -| Mountain | mountain | -| Mouse | mouse | -| Movie | movie | -| Mug | mug | -| Multiplier05x | multiplier-0-5x | -| Multiplier15x | multiplier-1-5x | -| Multiplier1x | multiplier-1x | -| Multiplier2x | multiplier-2x | -| Mushroom | mushroom | -| Music | music | -| NewSection | new-section | -| News | news | -| Nfc | nfc | -| NoCopyright | no-copyright | -| NoCreativeCommons | no-creative-commons | -| NoDerivatives | no-derivatives | -| Note | note | -| Notebook | notebook | -| Notes | notes | -| Notification | notification | -| Number0 | number-0 | -| Number1 | number-1 | -| Number2 | number-2 | -| Number3 | number-3 | -| Number4 | number-4 | -| Number5 | number-5 | -| Number6 | number-6 | -| Number7 | number-7 | -| Number8 | number-8 | -| Number9 | number-9 | -| Nurse | nurse | -| OctagonOff | octagon-off | -| Octagon | octagon | -| Old | old | -| Olympics | olympics | -| Omega | omega | -| Outlet | outlet | -| Overline | overline | -| Package | package | -| Pacman | pacman | -| PageBreak | page-break | -| Paint | paint | -| Palette | palette | -| PanoramaHorizontal | panorama-horizontal | -| PanoramaVertical | panorama-vertical | -| Paperclip | paperclip | -| Parachute | parachute | -| Parentheses | parentheses | -| Parking | parking | -| Peace | peace | -| Pencil | pencil | -| Pennant | pennant | -| Pentagon | pentagon | -| Pepper | pepper | -| Percentage | percentage | -| Perspective | perspective | -| PhoneCall | phone-call | -| PhoneCalling | phone-calling | -| PhoneCheck | phone-check | -| PhoneIncoming | phone-incoming | -| PhoneOff | phone-off | -| PhoneOutgoing | phone-outgoing | -| PhonePause | phone-pause | -| PhonePlus | phone-plus | -| PhoneX | phone-x | -| Phone | phone | -| PhotoOff | photo-off | -| Photo | photo | -| Physotherapist | physotherapist | -| PictureInPictureOff | picture-in-picture-off | -| PictureInPictureOn | picture-in-picture-on | -| PictureInPictureTop | picture-in-picture-top | -| PictureInPicture | picture-in-picture | -| Pig | pig | -| Pill | pill | -| Pills | pills | -| Pin | pin | -| PinnedOff | pinned-off | -| Pinned | pinned | -| Pizza | pizza | -| PlaneArrival | plane-arrival | -| PlaneDeparture | plane-departure | -| PlaneInflight | plane-inflight | -| Plane | plane | -| Planet | planet | -| Plant2 | plant-2 | -| Plant | plant | -| PlayCard | play-card | -| PlayerEject | player-eject | -| PlayerPause | player-pause | -| PlayerPlay | player-play | -| PlayerRecord | player-record | -| PlayerSkipBack | player-skip-back | -| PlayerSkipForward | player-skip-forward | -| PlayerStop | player-stop | -| PlayerTrackNext | player-track-next | -| PlayerTrackPrev | player-track-prev | -| Playlist | playlist | -| Plug | plug | -| Plus | plus | -| Point | point | -| Pokeball | pokeball | -| Polaroid | polaroid | -| Polygon | polygon | -| Pool | pool | -| Power | power | -| Pray | pray | -| PremiumRights | premium-rights | -| Prescription | prescription | -| PresentationAnalytics | presentation-analytics | -| Presentation | presentation | -| Printer | printer | -| Prison | prison | -| Prompt | prompt | -| Propeller | propeller | -| Puzzle2 | puzzle-2 | -| Puzzle | puzzle | -| Pyramid | pyramid | -| Qrcode | qrcode | -| QuestionMark | question-mark | -| Quote | quote | -| Radio | radio | -| Radioactive | radioactive | -| RadiusBottomLeft | radius-bottom-left | -| RadiusBottomRight | radius-bottom-right | -| RadiusTopLeft | radius-top-left | -| RadiusTopRight | radius-top-right | -| Rainbow | rainbow | -| Receipt2 | receipt-2 | -| ReceiptOff | receipt-off | -| ReceiptRefund | receipt-refund | -| ReceiptTax | receipt-tax | -| Receipt | receipt | -| Recharging | recharging | -| RecordMail | record-mail | -| RectangleVertical | rectangle-vertical | -| Rectangle | rectangle | -| Recycle | recycle | -| RefreshAlert | refresh-alert | -| RefreshDot | refresh-dot | -| Refresh | refresh | -| Registered | registered | -| RelationManyToMany | relation-many-to-many | -| RelationOneToMany | relation-one-to-many | -| RelationOneToOne | relation-one-to-one | -| RepeatOnce | repeat-once | -| Repeat | repeat | -| Replace | replace | -| ReportAnalytics | report-analytics | -| ReportMedical | report-medical | -| ReportMoney | report-money | -| ReportSearch | report-search | -| Report | report | -| Resize | resize | -| Ripple | ripple | -| RoadSign | road-sign | -| Rocket | rocket | -| RollerSkating | roller-skating | -| Rotate2 | rotate-2 | -| Rotate360 | rotate-360 | -| RotateClockwise2 | rotate-clockwise-2 | -| RotateClockwise | rotate-clockwise | -| RotateDot | rotate-dot | -| RotateRectangle | rotate-rectangle | -| Rotate | rotate | -| Route | route | -| Router | router | -| RowInsertBottom | row-insert-bottom | -| RowInsertTop | row-insert-top | -| Rss | rss | -| Ruler2 | ruler-2 | -| Ruler | ruler | -| Run | run | -| Sailboat | sailboat | -| Salt | salt | -| Satellite | satellite | -| Sausage | sausage | -| ScaleOutline | scale-outline | -| Scale | scale | -| Scan | scan | -| School | school | -| Scissors | scissors | -| ScooterElectric | scooter-electric | -| Scooter | scooter | -| ScreenShareOff | screen-share-off | -| ScreenShare | screen-share | -| ScubaMask | scuba-mask | -| Search | search | -| Section | section | -| Seeding | seeding | -| Select | select | -| Selector | selector | -| Send | send | -| SeparatorHorizontal | separator-horizontal | -| SeparatorVertical | separator-vertical | -| Separator | separator | -| Server | server | -| Servicemark | servicemark | -| SettingsAutomation | settings-automation | -| Settings | settings | -| ShadowOff | shadow-off | -| Shadow | shadow | -| Shape2 | shape-2 | -| Shape3 | shape-3 | -| Shape | shape | -| Share | share | -| ShieldCheck | shield-check | -| ShieldCheckered | shield-checkered | -| ShieldChevron | shield-chevron | -| ShieldLock | shield-lock | -| ShieldOff | shield-off | -| ShieldX | shield-x | -| Shield | shield | -| Ship | ship | -| Shirt | shirt | -| Shoe | shoe | -| ShoppingCartDiscount | shopping-cart-discount | -| ShoppingCartOff | shopping-cart-off | -| ShoppingCartPlus | shopping-cart-plus | -| ShoppingCartX | shopping-cart-x | -| ShoppingCart | shopping-cart | -| Shredder | shredder | -| Signature | signature | -| Sitemap | sitemap | -| Skateboard | skateboard | -| Sleigh | sleigh | -| Slice | slice | -| Slideshow | slideshow | -| SmartHome | smart-home | -| SmokingNo | smoking-no | -| Smoking | smoking | -| Snowflake | snowflake | -| SoccerField | soccer-field | -| Social | social | -| Sock | sock | -| Sofa | sofa | -| SortAscending2 | sort-ascending-2 | -| SortAscendingLetters | sort-ascending-letters | -| SortAscendingNumbers | sort-ascending-numbers | -| SortAscending | sort-ascending | -| SortDescending2 | sort-descending-2 | -| SortDescendingLetters | sort-descending-letters | -| SortDescendingNumbers | sort-descending-numbers | -| SortDescending | sort-descending | -| Soup | soup | -| Space | space | -| SpacingHorizontal | spacing-horizontal | -| SpacingVertical | spacing-vertical | -| Speakerphone | speakerphone | -| Speedboat | speedboat | -| SportBillard | sport-billard | -| Square0 | square-0 | -| Square1 | square-1 | -| Square2 | square-2 | -| Square3 | square-3 | -| Square4 | square-4 | -| Square5 | square-5 | -| Square6 | square-6 | -| Square7 | square-7 | -| Square8 | square-8 | -| Square9 | square-9 | -| SquareCheck | square-check | -| SquareDot | square-dot | -| SquareForbid2 | square-forbid-2 | -| SquareForbid | square-forbid | -| SquareMinus | square-minus | -| SquareOff | square-off | -| SquarePlus | square-plus | -| SquareRoot2 | square-root-2 | -| SquareRoot | square-root | -| SquareRotatedOff | square-rotated-off | -| SquareRotated | square-rotated | -| SquareToggleHorizontal | square-toggle-horizontal | -| SquareToggle | square-toggle | -| SquareX | square-x | -| Square | square | -| SquaresDiagonal | squares-diagonal | -| SquaresFilled | squares-filled | -| Stack2 | stack-2 | -| Stack3 | stack-3 | -| Stack | stack | -| StairsDown | stairs-down | -| StairsUp | stairs-up | -| Stairs | stairs | -| StarHalf | star-half | -| StarOff | star-off | -| Star | star | -| Stars | stars | -| SteeringWheel | steering-wheel | -| StepInto | step-into | -| StepOut | step-out | -| Stethoscope | stethoscope | -| Sticker | sticker | -| Strikethrough | strikethrough | -| Submarine | submarine | -| Subscript | subscript | -| Subtask | subtask | -| Sum | sum | -| SunOff | sun-off | -| Sun | sun | -| Sunrise | sunrise | -| Sunset | sunset | -| Superscript | superscript | -| Swimming | swimming | -| Switch2 | switch-2 | -| Switch3 | switch-3 | -| SwitchHorizontal | switch-horizontal | -| SwitchVertical | switch-vertical | -| Switch | switch | -| TableExport | table-export | -| TableImport | table-import | -| TableOff | table-off | -| Table | table | -| TagOff | tag-off | -| Tag | tag | -| TagsOff | tags-off | -| Tags | tags | -| Tallymark1 | tallymark-1 | -| Tallymark2 | tallymark-2 | -| Tallymark3 | tallymark-3 | -| Tallymark4 | tallymark-4 | -| Tallymarks | tallymarks | -| Tank | tank | -| Target | target | -| TemperatureCelsius | temperature-celsius | -| TemperatureFahrenheit | temperature-fahrenheit | -| TemperatureMinus | temperature-minus | -| TemperaturePlus | temperature-plus | -| Temperature | temperature | -| Template | template | -| Tent | tent | -| Terminal2 | terminal-2 | -| Terminal | terminal | -| TestPipe | test-pipe | -| TextDirectionLtr | text-direction-ltr | -| TextDirectionRtl | text-direction-rtl | -| TextResize | text-resize | -| TextWrapDisabled | text-wrap-disabled | -| TextWrap | text-wrap | -| Thermometer | thermometer | -| ThumbDown | thumb-down | -| ThumbUp | thumb-up | -| Ticket | ticket | -| TiltShift | tilt-shift | -| Tir | tir | -| ToggleLeft | toggle-left | -| ToggleRight | toggle-right | -| ToiletPaper | toilet-paper | -| Tool | tool | -| ToolsKitchen2 | tools-kitchen-2 | -| ToolsKitchen | tools-kitchen | -| Tools | tools | -| Tornado | tornado | -| Tournament | tournament | -| Track | track | -| Tractor | tractor | -| Trademark | trademark | -| TrafficCone | traffic-cone | -| TrafficLights | traffic-lights | -| Train | train | -| TransferIn | transfer-in | -| TransferOut | transfer-out | -| TrashOff | trash-off | -| TrashX | trash-x | -| Trash | trash | -| Tree | tree | -| Trees | trees | -| TrendingDown2 | trending-down-2 | -| TrendingDown3 | trending-down-3 | -| TrendingDown | trending-down | -| TrendingUp2 | trending-up-2 | -| TrendingUp3 | trending-up-3 | -| TrendingUp | trending-up | -| TriangleOff | triangle-off | -| TriangleSquareCircle | triangle-square-circle | -| Triangle | triangle | -| Trident | trident | -| Trophy | trophy | -| TruckDelivery | truck-delivery | -| TruckOff | truck-off | -| TruckReturn | truck-return | -| Truck | truck | -| Typography | typography | -| Umbrella | umbrella | -| Underline | underline | -| Unlink | unlink | -| Upload | upload | -| Urgent | urgent | -| UserCheck | user-check | -| UserCircle | user-circle | -| UserExclamation | user-exclamation | -| UserMinus | user-minus | -| UserOff | user-off | -| UserPlus | user-plus | -| UserSearch | user-search | -| UserX | user-x | -| User | user | -| Users | users | -| VaccineBottle | vaccine-bottle | -| Vaccine | vaccine | -| Variable | variable | -| VectorBeizer2 | vector-beizer-2 | -| VectorBezier | vector-bezier | -| VectorTriangle | vector-triangle | -| Vector | vector | -| Venus | venus | -| Versions | versions | -| VideoMinus | video-minus | -| VideoOff | video-off | -| VideoPlus | video-plus | -| Video | video | -| View360 | view-360 | -| Viewfinder | viewfinder | -| ViewportNarrow | viewport-narrow | -| ViewportWide | viewport-wide | -| VirusOff | virus-off | -| VirusSearch | virus-search | -| Virus | virus | -| Vocabulary | vocabulary | -| Volume2 | volume-2 | -| Volume3 | volume-3 | -| Volume | volume | -| Walk | walk | -| Wall | wall | -| Wallet | wallet | -| Wallpaper | wallpaper | -| Wand | wand | -| WaveSawTool | wave-saw-tool | -| WaveSine | wave-sine | -| WaveSquare | wave-square | -| Wifi0 | wifi-0 | -| Wifi1 | wifi-1 | -| Wifi2 | wifi-2 | -| WifiOff | wifi-off | -| Wifi | wifi | -| Wind | wind | -| Windmill | windmill | -| Window | window | -| WiperWash | wiper-wash | -| Wiper | wiper | -| Woman | woman | -| WorldDownload | world-download | -| WorldLatitude | world-latitude | -| WorldLongitude | world-longitude | -| WorldUpload | world-upload | -| World | world | -| WreckingBall | wrecking-ball | -| WritingSign | writing-sign | -| Writing | writing | -| X | x | -| YinYang | yin-yang | -| ZodiacAquarius | zodiac-aquarius | -| ZodiacAries | zodiac-aries | -| ZodiacCancer | zodiac-cancer | -| ZodiacCapricorn | zodiac-capricorn | -| ZodiacGemini | zodiac-gemini | -| ZodiacLeo | zodiac-leo | -| ZodiacLibra | zodiac-libra | -| ZodiacPisces | zodiac-pisces | -| ZodiacSagittarius | zodiac-sagittarius | -| ZodiacScorpio | zodiac-scorpio | -| ZodiacTaurus | zodiac-taurus | -| ZodiacVirgo | zodiac-virgo | -| ZoomCancel | zoom-cancel | -| ZoomCheck | zoom-check | -| ZoomIn | zoom-in | -| ZoomMoney | zoom-money | -| ZoomOut | zoom-out | -| ZoomQuestion | zoom-question | +| Module Name | Original Name | +| -------------------------- | ----------------------------- | +| TwoFA | 2fa | +| ThreeDCubeSphere | 3d-cube-sphere | +| ThreeDRotate | 3d-rotate | +| ABOff | a-b-off | +| AB | a-b | +| Abacus | abacus | +| AccessPointOff | access-point-off | +| AccessPoint | access-point | +| AccessibleOff | accessible-off | +| Accessible | accessible | +| ActivityHeartbeat | activity-heartbeat | +| Activity | activity | +| Ad2 | ad-2 | +| Ad | ad | +| AddressBook | address-book | +| AdjustmentsAlt | adjustments-alt | +| AdjustmentsHorizontal | adjustments-horizontal | +| AdjustmentsOff | adjustments-off | +| Adjustments | adjustments | +| AerialLift | aerial-lift | +| Affiliate | affiliate | +| AlarmOff | alarm-off | +| Alarm | alarm | +| Album | album | +| AlertCircle | alert-circle | +| AlertOctagon | alert-octagon | +| AlertTriangle | alert-triangle | +| Alien | alien | +| AlignCenter | align-center | +| AlignJustified | align-justified | +| AlignLeft | align-left | +| AlignRight | align-right | +| Ambulance | ambulance | +| AnchorOff | anchor-off | +| Anchor | anchor | +| Angle | angle | +| Ankh | ankh | +| AntennaBars1 | antenna-bars-1 | +| AntennaBars2 | antenna-bars-2 | +| AntennaBars3 | antenna-bars-3 | +| AntennaBars4 | antenna-bars-4 | +| AntennaBars5 | antenna-bars-5 | +| AntennaBarsOff | antenna-bars-off | +| Antenna | antenna | +| Aperture | aperture | +| ApiAppOff | api-app-off | +| ApiApp | api-app | +| ApiOff | api-off | +| Api | api | +| AppWindow | app-window | +| Apple | apple | +| AppsOff | apps-off | +| Apps | apps | +| ArchiveOff | archive-off | +| Archive | archive | +| Armchair2 | armchair-2 | +| Armchair | armchair | +| ArrowAutofitContent | arrow-autofit-content | +| ArrowAutofitDown | arrow-autofit-down | +| ArrowAutofitHeight | arrow-autofit-height | +| ArrowAutofitLeft | arrow-autofit-left | +| ArrowAutofitRight | arrow-autofit-right | +| ArrowAutofitUp | arrow-autofit-up | +| ArrowAutofitWidth | arrow-autofit-width | +| ArrowBackUp | arrow-back-up | +| ArrowBack | arrow-back | +| ArrowBarDown | arrow-bar-down | +| ArrowBarLeft | arrow-bar-left | +| ArrowBarRight | arrow-bar-right | +| ArrowBarToDown | arrow-bar-to-down | +| ArrowBarToLeft | arrow-bar-to-left | +| ArrowBarToRight | arrow-bar-to-right | +| ArrowBarToUp | arrow-bar-to-up | +| ArrowBarUp | arrow-bar-up | +| ArrowBearLeft2 | arrow-bear-left-2 | +| ArrowBearLeft | arrow-bear-left | +| ArrowBearRight2 | arrow-bear-right-2 | +| ArrowBearRight | arrow-bear-right | +| ArrowBigDownLine | arrow-big-down-line | +| ArrowBigDownLines | arrow-big-down-lines | +| ArrowBigDown | arrow-big-down | +| ArrowBigLeftLine | arrow-big-left-line | +| ArrowBigLeftLines | arrow-big-left-lines | +| ArrowBigLeft | arrow-big-left | +| ArrowBigRightLine | arrow-big-right-line | +| ArrowBigRightLines | arrow-big-right-lines | +| ArrowBigRight | arrow-big-right | +| ArrowBigTop | arrow-big-top | +| ArrowBigUpLine | arrow-big-up-line | +| ArrowBigUpLines | arrow-big-up-lines | +| ArrowBottomBar | arrow-bottom-bar | +| ArrowBottomCircle | arrow-bottom-circle | +| ArrowBottomSquare | arrow-bottom-square | +| ArrowBottomTail | arrow-bottom-tail | +| ArrowCurveLeft | arrow-curve-left | +| ArrowCurveRight | arrow-curve-right | +| ArrowDownCircle | arrow-down-circle | +| ArrowDownLeftCircle | arrow-down-left-circle | +| ArrowDownLeft | arrow-down-left | +| ArrowDownRightCircle | arrow-down-right-circle | +| ArrowDownRight | arrow-down-right | +| ArrowDown | arrow-down | +| ArrowFork | arrow-fork | +| ArrowForwardUp | arrow-forward-up | +| ArrowForward | arrow-forward | +| ArrowLeftBar | arrow-left-bar | +| ArrowLeftCircle | arrow-left-circle | +| ArrowLeftRight | arrow-left-right | +| ArrowLeftSquare | arrow-left-square | +| ArrowLeftTail | arrow-left-tail | +| ArrowLeft | arrow-left | +| ArrowLoopLeft2 | arrow-loop-left-2 | +| ArrowLoopLeft | arrow-loop-left | +| ArrowLoopRight2 | arrow-loop-right-2 | +| ArrowLoopRight | arrow-loop-right | +| ArrowMerge | arrow-merge | +| ArrowNarrowDown | arrow-narrow-down | +| ArrowNarrowLeft | arrow-narrow-left | +| ArrowNarrowRight | arrow-narrow-right | +| ArrowNarrowUp | arrow-narrow-up | +| ArrowRampLeft2 | arrow-ramp-left-2 | +| ArrowRampLeft3 | arrow-ramp-left-3 | +| ArrowRampLeft | arrow-ramp-left | +| ArrowRampRight2 | arrow-ramp-right-2 | +| ArrowRampRight3 | arrow-ramp-right-3 | +| ArrowRampRight | arrow-ramp-right | +| ArrowRightBar | arrow-right-bar | +| ArrowRightCircle | arrow-right-circle | +| ArrowRightSquare | arrow-right-square | +| ArrowRightTail | arrow-right-tail | +| ArrowRight | arrow-right | +| ArrowRotaryFirstLeft | arrow-rotary-first-left | +| ArrowRotaryFirstRight | arrow-rotary-first-right | +| ArrowRotaryLastLeft | arrow-rotary-last-left | +| ArrowRotaryLastRight | arrow-rotary-last-right | +| ArrowRotaryLeft | arrow-rotary-left | +| ArrowRotaryRight | arrow-rotary-right | +| ArrowRotaryStraight | arrow-rotary-straight | +| ArrowSharpTurnLeft | arrow-sharp-turn-left | +| ArrowSharpTurnRight | arrow-sharp-turn-right | +| ArrowTopBar | arrow-top-bar | +| ArrowTopCircle | arrow-top-circle | +| ArrowTopSquare | arrow-top-square | +| ArrowTopTail | arrow-top-tail | +| ArrowUpCircle | arrow-up-circle | +| ArrowUpLeftCircle | arrow-up-left-circle | +| ArrowUpLeft | arrow-up-left | +| ArrowUpRightCircle | arrow-up-right-circle | +| ArrowUpRight | arrow-up-right | +| ArrowUp | arrow-up | +| ArrowWaveLeftDown | arrow-wave-left-down | +| ArrowWaveLeftUp | arrow-wave-left-up | +| ArrowWaveRightDown | arrow-wave-right-down | +| ArrowWaveRightUp | arrow-wave-right-up | +| ArrowsCross | arrows-cross | +| ArrowsDiagonal2 | arrows-diagonal-2 | +| ArrowsDiagonalMinimize2 | arrows-diagonal-minimize-2 | +| ArrowsDiagonalMinimize | arrows-diagonal-minimize | +| ArrowsDiagonal | arrows-diagonal | +| ArrowsDoubleNeSw | arrows-double-ne-sw | +| ArrowsDoubleNwSe | arrows-double-nw-se | +| ArrowsDoubleSeNw | arrows-double-se-nw | +| ArrowsDoubleSwNe | arrows-double-sw-ne | +| ArrowsDownUp | arrows-down-up | +| ArrowsDown | arrows-down | +| ArrowsHorizontal | arrows-horizontal | +| ArrowsJoin2 | arrows-join-2 | +| ArrowsJoin | arrows-join | +| ArrowsLeftDown | arrows-left-down | +| ArrowsLeftRight | arrows-left-right | +| ArrowsLeft | arrows-left | +| ArrowsMaximize | arrows-maximize | +| ArrowsMinimize | arrows-minimize | +| ArrowsRandom | arrows-random | +| ArrowsRightDown | arrows-right-down | +| ArrowsRightLeft | arrows-right-left | +| ArrowsRight | arrows-right | +| ArrowsShuffle2 | arrows-shuffle-2 | +| ArrowsShuffle | arrows-shuffle | +| ArrowsSort | arrows-sort | +| ArrowsSplit2 | arrows-split-2 | +| ArrowsSplit | arrows-split | +| ArrowsUpDown | arrows-up-down | +| ArrowsUpLeft | arrows-up-left | +| ArrowsUpRight | arrows-up-right | +| ArrowsUp | arrows-up | +| ArrowsVertical | arrows-vertical | +| ArtboardOff | artboard-off | +| Artboard | artboard | +| AspectRatioOff | aspect-ratio-off | +| AspectRatio | aspect-ratio | +| Asset | asset | +| AsteriskSimple | asterisk-simple | +| Asterisk | asterisk | +| AtOff | at-off | +| At | at | +| Atom2 | atom-2 | +| AtomOff | atom-off | +| Atom | atom | +| AugmentedReality | augmented-reality | +| AwardOff | award-off | +| Award | award | +| Axe | axe | +| AxisX | axis-x | +| AxisY | axis-y | +| BabyCarriage | baby-carriage | +| Backhoe | backhoe | +| Backpack | backpack | +| Backspace | backspace | +| BadgeOff | badge-off | +| Badge | badge | +| BadgesOff | badges-off | +| Badges | badges | +| BallAmericanFootball | ball-american-football | +| BallBaseball | ball-baseball | +| BallBasketball | ball-basketball | +| BallBowling | ball-bowling | +| BallFootballOff | ball-football-off | +| BallFootball | ball-football | +| BallTennis | ball-tennis | +| BallVolleyball | ball-volleyball | +| BallonOff | ballon-off | +| Ballon | ballon | +| BallpenOff | ballpen-off | +| Ballpen | ballpen | +| Ban | ban | +| Bandage | bandage | +| BarbellOff | barbell-off | +| Barbell | barbell | +| BarcodeOff | barcode-off | +| Barcode | barcode | +| BarrelOff | barrel-off | +| Barrel | barrel | +| BarrierBlockOff | barrier-block-off | +| BarrierBlock | barrier-block | +| Baseline | baseline | +| BasketOff | basket-off | +| Basket | basket | +| BathOff | bath-off | +| Bath | bath | +| Battery1 | battery-1 | +| Battery2 | battery-2 | +| Battery3 | battery-3 | +| Battery4 | battery-4 | +| BatteryAutomotive | battery-automotive | +| BatteryCharging2 | battery-charging-2 | +| BatteryCharging | battery-charging | +| BatteryEco | battery-eco | +| BatteryOff | battery-off | +| Battery | battery | +| BeachOff | beach-off | +| Beach | beach | +| BedOff | bed-off | +| Bed | bed | +| BeerOff | beer-off | +| Beer | beer | +| BellMinus | bell-minus | +| BellOff | bell-off | +| BellPlus | bell-plus | +| BellRinging2 | bell-ringing-2 | +| BellRinging | bell-ringing | +| BellSchool | bell-school | +| BellX | bell-x | +| BellZ | bell-z | +| Bell | bell | +| Bible | bible | +| BikeOff | bike-off | +| Bike | bike | +| Binary | binary | +| BiohazardOff | biohazard-off | +| Biohazard | biohazard | +| Blockquote | blockquote | +| BluetoothConnected | bluetooth-connected | +| BluetoothOff | bluetooth-off | +| BluetoothX | bluetooth-x | +| Bluetooth | bluetooth | +| Blur | blur | +| BoldOff | bold-off | +| Bold | bold | +| BoltOff | bolt-off | +| Bolt | bolt | +| BoneOff | bone-off | +| Bone | bone | +| Book2 | book-2 | +| BookDownload | book-download | +| BookOff | book-off | +| BookUpload | book-upload | +| Book | book | +| BookmarkOff | bookmark-off | +| Bookmark | bookmark | +| BookmarksOff | bookmarks-off | +| Bookmarks | bookmarks | +| BooksOff | books-off | +| Books | books | +| BorderAll | border-all | +| BorderBottom | border-bottom | +| BorderHorizontal | border-horizontal | +| BorderInner | border-inner | +| BorderLeft | border-left | +| BorderNone | border-none | +| BorderOuter | border-outer | +| BorderRadius | border-radius | +| BorderRight | border-right | +| BorderStyle2 | border-style-2 | +| BorderStyle | border-style | +| BorderTop | border-top | +| BorderVertical | border-vertical | +| Bottle | bottle | +| Bow | bow | +| BoxMargin | box-margin | +| BoxModel2 | box-model-2 | +| BoxModel | box-model | +| BoxMultiple0 | box-multiple-0 | +| BoxMultiple1 | box-multiple-1 | +| BoxMultiple2 | box-multiple-2 | +| BoxMultiple3 | box-multiple-3 | +| BoxMultiple4 | box-multiple-4 | +| BoxMultiple5 | box-multiple-5 | +| BoxMultiple6 | box-multiple-6 | +| BoxMultiple7 | box-multiple-7 | +| BoxMultiple8 | box-multiple-8 | +| BoxMultiple9 | box-multiple-9 | +| BoxMultiple | box-multiple | +| BoxOff | box-off | +| BoxPadding | box-padding | +| Box | box | +| BracesOff | braces-off | +| Braces | braces | +| BracketsOff | brackets-off | +| Brackets | brackets | +| BrandAdobe | brand-adobe | +| BrandAirbnb | brand-airbnb | +| BrandAirtable | brand-airtable | +| BrandAndroid | brand-android | +| BrandAngular | brand-angular | +| BrandAppleArcade | brand-apple-arcade | +| BrandApple | brand-apple | +| BrandAppstore | brand-appstore | +| BrandAsana | brand-asana | +| BrandBehance | brand-behance | +| BrandBing | brand-bing | +| BrandBitbucket | brand-bitbucket | +| BrandBooking | brand-booking | +| BrandBootstrap | brand-bootstrap | +| BrandChrome | brand-chrome | +| BrandCodepen | brand-codepen | +| BrandCodesandbox | brand-codesandbox | +| BrandCss3 | brand-css3 | +| BrandCucumber | brand-cucumber | +| BrandDebian | brand-debian | +| BrandDeviantart | brand-deviantart | +| BrandDiscord | brand-discord | +| BrandDisqus | brand-disqus | +| BrandDocker | brand-docker | +| BrandDoctrine | brand-doctrine | +| BrandDribbble | brand-dribbble | +| BrandEdge | brand-edge | +| BrandFacebook | brand-facebook | +| BrandFigma | brand-figma | +| BrandFirebase | brand-firebase | +| BrandFirefox | brand-firefox | +| BrandFlickr | brand-flickr | +| BrandFoursquare | brand-foursquare | +| BrandFramer | brand-framer | +| BrandGit | brand-git | +| BrandGithub | brand-github | +| BrandGitlab | brand-gitlab | +| BrandGmail | brand-gmail | +| BrandGoogleAnalytics | brand-google-analytics | +| BrandGoogleDrive | brand-google-drive | +| BrandGooglePlay | brand-google-play | +| BrandGoogle | brand-google | +| BrandGravatar | brand-gravatar | +| BrandHipchat | brand-hipchat | +| BrandHtml5 | brand-html5 | +| BrandInstagram | brand-instagram | +| BrandIntercom | brand-intercom | +| BrandJavascript | brand-javascript | +| BrandKickstarter | brand-kickstarter | +| BrandKotlin | brand-kotlin | +| BrandLastfm | brand-lastfm | +| BrandLinkedin | brand-linkedin | +| BrandLoom | brand-loom | +| BrandMastercard | brand-mastercard | +| BrandMedium | brand-medium | +| BrandMercedes | brand-mercedes | +| BrandMessenger | brand-messenger | +| BrandMeta | brand-meta | +| BrandNetbeans | brand-netbeans | +| BrandNetflix | brand-netflix | +| BrandNextjs | brand-nextjs | +| BrandNotion | brand-notion | +| BrandNuxt | brand-nuxt | +| BrandNytimes | brand-nytimes | +| BrandOpenSource | brand-open-source | +| BrandOpera | brand-opera | +| BrandPagekit | brand-pagekit | +| BrandPatreon | brand-patreon | +| BrandPaypal | brand-paypal | +| BrandPhp | brand-php | +| BrandPinterest | brand-pinterest | +| BrandPocket | brand-pocket | +| BrandProducthunt | brand-producthunt | +| BrandPython | brand-python | +| BrandReactNative | brand-react-native | +| BrandReddit | brand-reddit | +| BrandSafari | brand-safari | +| BrandSass | brand-sass | +| BrandSentry | brand-sentry | +| BrandShazam | brand-shazam | +| BrandSketch | brand-sketch | +| BrandSkype | brand-skype | +| BrandSlack | brand-slack | +| BrandSnapchat | brand-snapchat | +| BrandSoundcloud | brand-soundcloud | +| BrandSpotify | brand-spotify | +| BrandStackoverflow | brand-stackoverflow | +| BrandSteam | brand-steam | +| BrandStripe | brand-stripe | +| BrandSublimeText | brand-sublime-text | +| BrandSvelte | brand-svelte | +| BrandTabler | brand-tabler | +| BrandTailwind | brand-tailwind | +| BrandTelegram | brand-telegram | +| BrandTidal | brand-tidal | +| BrandTiktok | brand-tiktok | +| BrandTinder | brand-tinder | +| BrandTripadvisor | brand-tripadvisor | +| BrandTumblr | brand-tumblr | +| BrandTwitch | brand-twitch | +| BrandTwitter | brand-twitter | +| BrandUber | brand-uber | +| BrandUbuntu | brand-ubuntu | +| BrandUnsplash | brand-unsplash | +| BrandVercel | brand-vercel | +| BrandVimeo | brand-vimeo | +| BrandVisualStudio | brand-visual-studio | +| BrandVk | brand-vk | +| BrandVue | brand-vue | +| BrandWhatsapp | brand-whatsapp | +| BrandWindows | brand-windows | +| BrandYahoo | brand-yahoo | +| BrandYcombinator | brand-ycombinator | +| BrandYoutube | brand-youtube | +| Bread | bread | +| Briefcase | briefcase | +| Brightness2 | brightness-2 | +| BrightnessDown | brightness-down | +| BrightnessHalf | brightness-half | +| BrightnessUp | brightness-up | +| Brightness | brightness | +| BrowserCheck | browser-check | +| BrowserOff | browser-off | +| BrowserPlus | browser-plus | +| BrowserX | browser-x | +| Browser | browser | +| BrushOff | brush-off | +| Brush | brush | +| BucketOff | bucket-off | +| Bucket | bucket | +| BugOff | bug-off | +| Bug | bug | +| BuildingArch | building-arch | +| BuildingBank | building-bank | +| BuildingBridge2 | building-bridge-2 | +| BuildingBridge | building-bridge | +| BuildingCarousel | building-carousel | +| BuildingCastle | building-castle | +| BuildingChurch | building-church | +| BuildingCommunity | building-community | +| BuildingCottage | building-cottage | +| BuildingFactory2 | building-factory-2 | +| BuildingFactory | building-factory | +| BuildingFortress | building-fortress | +| BuildingHospital | building-hospital | +| BuildingLighthouse | building-lighthouse | +| BuildingMonument | building-monument | +| BuildingPavilon | building-pavilon | +| BuildingSkyscraper | building-skyscraper | +| BuildingStore | building-store | +| BuildingWarehouse | building-warehouse | +| Building | building | +| BulbOff | bulb-off | +| Bulb | bulb | +| Bulldozer | bulldozer | +| Bus | bus | +| Businessplan | businessplan | +| Butterfly | butterfly | +| CSharp | c-sharp | +| CakeOff | cake-off | +| Cake | cake | +| CalculatorOff | calculator-off | +| Calculator | calculator | +| CalendarEvent | calendar-event | +| CalendarMinus | calendar-minus | +| CalendarOff | calendar-off | +| CalendarPlus | calendar-plus | +| CalendarStats | calendar-stats | +| CalendarTime | calendar-time | +| Calendar | calendar | +| CameraMinus | camera-minus | +| CameraOff | camera-off | +| CameraPlus | camera-plus | +| CameraRotate | camera-rotate | +| CameraSelfie | camera-selfie | +| Camera | camera | +| Candle | candle | +| CandyOff | candy-off | +| Candy | candy | +| CaptureOff | capture-off | +| Capture | capture | +| CarCrane | car-crane | +| CarCrash | car-crash | +| CarOff | car-off | +| Car | car | +| Caravan | caravan | +| CardboardsOff | cardboards-off | +| Cardboards | cardboards | +| CaretDown | caret-down | +| CaretLeft | caret-left | +| CaretRight | caret-right | +| CaretUp | caret-up | +| CashBanknoteOff | cash-banknote-off | +| CashBanknote | cash-banknote | +| CashOff | cash-off | +| Cash | cash | +| CastOff | cast-off | +| Cast | cast | +| CeOff | ce-off | +| Ce | ce | +| CellSignal1 | cell-signal-1 | +| CellSignal2 | cell-signal-2 | +| CellSignal3 | cell-signal-3 | +| CellSignal4 | cell-signal-4 | +| CellSignal5 | cell-signal-5 | +| CellSignalOff | cell-signal-off | +| Cell | cell | +| Certificate2Off | certificate-2-off | +| Certificate2 | certificate-2 | +| CertificateOff | certificate-off | +| Certificate | certificate | +| ChargingPile | charging-pile | +| ChartArcs3 | chart-arcs-3 | +| ChartArcs | chart-arcs | +| ChartAreaLine | chart-area-line | +| ChartArea | chart-area | +| ChartArrowsVertical | chart-arrows-vertical | +| ChartArrows | chart-arrows | +| ChartBar | chart-bar | +| ChartBubble | chart-bubble | +| ChartCandle | chart-candle | +| ChartCircles | chart-circles | +| ChartDonut2 | chart-donut-2 | +| ChartDonut3 | chart-donut-3 | +| ChartDonut4 | chart-donut-4 | +| ChartDonut | chart-donut | +| ChartDots2 | chart-dots-2 | +| ChartDots3 | chart-dots-3 | +| ChartDots | chart-dots | +| ChartInfographic | chart-infographic | +| ChartLine | chart-line | +| ChartPie2 | chart-pie-2 | +| ChartPie3 | chart-pie-3 | +| ChartPie4 | chart-pie-4 | +| ChartPie | chart-pie | +| ChartRadar | chart-radar | +| Check | check | +| Checkbox | checkbox | +| Checklist | checklist | +| Checks | checks | +| CheckupList | checkup-list | +| Cheese | cheese | +| ChevronDownLeft | chevron-down-left | +| ChevronDownRight | chevron-down-right | +| ChevronDown | chevron-down | +| ChevronLeft | chevron-left | +| ChevronRight | chevron-right | +| ChevronUpLeft | chevron-up-left | +| ChevronUpRight | chevron-up-right | +| ChevronUp | chevron-up | +| ChevronsDownLeft | chevrons-down-left | +| ChevronsDownRight | chevrons-down-right | +| ChevronsDown | chevrons-down | +| ChevronsLeft | chevrons-left | +| ChevronsRight | chevrons-right | +| ChevronsUpLeft | chevrons-up-left | +| ChevronsUpRight | chevrons-up-right | +| ChevronsUp | chevrons-up | +| ChristmasTree | christmas-tree | +| Circle0 | circle-0 | +| Circle1 | circle-1 | +| Circle2 | circle-2 | +| Circle3 | circle-3 | +| Circle4 | circle-4 | +| Circle5 | circle-5 | +| Circle6 | circle-6 | +| Circle7 | circle-7 | +| Circle8 | circle-8 | +| Circle9 | circle-9 | +| CircleCheck | circle-check | +| CircleDashed | circle-dashed | +| CircleDot | circle-dot | +| CircleDotted | circle-dotted | +| CircleHalf2 | circle-half-2 | +| CircleHalfVertical | circle-half-vertical | +| CircleHalf | circle-half | +| CircleMinus | circle-minus | +| CircleOff | circle-off | +| CirclePlus | circle-plus | +| CircleRectangleOff | circle-rectangle-off | +| CircleRectangle | circle-rectangle | +| CircleSquare | circle-square | +| CircleTriangle | circle-triangle | +| CircleX | circle-x | +| Circle | circle | +| Circles | circles | +| ClearAll | clear-all | +| ClearFormatting | clear-formatting | +| Click | click | +| ClipboardCheck | clipboard-check | +| ClipboardList | clipboard-list | +| ClipboardOff | clipboard-off | +| ClipboardPlus | clipboard-plus | +| ClipboardText | clipboard-text | +| ClipboardX | clipboard-x | +| Clipboard | clipboard | +| Clock2 | clock-2 | +| ClockOff | clock-off | +| Clock | clock | +| CloudComputing | cloud-computing | +| CloudDataConnection | cloud-data-connection | +| CloudDownload | cloud-download | +| CloudFog | cloud-fog | +| CloudLockOpen | cloud-lock-open | +| CloudLock | cloud-lock | +| CloudOff | cloud-off | +| CloudRain | cloud-rain | +| CloudSnow | cloud-snow | +| CloudStorm | cloud-storm | +| CloudUpload | cloud-upload | +| Cloud | cloud | +| Clubs | clubs | +| CodeMinus | code-minus | +| CodeOff | code-off | +| CodePlus | code-plus | +| Code | code | +| CoffeeOff | coffee-off | +| Coffee | coffee | +| CoinOff | coin-off | +| Coin | coin | +| ColorPickerOff | color-picker-off | +| ColorPicker | color-picker | +| ColorSwatchOff | color-swatch-off | +| ColorSwatch | color-swatch | +| ColumnInsertLeft | column-insert-left | +| ColumnInsertRight | column-insert-right | +| ColumnsOff | columns-off | +| Columns | columns | +| Comet | comet | +| Command | command | +| CompassOff | compass-off | +| Compass | compass | +| ComponentsOff | components-off | +| Components | components | +| Cone2 | cone-2 | +| Cone | cone | +| Confetti | confetti | +| ContainerOff | container-off | +| Container | container | +| Contrast2 | contrast-2 | +| Contrast | contrast | +| CookieOff | cookie-off | +| Cookie | cookie | +| CopyOff | copy-off | +| Copy | copy | +| CopyleftOff | copyleft-off | +| Copyleft | copyleft | +| CopyrightOff | copyright-off | +| Copyright | copyright | +| CornerDownLeftDouble | corner-down-left-double | +| CornerDownLeft | corner-down-left | +| CornerDownRightDouble | corner-down-right-double | +| CornerDownRight | corner-down-right | +| CornerLeftDownDouble | corner-left-down-double | +| CornerLeftDown | corner-left-down | +| CornerLeftUpDouble | corner-left-up-double | +| CornerLeftUp | corner-left-up | +| CornerRightDownDouble | corner-right-down-double | +| CornerRightDown | corner-right-down | +| CornerRightUpDouble | corner-right-up-double | +| CornerRightUp | corner-right-up | +| CornerUpLeftDouble | corner-up-left-double | +| CornerUpLeft | corner-up-left | +| CornerUpRightDouble | corner-up-right-double | +| CornerUpRight | corner-up-right | +| Cpu2 | cpu-2 | +| CpuOff | cpu-off | +| Cpu | cpu | +| CraneOff | crane-off | +| Crane | crane | +| CreativeCommonsOff | creative-commons-off | +| CreativeCommons | creative-commons | +| CreditCardOff | credit-card-off | +| CreditCard | credit-card | +| Cricket | cricket | +| Crop | crop | +| CrossOff | cross-off | +| Cross | cross | +| Crosshair | crosshair | +| CrownOff | crown-off | +| Crown | crown | +| CrutchesOff | crutches-off | +| Crutches | crutches | +| CupOff | cup-off | +| Cup | cup | +| Curling | curling | +| CurlyLoop | curly-loop | +| CurrencyBahraini | currency-bahraini | +| CurrencyBaht | currency-baht | +| CurrencyBitcoin | currency-bitcoin | +| CurrencyCent | currency-cent | +| CurrencyDinar | currency-dinar | +| CurrencyDirham | currency-dirham | +| CurrencyDogecoin | currency-dogecoin | +| CurrencyDollarAustralian | currency-dollar-australian | +| CurrencyDollarCanadian | currency-dollar-canadian | +| CurrencyDollarSingapore | currency-dollar-singapore | +| CurrencyDollar | currency-dollar | +| CurrencyEthereum | currency-ethereum | +| CurrencyEuro | currency-euro | +| CurrencyForint | currency-forint | +| CurrencyFrank | currency-frank | +| CurrencyKroneCzech | currency-krone-czech | +| CurrencyKroneDanish | currency-krone-danish | +| CurrencyKroneSwedish | currency-krone-swedish | +| CurrencyLeu | currency-leu | +| CurrencyLira | currency-lira | +| CurrencyLitecoin | currency-litecoin | +| CurrencyNaira | currency-naira | +| CurrencyPound | currency-pound | +| CurrencyReal | currency-real | +| CurrencyRenminbi | currency-renminbi | +| CurrencyRipple | currency-ripple | +| CurrencyRiyal | currency-riyal | +| CurrencyRubel | currency-rubel | +| CurrencyRupee | currency-rupee | +| CurrencyShekel | currency-shekel | +| CurrencyTaka | currency-taka | +| CurrencyTugrik | currency-tugrik | +| CurrencyWon | currency-won | +| CurrencyYen | currency-yen | +| CurrencyZloty | currency-zloty | +| Currency | currency | +| CurrentLocationOff | current-location-off | +| CurrentLocation | current-location | +| CursorOff | cursor-off | +| CursorText | cursor-text | +| Cut | cut | +| Dashboard | dashboard | +| DatabaseExport | database-export | +| DatabaseImport | database-import | +| DatabaseOff | database-off | +| Database | database | +| DentalOff | dental-off | +| Dental | dental | +| Details | details | +| DeviceAnalytics | device-analytics | +| DeviceAudioTape | device-audio-tape | +| DeviceCctv | device-cctv | +| DeviceComputerCameraOff | device-computer-camera-off | +| DeviceComputerCamera | device-computer-camera | +| DeviceDesktopAnalytics | device-desktop-analytics | +| DeviceDesktopOff | device-desktop-off | +| DeviceDesktop | device-desktop | +| DeviceFloppy | device-floppy | +| DeviceGamepad2 | device-gamepad-2 | +| DeviceGamepad | device-gamepad | +| DeviceHeartMonitor | device-heart-monitor | +| DeviceLaptopOff | device-laptop-off | +| DeviceLaptop | device-laptop | +| DeviceMobileMessage | device-mobile-message | +| DeviceMobileOff | device-mobile-off | +| DeviceMobileRotated | device-mobile-rotated | +| DeviceMobileVibration | device-mobile-vibration | +| DeviceMobile | device-mobile | +| DeviceNintendoOff | device-nintendo-off | +| DeviceNintendo | device-nintendo | +| DeviceSpeakerOff | device-speaker-off | +| DeviceSpeaker | device-speaker | +| DeviceTabletOff | device-tablet-off | +| DeviceTablet | device-tablet | +| DeviceTvOff | device-tv-off | +| DeviceTvOld | device-tv-old | +| DeviceTv | device-tv | +| DeviceWatchOff | device-watch-off | +| DeviceWatchStats2 | device-watch-stats-2 | +| DeviceWatchStats | device-watch-stats | +| DeviceWatch | device-watch | +| Devices2 | devices-2 | +| DevicesOff | devices-off | +| DevicesPcOff | devices-pc-off | +| DevicesPc | devices-pc | +| Devices | devices | +| DialpadOff | dialpad-off | +| Dialpad | dialpad | +| DiamondOff | diamond-off | +| Diamond | diamond | +| Diamonds | diamonds | +| Dice1 | dice-1 | +| Dice2 | dice-2 | +| Dice3 | dice-3 | +| Dice4 | dice-4 | +| Dice5 | dice-5 | +| Dice6 | dice-6 | +| Dice | dice | +| Dimensions | dimensions | +| DirectionHorizontal | direction-horizontal | +| Direction | direction | +| DirectionsOff | directions-off | +| Directions | directions | +| Disabled2 | disabled-2 | +| DisabledOff | disabled-off | +| Disabled | disabled | +| DiscOff | disc-off | +| Disc | disc | +| Discount2 | discount-2 | +| Discount | discount | +| Divide | divide | +| Dna2Off | dna-2-off | +| Dna2 | dna-2 | +| DnaOff | dna-off | +| Dna | dna | +| DogBowl | dog-bowl | +| DoorEnter | door-enter | +| DoorExit | door-exit | +| DoorOff | door-off | +| Door | door | +| DotsCircleHorizontal | dots-circle-horizontal | +| DotsDiagonal2 | dots-diagonal-2 | +| DotsDiagonal | dots-diagonal | +| DotsVertical | dots-vertical | +| Dots | dots | +| DownloadOff | download-off | +| Download | download | +| DragDrop2 | drag-drop-2 | +| DragDrop | drag-drop | +| DroneOff | drone-off | +| Drone | drone | +| DropCircle | drop-circle | +| DropletFilled2 | droplet-filled-2 | +| DropletFilled | droplet-filled | +| DropletHalf2 | droplet-half-2 | +| DropletHalf | droplet-half | +| DropletOff | droplet-off | +| Droplet | droplet | +| EarOff | ear-off | +| Ear | ear | +| EditCircleOff | edit-circle-off | +| EditCircle | edit-circle | +| EditOff | edit-off | +| Edit | edit | +| EggOff | egg-off | +| Egg | egg | +| Elevator | elevator | +| EmergencyBed | emergency-bed | +| Emphasis | emphasis | +| EngineOff | engine-off | +| Engine | engine | +| EqualNot | equal-not | +| Equal | equal | +| EraserOff | eraser-off | +| Eraser | eraser | +| Error404Off | error-404-off | +| Error404 | error-404 | +| ExchangeOff | exchange-off | +| Exchange | exchange | +| ExclamationMarkOff | exclamation-mark-off | +| ExclamationMark | exclamation-mark | +| Exposure | exposure | +| ExternalLinkOff | external-link-off | +| ExternalLink | external-link | +| EyeCheck | eye-check | +| EyeOff | eye-off | +| EyeTable | eye-table | +| Eye | eye | +| Eyeglass2 | eyeglass-2 | +| EyeglassOff | eyeglass-off | +| Eyeglass | eyeglass | +| FaceIdError | face-id-error | +| FaceId | face-id | +| FaceMaskOff | face-mask-off | +| FaceMask | face-mask | +| Fall | fall | +| FeatherOff | feather-off | +| Feather | feather | +| FenceOff | fence-off | +| Fence | fence | +| FidgetSpinner | fidget-spinner | +| File3d | file-3d | +| FileAlert | file-alert | +| FileAnalytics | file-analytics | +| FileArrowLeft | file-arrow-left | +| FileArrowRight | file-arrow-right | +| FileBarcode | file-barcode | +| FileCertificate | file-certificate | +| FileChart | file-chart | +| FileCheck | file-check | +| FileCode2 | file-code-2 | +| FileCode | file-code | +| FileDatabase | file-database | +| FileDescription | file-description | +| FileDiff | file-diff | +| FileDigit | file-digit | +| FileDislike | file-dislike | +| FileDollar | file-dollar | +| FileDots | file-dots | +| FileDownload | file-download | +| FileEuro | file-euro | +| FileExport | file-export | +| FileHorizontal | file-horizontal | +| FileImport | file-import | +| FileInfo | file-info | +| FileInvoice | file-invoice | +| FileLike | file-like | +| FileMinus | file-minus | +| FileMusic | file-music | +| FileOff | file-off | +| FilePencil | file-pencil | +| FilePhone | file-phone | +| FilePlus | file-plus | +| FilePower | file-power | +| FileReport | file-report | +| FileRss | file-rss | +| FileScissors | file-scissors | +| FileSearch | file-search | +| FileSettings | file-settings | +| FileShredder | file-shredder | +| FileSignal | file-signal | +| FileSpreadsheet | file-spreadsheet | +| FileStar | file-star | +| FileSymlink | file-symlink | +| FileText | file-text | +| FileTime | file-time | +| FileTypography | file-typography | +| FileUnknown | file-unknown | +| FileUpload | file-upload | +| FileVector | file-vector | +| FileX | file-x | +| FileZip | file-zip | +| File | file | +| FilesOff | files-off | +| Files | files | +| FilterOff | filter-off | +| Filter | filter | +| FingerprintOff | fingerprint-off | +| Fingerprint | fingerprint | +| Firetruck | firetruck | +| FirstAidKit | first-aid-kit | +| FishOff | fish-off | +| Fish | fish | +| Flag2Off | flag-2-off | +| Flag2 | flag-2 | +| Flag3 | flag-3 | +| FlagOff | flag-off | +| Flag | flag | +| FlameOff | flame-off | +| Flame | flame | +| Flare | flare | +| Flask2Off | flask-2-off | +| Flask2 | flask-2 | +| FlaskOff | flask-off | +| Flask | flask | +| FlipHorizontal | flip-horizontal | +| FlipVertical | flip-vertical | +| FloatCenter | float-center | +| FloatLeft | float-left | +| FloatNone | float-none | +| FloatRight | float-right | +| FlowerOff | flower-off | +| Flower | flower | +| Focus2 | focus-2 | +| FocusCentered | focus-centered | +| Focus | focus | +| FoldDown | fold-down | +| FoldUp | fold-up | +| Fold | fold | +| FolderMinus | folder-minus | +| FolderOff | folder-off | +| FolderPlus | folder-plus | +| FolderX | folder-x | +| Folder | folder | +| FoldersOff | folders-off | +| Folders | folders | +| Forbid2 | forbid-2 | +| Forbid | forbid | +| Forklift | forklift | +| Forms | forms | +| FountainOff | fountain-off | +| Fountain | fountain | +| FrameOff | frame-off | +| Frame | frame | +| FreeRights | free-rights | +| FriendsOff | friends-off | +| Friends | friends | +| GasStationOff | gas-station-off | +| GasStation | gas-station | +| GaugeOff | gauge-off | +| Gauge | gauge | +| Gavel | gavel | +| GenderAgender | gender-agender | +| GenderAndrogyne | gender-androgyne | +| GenderBigender | gender-bigender | +| GenderDemiboy | gender-demiboy | +| GenderDemigirl | gender-demigirl | +| GenderEpicene | gender-epicene | +| GenderFemale | gender-female | +| GenderFemme | gender-femme | +| GenderGenderfluid | gender-genderfluid | +| GenderGenderless | gender-genderless | +| GenderGenderqueer | gender-genderqueer | +| GenderHermaphrodite | gender-hermaphrodite | +| GenderIntergender | gender-intergender | +| GenderMale | gender-male | +| GenderNeutrois | gender-neutrois | +| GenderThird | gender-third | +| GenderTransgender | gender-transgender | +| GenderTrasvesti | gender-trasvesti | +| Geometry | geometry | +| Ghost | ghost | +| Gift | gift | +| GitBranch | git-branch | +| GitCommit | git-commit | +| GitCompare | git-compare | +| GitFork | git-fork | +| GitMerge | git-merge | +| GitPullRequestClosed | git-pull-request-closed | +| GitPullRequestDraft | git-pull-request-draft | +| GitPullRequest | git-pull-request | +| Gizmo | gizmo | +| GlassFull | glass-full | +| GlassOff | glass-off | +| Glass | glass | +| GlobeOff | globe-off | +| Globe | globe | +| GolfOff | golf-off | +| Golf | golf | +| Gps | gps | +| Grain | grain | +| GridDots | grid-dots | +| GridPattern | grid-pattern | +| GrillOff | grill-off | +| Grill | grill | +| GripHorizontal | grip-horizontal | +| GripVertical | grip-vertical | +| Growth | growth | +| H1 | h-1 | +| H2 | h-2 | +| H3 | h-3 | +| H4 | h-4 | +| H5 | h-5 | +| H6 | h-6 | +| HammerOff | hammer-off | +| Hammer | hammer | +| HandClick | hand-click | +| HandFingerOff | hand-finger-off | +| HandFinger | hand-finger | +| HandGrab | hand-grab | +| HandLittleFinger | hand-little-finger | +| HandMiddleFinger | hand-middle-finger | +| HandMove | hand-move | +| HandOff | hand-off | +| HandRingFinger | hand-ring-finger | +| HandRock | hand-rock | +| HandStop | hand-stop | +| HandThreeFingers | hand-three-fingers | +| HandTwoFingers | hand-two-fingers | +| Hanger2 | hanger-2 | +| HangerOff | hanger-off | +| Hanger | hanger | +| Hash | hash | +| Haze | haze | +| HeadingOff | heading-off | +| Heading | heading | +| HeadphonesOff | headphones-off | +| Headphones | headphones | +| Headset | headset | +| HeartBroken | heart-broken | +| HeartHandshake | heart-handshake | +| HeartMinus | heart-minus | +| HeartOff | heart-off | +| HeartPlus | heart-plus | +| HeartRateMonitor | heart-rate-monitor | +| Heart | heart | +| Heartbeat | heartbeat | +| HelicopterLanding | helicopter-landing | +| Helicopter | helicopter | +| HelmetOff | helmet-off | +| Helmet | helmet | +| Help | help | +| HexagonOff | hexagon-off | +| Hexagon | hexagon | +| Hexagons | hexagons | +| Hierarchy2 | hierarchy-2 | +| Hierarchy | hierarchy | +| HighlightOff | highlight-off | +| Highlight | highlight | +| History | history | +| Home2 | home-2 | +| HomeOff | home-off | +| Home | home | +| HotelService | hotel-service | +| HourglassEmpty | hourglass-empty | +| HourglassHigh | hourglass-high | +| HourglassLow | hourglass-low | +| HourglassOff | hourglass-off | +| Hourglass | hourglass | +| IceCream2 | ice-cream-2 | +| IceCreamOff | ice-cream-off | +| IceCream | ice-cream | +| IceSkating | ice-skating | +| Icons | icons | +| IdBadge2 | id-badge-2 | +| IdBadge | id-badge | +| IdOff | id-off | +| Id | id | +| InboxOff | inbox-off | +| Inbox | inbox | +| IndentDecrease | indent-decrease | +| IndentIncrease | indent-increase | +| Infinity | infinity | +| InfoCircle | info-circle | +| InfoSquare | info-square | +| Italic | italic | +| JewishStar | jewish-star | +| JumpRope | jump-rope | +| Karate | karate | +| Kayak | kayak | +| Kering | kering | +| KeyOff | key-off | +| Key | key | +| KeyboardHide | keyboard-hide | +| KeyboardOff | keyboard-off | +| KeyboardShow | keyboard-show | +| Keyboard | keyboard | +| LadderOff | ladder-off | +| Ladder | ladder | +| Lamp2 | lamp-2 | +| LampOff | lamp-off | +| Lamp | lamp | +| LanguageHiragana | language-hiragana | +| LanguageKatakana | language-katakana | +| LanguageOff | language-off | +| Language | language | +| LassoOff | lasso-off | +| Lasso | lasso | +| LayersDifference | layers-difference | +| LayersIntersect2 | layers-intersect-2 | +| LayersIntersect | layers-intersect | +| LayersLinked | layers-linked | +| LayersOff | layers-off | +| LayersSubtract | layers-subtract | +| LayersUnion | layers-union | +| Layout2 | layout-2 | +| LayoutAlignBottom | layout-align-bottom | +| LayoutAlignCenter | layout-align-center | +| LayoutAlignLeft | layout-align-left | +| LayoutAlignMiddle | layout-align-middle | +| LayoutAlignRight | layout-align-right | +| LayoutAlignTop | layout-align-top | +| LayoutBoardSplit | layout-board-split | +| LayoutBoard | layout-board | +| LayoutBottombar | layout-bottombar | +| LayoutCards | layout-cards | +| LayoutColumns | layout-columns | +| LayoutDashboard | layout-dashboard | +| LayoutDistributeHorizontal | layout-distribute-horizontal | +| LayoutDistributeVertical | layout-distribute-vertical | +| LayoutGridAdd | layout-grid-add | +| LayoutGrid | layout-grid | +| LayoutKanban | layout-kanban | +| LayoutList | layout-list | +| LayoutNavbar | layout-navbar | +| LayoutOff | layout-off | +| LayoutRows | layout-rows | +| LayoutSidebarLeftCollapse | layout-sidebar-left-collapse | +| LayoutSidebarLeftExpand | layout-sidebar-left-expand | +| LayoutSidebarRightCollapse | layout-sidebar-right-collapse | +| LayoutSidebarRightExpand | layout-sidebar-right-expand | +| LayoutSidebarRight | layout-sidebar-right | +| LayoutSidebar | layout-sidebar | +| Layout | layout | +| LeafOff | leaf-off | +| Leaf | leaf | +| Lego | lego | +| Lemon2 | lemon-2 | +| Lemon | lemon | +| LetterA | letter-a | +| LetterB | letter-b | +| LetterC | letter-c | +| LetterCaseLower | letter-case-lower | +| LetterCaseToggle | letter-case-toggle | +| LetterCaseUpper | letter-case-upper | +| LetterCase | letter-case | +| LetterD | letter-d | +| LetterE | letter-e | +| LetterF | letter-f | +| LetterG | letter-g | +| LetterH | letter-h | +| LetterI | letter-i | +| LetterJ | letter-j | +| LetterK | letter-k | +| LetterL | letter-l | +| LetterM | letter-m | +| LetterN | letter-n | +| LetterO | letter-o | +| LetterP | letter-p | +| LetterQ | letter-q | +| LetterR | letter-r | +| LetterS | letter-s | +| LetterSpacing | letter-spacing | +| LetterT | letter-t | +| LetterU | letter-u | +| LetterV | letter-v | +| LetterW | letter-w | +| LetterX | letter-x | +| LetterY | letter-y | +| LetterZ | letter-z | +| LicenseOff | license-off | +| License | license | +| LifebuoyOff | lifebuoy-off | +| Lifebuoy | lifebuoy | +| LineDashed | line-dashed | +| LineDotted | line-dotted | +| LineHeight | line-height | +| Line | line | +| Link | link | +| ListCheck | list-check | +| ListDetails | list-details | +| ListNumbers | list-numbers | +| ListSearch | list-search | +| List | list | +| LivePhoto | live-photo | +| LiveView | live-view | +| LoaderQuarter | loader-quarter | +| Loader | loader | +| LocationOff | location-off | +| Location | location | +| LockAccess | lock-access | +| LockOff | lock-off | +| LockOpenOff | lock-open-off | +| LockOpen | lock-open | +| LockSquare | lock-square | +| Lock | lock | +| Login | login | +| Logout | logout | +| LollipopOff | lollipop-off | +| Lollipop | lollipop | +| LuggageOff | luggage-off | +| Luggage | luggage | +| Lungs | lungs | +| Macro | macro | +| MagnetOff | magnet-off | +| Magnet | magnet | +| MailFast | mail-fast | +| MailForward | mail-forward | +| MailOff | mail-off | +| MailOpened | mail-opened | +| Mail | mail | +| MailboxOff | mailbox-off | +| Mailbox | mailbox | +| Man | man | +| ManualGearbox | manual-gearbox | +| Map2 | map-2 | +| MapOff | map-off | +| MapPinOff | map-pin-off | +| MapPin | map-pin | +| MapPins | map-pins | +| MapSearch | map-search | +| Map | map | +| Markdown | markdown | +| Marquee2 | marquee-2 | +| MarqueeOff | marquee-off | +| Marquee | marquee | +| Mars | mars | +| MaskOff | mask-off | +| Mask | mask | +| Massage | massage | +| MathAvg | math-avg | +| MathFunctionOff | math-function-off | +| MathFunction | math-function | +| MathMax | math-max | +| MathMin | math-min | +| MathSymbols | math-symbols | +| Math | math | +| MaximizeOff | maximize-off | +| Maximize | maximize | +| Meat | meat | +| Medal2 | medal-2 | +| Medal | medal | +| MedicalCrossOff | medical-cross-off | +| MedicalCross | medical-cross | +| MedicineSyrup | medicine-syrup | +| Menu2 | menu-2 | +| Menu | menu | +| Message2Code | message-2-code | +| Message2Share | message-2-share | +| Message2 | message-2 | +| MessageCircle2 | message-circle-2 | +| MessageCircleOff | message-circle-off | +| MessageCircle | message-circle | +| MessageCode | message-code | +| MessageDots | message-dots | +| MessageLanguage | message-language | +| MessageOff | message-off | +| MessagePlus | message-plus | +| MessageReport | message-report | +| MessageShare | message-share | +| Message | message | +| MessagesOff | messages-off | +| Messages | messages | +| Microphone2 | microphone-2 | +| MicrophoneOff | microphone-off | +| Microphone | microphone | +| Microscope | microscope | +| MilitaryAward | military-award | +| MilitaryRank | military-rank | +| Milk | milk | +| Minimize | minimize | +| MinusVertical | minus-vertical | +| Minus | minus | +| Mist | mist | +| MoodBoy | mood-boy | +| MoodConfuzed | mood-confuzed | +| MoodCrazyHappy | mood-crazy-happy | +| MoodCry | mood-cry | +| MoodEmpty | mood-empty | +| MoodHappy | mood-happy | +| MoodKid | mood-kid | +| MoodNervous | mood-nervous | +| MoodNeutral | mood-neutral | +| MoodOff | mood-off | +| MoodSad | mood-sad | +| MoodSmile | mood-smile | +| MoodSuprised | mood-suprised | +| MoodTongue | mood-tongue | +| Moon2 | moon-2 | +| MoonOff | moon-off | +| MoonStars | moon-stars | +| Moon | moon | +| Moped | moped | +| Motorbike | motorbike | +| Mountain | mountain | +| Mouse2 | mouse-2 | +| MouseOff | mouse-off | +| Mouse | mouse | +| MovieOff | movie-off | +| Movie | movie | +| MugOff | mug-off | +| Mug | mug | +| Multiplier05x | multiplier-0-5x | +| Multiplier15x | multiplier-1-5x | +| Multiplier1x | multiplier-1x | +| Multiplier2x | multiplier-2x | +| Mushroom | mushroom | +| MusicOff | music-off | +| Music | music | +| Network | network | +| NewSection | new-section | +| NewsOff | news-off | +| News | news | +| NfcOff | nfc-off | +| Nfc | nfc | +| NoCopyright | no-copyright | +| NoCreativeCommons | no-creative-commons | +| NoDerivatives | no-derivatives | +| NorthStar | north-star | +| NoteOff | note-off | +| Note | note | +| Notebook | notebook | +| NotesOff | notes-off | +| Notes | notes | +| NotificationOff | notification-off | +| Notification | notification | +| Number0 | number-0 | +| Number1 | number-1 | +| Number2 | number-2 | +| Number3 | number-3 | +| Number4 | number-4 | +| Number5 | number-5 | +| Number6 | number-6 | +| Number7 | number-7 | +| Number8 | number-8 | +| Number9 | number-9 | +| Numbers | numbers | +| Nurse | nurse | +| OctagonOff | octagon-off | +| Octagon | octagon | +| Old | old | +| Olympics | olympics | +| Omega | omega | +| Outlet | outlet | +| OvalVertical | oval-vertical | +| Oval | oval | +| Overline | overline | +| PackageOff | package-off | +| Package | package | +| PackgeExport | packge-export | +| PackgeImport | packge-import | +| Pacman | pacman | +| PageBreak | page-break | +| PaintOff | paint-off | +| Paint | paint | +| PaletteOff | palette-off | +| Palette | palette | +| PanoramaHorizontal | panorama-horizontal | +| PanoramaVertical | panorama-vertical | +| PaperBagOff | paper-bag-off | +| PaperBag | paper-bag | +| Paperclip | paperclip | +| ParachuteOff | parachute-off | +| Parachute | parachute | +| ParenthesesOff | parentheses-off | +| Parentheses | parentheses | +| ParkingOff | parking-off | +| Parking | parking | +| Paw | paw | +| Peace | peace | +| PencilOff | pencil-off | +| Pencil | pencil | +| Pennant2 | pennant-2 | +| PennantOff | pennant-off | +| Pennant | pennant | +| Pentagon | pentagon | +| PepperOff | pepper-off | +| Pepper | pepper | +| Percentage | percentage | +| PerspectiveOff | perspective-off | +| Perspective | perspective | +| PhoneCall | phone-call | +| PhoneCalling | phone-calling | +| PhoneCheck | phone-check | +| PhoneIncoming | phone-incoming | +| PhoneOff | phone-off | +| PhoneOutgoing | phone-outgoing | +| PhonePause | phone-pause | +| PhonePlus | phone-plus | +| PhoneX | phone-x | +| Phone | phone | +| PhotoOff | photo-off | +| Photo | photo | +| Physotherapist | physotherapist | +| PictureInPictureOff | picture-in-picture-off | +| PictureInPictureOn | picture-in-picture-on | +| PictureInPictureTop | picture-in-picture-top | +| PictureInPicture | picture-in-picture | +| PigOff | pig-off | +| Pig | pig | +| PillOff | pill-off | +| Pill | pill | +| Pills | pills | +| Pin | pin | +| PinnedOff | pinned-off | +| Pinned | pinned | +| PizzaOff | pizza-off | +| Pizza | pizza | +| PlaneArrival | plane-arrival | +| PlaneDeparture | plane-departure | +| PlaneInflight | plane-inflight | +| PlaneOff | plane-off | +| Plane | plane | +| PlanetOff | planet-off | +| Planet | planet | +| Plant2Off | plant-2-off | +| Plant2 | plant-2 | +| PlantOff | plant-off | +| Plant | plant | +| PlayCardOff | play-card-off | +| PlayCard | play-card | +| PlayerEject | player-eject | +| PlayerPause | player-pause | +| PlayerPlay | player-play | +| PlayerRecord | player-record | +| PlayerSkipBack | player-skip-back | +| PlayerSkipForward | player-skip-forward | +| PlayerStop | player-stop | +| PlayerTrackNext | player-track-next | +| PlayerTrackPrev | player-track-prev | +| PlaylistAdd | playlist-add | +| PlaylistOff | playlist-off | +| PlaylistX | playlist-x | +| Playlist | playlist | +| PlugConnectedX | plug-connected-x | +| PlugConnected | plug-connected | +| PlugOff | plug-off | +| PlugX | plug-x | +| Plug | plug | +| Plus | plus | +| Podium | podium | +| PointOff | point-off | +| Point | point | +| Pokeball | pokeball | +| Polaroid | polaroid | +| PolygonOff | polygon-off | +| Polygon | polygon | +| Pool | pool | +| Power | power | +| Pray | pray | +| PremiumRights | premium-rights | +| Prescription | prescription | +| PresentationAnalytics | presentation-analytics | +| PresentationOff | presentation-off | +| Presentation | presentation | +| PrinterOff | printer-off | +| Printer | printer | +| Prison | prison | +| Prompt | prompt | +| PropellerOff | propeller-off | +| Propeller | propeller | +| Puzzle2 | puzzle-2 | +| PuzzleOff | puzzle-off | +| Puzzle | puzzle | +| PyramidOff | pyramid-off | +| Pyramid | pyramid | +| Qrcode | qrcode | +| QuestionMark | question-mark | +| QuoteOff | quote-off | +| Quote | quote | +| Radar2 | radar-2 | +| Radar | radar | +| Radio | radio | +| RadioactiveOff | radioactive-off | +| Radioactive | radioactive | +| RadiusBottomLeft | radius-bottom-left | +| RadiusBottomRight | radius-bottom-right | +| RadiusTopLeft | radius-top-left | +| RadiusTopRight | radius-top-right | +| RainbowOff | rainbow-off | +| Rainbow | rainbow | +| Receipt2 | receipt-2 | +| ReceiptOff | receipt-off | +| ReceiptRefund | receipt-refund | +| ReceiptTax | receipt-tax | +| Receipt | receipt | +| Recharging | recharging | +| RecordMailOff | record-mail-off | +| RecordMail | record-mail | +| RectangleVertical | rectangle-vertical | +| Rectangle | rectangle | +| RecycleOff | recycle-off | +| Recycle | recycle | +| RefreshAlert | refresh-alert | +| RefreshDot | refresh-dot | +| RefreshOff | refresh-off | +| Refresh | refresh | +| Registered | registered | +| RelationManyToMany | relation-many-to-many | +| RelationOneToMany | relation-one-to-many | +| RelationOneToOne | relation-one-to-one | +| RepeatOff | repeat-off | +| RepeatOnce | repeat-once | +| Repeat | repeat | +| Replace | replace | +| ReportAnalytics | report-analytics | +| ReportMedical | report-medical | +| ReportMoney | report-money | +| ReportOff | report-off | +| ReportSearch | report-search | +| Report | report | +| Resize | resize | +| RippleOff | ripple-off | +| Ripple | ripple | +| RoadOff | road-off | +| RoadSign | road-sign | +| Road | road | +| RobotOff | robot-off | +| Robot | robot | +| RocketOff | rocket-off | +| Rocket | rocket | +| RollerSkating | roller-skating | +| Rollercoaster | rollercoaster | +| Rotate2 | rotate-2 | +| Rotate360 | rotate-360 | +| RotateClockwise2 | rotate-clockwise-2 | +| RotateClockwise | rotate-clockwise | +| RotateDot | rotate-dot | +| RotateRectangle | rotate-rectangle | +| Rotate | rotate | +| RouteOff | route-off | +| Route | route | +| Router | router | +| RowInsertBottom | row-insert-bottom | +| RowInsertTop | row-insert-top | +| Rss | rss | +| Ruler2Off | ruler-2-off | +| Ruler2 | ruler-2 | +| RulerOff | ruler-off | +| Ruler | ruler | +| Run | run | +| Sailboat | sailboat | +| Salt | salt | +| SatelliteOff | satellite-off | +| Satellite | satellite | +| Sausage | sausage | +| ScaleOff | scale-off | +| ScaleOutlineOff | scale-outline-off | +| ScaleOutline | scale-outline | +| Scale | scale | +| Scan | scan | +| SchoolOff | school-off | +| School | school | +| ScissorsOff | scissors-off | +| Scissors | scissors | +| ScooterElectric | scooter-electric | +| Scooter | scooter | +| ScreenShareOff | screen-share-off | +| ScreenShare | screen-share | +| Scribble | scribble | +| ScubaMask | scuba-mask | +| SearchOff | search-off | +| Search | search | +| SectionSign | section-sign | +| Section | section | +| SeedingOff | seeding-off | +| Seeding | seeding | +| Select | select | +| Selector | selector | +| Send | send | +| SeparatorHorizontal | separator-horizontal | +| SeparatorVertical | separator-vertical | +| Separator | separator | +| Server2 | server-2 | +| ServerOff | server-off | +| Server | server | +| Servicemark | servicemark | +| SettingsAutomation | settings-automation | +| SettingsOff | settings-off | +| Settings | settings | +| ShadowOff | shadow-off | +| Shadow | shadow | +| Shape2 | shape-2 | +| Shape3 | shape-3 | +| ShapeOff | shape-off | +| Shape | shape | +| ShareOff | share-off | +| Share | share | +| ShieldCheck | shield-check | +| ShieldCheckered | shield-checkered | +| ShieldChevron | shield-chevron | +| ShieldLock | shield-lock | +| ShieldOff | shield-off | +| ShieldX | shield-x | +| Shield | shield | +| Ship | ship | +| ShirtOff | shirt-off | +| Shirt | shirt | +| ShoeOff | shoe-off | +| Shoe | shoe | +| ShoppingCartDiscount | shopping-cart-discount | +| ShoppingCartOff | shopping-cart-off | +| ShoppingCartPlus | shopping-cart-plus | +| ShoppingCartX | shopping-cart-x | +| ShoppingCart | shopping-cart | +| Shovel | shovel | +| Shredder | shredder | +| SignLeft | sign-left | +| SignRight | sign-right | +| SignatureOff | signature-off | +| Signature | signature | +| SitemapOff | sitemap-off | +| Sitemap | sitemap | +| Skateboard | skateboard | +| Sleigh | sleigh | +| Slice | slice | +| Slideshow | slideshow | +| SmartHomeOff | smart-home-off | +| SmartHome | smart-home | +| SmokingNo | smoking-no | +| Smoking | smoking | +| SnowflakeOff | snowflake-off | +| Snowflake | snowflake | +| SoccerField | soccer-field | +| SocialOff | social-off | +| Social | social | +| Sock | sock | +| Sofa | sofa | +| SortAscending2 | sort-ascending-2 | +| SortAscendingLetters | sort-ascending-letters | +| SortAscendingNumbers | sort-ascending-numbers | +| SortAscending | sort-ascending | +| SortDescending2 | sort-descending-2 | +| SortDescendingLetters | sort-descending-letters | +| SortDescendingNumbers | sort-descending-numbers | +| SortDescending | sort-descending | +| Soup | soup | +| SpaceOff | space-off | +| Space | space | +| SpacingHorizontal | spacing-horizontal | +| SpacingVertical | spacing-vertical | +| Spade | spade | +| Speakerphone | speakerphone | +| Speedboat | speedboat | +| SportBillard | sport-billard | +| Square0 | square-0 | +| Square1 | square-1 | +| Square2 | square-2 | +| Square3 | square-3 | +| Square4 | square-4 | +| Square5 | square-5 | +| Square6 | square-6 | +| Square7 | square-7 | +| Square8 | square-8 | +| Square9 | square-9 | +| SquareAsterisk | square-asterisk | +| SquareCheck | square-check | +| SquareDot | square-dot | +| SquareForbid2 | square-forbid-2 | +| SquareForbid | square-forbid | +| SquareHalf | square-half | +| SquareMinus | square-minus | +| SquareOff | square-off | +| SquarePlus | square-plus | +| SquareRoot2 | square-root-2 | +| SquareRoot | square-root | +| SquareRotatedForbid2 | square-rotated-forbid-2 | +| SquareRotatedForbid | square-rotated-forbid | +| SquareRotatedOff | square-rotated-off | +| SquareRotated | square-rotated | +| SquareToggleHorizontal | square-toggle-horizontal | +| SquareToggle | square-toggle | +| SquareX | square-x | +| Square | square | +| SquaresDiagonal | squares-diagonal | +| SquaresFilled | squares-filled | +| Stack2 | stack-2 | +| Stack3 | stack-3 | +| Stack | stack | +| StairsDown | stairs-down | +| StairsUp | stairs-up | +| Stairs | stairs | +| StarHalf | star-half | +| StarOff | star-off | +| Star | star | +| Stars | stars | +| SteeringWheel | steering-wheel | +| StepInto | step-into | +| StepOut | step-out | +| Stethoscope | stethoscope | +| Sticker | sticker | +| Strikethrough | strikethrough | +| Submarine | submarine | +| Subscript | subscript | +| Subtask | subtask | +| SumOff | sum-off | +| Sum | sum | +| SunOff | sun-off | +| Sun | sun | +| Sunrise | sunrise | +| Sunset | sunset | +| Superscript | superscript | +| Swimming | swimming | +| Switch2 | switch-2 | +| Switch3 | switch-3 | +| SwitchHorizontal | switch-horizontal | +| SwitchVertical | switch-vertical | +| Switch | switch | +| SwordOff | sword-off | +| Sword | sword | +| Swords | swords | +| TableExport | table-export | +| TableImport | table-import | +| TableOff | table-off | +| Table | table | +| TagOff | tag-off | +| Tag | tag | +| TagsOff | tags-off | +| Tags | tags | +| Tallymark1 | tallymark-1 | +| Tallymark2 | tallymark-2 | +| Tallymark3 | tallymark-3 | +| Tallymark4 | tallymark-4 | +| Tallymarks | tallymarks | +| Tank | tank | +| TargetOff | target-off | +| Target | target | +| TelescopeOff | telescope-off | +| Telescope | telescope | +| TemperatureCelsius | temperature-celsius | +| TemperatureFahrenheit | temperature-fahrenheit | +| TemperatureMinus | temperature-minus | +| TemperatureOff | temperature-off | +| TemperaturePlus | temperature-plus | +| Temperature | temperature | +| TemplateOff | template-off | +| Template | template | +| Tent | tent | +| Terminal2 | terminal-2 | +| Terminal | terminal | +| TestPipe2 | test-pipe-2 | +| TestPipeOff | test-pipe-off | +| TestPipe | test-pipe | +| TextDirectionLtr | text-direction-ltr | +| TextDirectionRtl | text-direction-rtl | +| TextResize | text-resize | +| TextWrapDisabled | text-wrap-disabled | +| TextWrap | text-wrap | +| Thermometer | thermometer | +| ThumbDown | thumb-down | +| ThumbUp | thumb-up | +| TicketOff | ticket-off | +| Ticket | ticket | +| Tie | tie | +| TiltShiftOff | tilt-shift-off | +| TiltShift | tilt-shift | +| Timeline | timeline | +| Tir | tir | +| ToggleLeft | toggle-left | +| ToggleRight | toggle-right | +| ToiletPaperOff | toilet-paper-off | +| ToiletPaper | toilet-paper | +| Tool | tool | +| ToolsKitchen2Off | tools-kitchen-2-off | +| ToolsKitchen2 | tools-kitchen-2 | +| ToolsKitchenOff | tools-kitchen-off | +| ToolsKitchen | tools-kitchen | +| ToolsOff | tools-off | +| Tools | tools | +| Tornado | tornado | +| Tournament | tournament | +| Track | track | +| Tractor | tractor | +| Trademark | trademark | +| TrafficConeOff | traffic-cone-off | +| TrafficCone | traffic-cone | +| TrafficLightsOff | traffic-lights-off | +| TrafficLights | traffic-lights | +| Train | train | +| TransferIn | transfer-in | +| TransferOut | transfer-out | +| TrashOff | trash-off | +| TrashX | trash-x | +| Trash | trash | +| Tree | tree | +| Trees | trees | +| TrendingDown2 | trending-down-2 | +| TrendingDown3 | trending-down-3 | +| TrendingDown | trending-down | +| TrendingUp2 | trending-up-2 | +| TrendingUp3 | trending-up-3 | +| TrendingUp | trending-up | +| TriangleInverted | triangle-inverted | +| TriangleOff | triangle-off | +| TriangleSquareCircle | triangle-square-circle | +| Triangle | triangle | +| Triangles | triangles | +| Trident | trident | +| Trophy | trophy | +| TruckDelivery | truck-delivery | +| TruckLoading | truck-loading | +| TruckOff | truck-off | +| TruckReturn | truck-return | +| Truck | truck | +| TypographyOff | typography-off | +| Typography | typography | +| UmbrellaOff | umbrella-off | +| Umbrella | umbrella | +| Underline | underline | +| Unlink | unlink | +| Upload | upload | +| Urgent | urgent | +| Usb | usb | +| UserCheck | user-check | +| UserCircle | user-circle | +| UserExclamation | user-exclamation | +| UserMinus | user-minus | +| UserOff | user-off | +| UserPlus | user-plus | +| UserSearch | user-search | +| UserX | user-x | +| User | user | +| Users | users | +| VaccineBottle | vaccine-bottle | +| VaccineOff | vaccine-off | +| Vaccine | vaccine | +| VariableOff | variable-off | +| Variable | variable | +| VectorBezier2 | vector-bezier-2 | +| VectorBezier | vector-bezier | +| VectorOff | vector-off | +| VectorTriangleOff | vector-triangle-off | +| VectorTriangle | vector-triangle | +| Vector | vector | +| Venus | venus | +| VersionsOff | versions-off | +| Versions | versions | +| VideoMinus | video-minus | +| VideoOff | video-off | +| VideoPlus | video-plus | +| Video | video | +| View360Off | view-360-off | +| View360 | view-360 | +| ViewfinderOff | viewfinder-off | +| Viewfinder | viewfinder | +| ViewportNarrow | viewport-narrow | +| ViewportWide | viewport-wide | +| Vinyl | vinyl | +| VirusOff | virus-off | +| VirusSearch | virus-search | +| Virus | virus | +| Vocabulary | vocabulary | +| Volume2 | volume-2 | +| Volume3 | volume-3 | +| VolumeOff | volume-off | +| Volume | volume | +| Walk | walk | +| Wall | wall | +| WalletOff | wallet-off | +| Wallet | wallet | +| WallpaperOff | wallpaper-off | +| Wallpaper | wallpaper | +| WandOff | wand-off | +| Wand | wand | +| WaveSawTool | wave-saw-tool | +| WaveSine | wave-sine | +| WaveSquare | wave-square | +| Webhook | webhook | +| Wheelchair | wheelchair | +| Wifi0 | wifi-0 | +| Wifi1 | wifi-1 | +| Wifi2 | wifi-2 | +| WifiOff | wifi-off | +| Wifi | wifi | +| WindOff | wind-off | +| Wind | wind | +| WindmillOff | windmill-off | +| Windmill | windmill | +| WindowOff | window-off | +| Window | window | +| Windsock | windsock | +| WiperWash | wiper-wash | +| Wiper | wiper | +| Woman | woman | +| WorldDownload | world-download | +| WorldLatitude | world-latitude | +| WorldLongitude | world-longitude | +| WorldOff | world-off | +| WorldUpload | world-upload | +| World | world | +| WreckingBall | wrecking-ball | +| WritingOff | writing-off | +| WritingSignOff | writing-sign-off | +| WritingSign | writing-sign | +| Writing | writing | +| X | x | +| YinYang | yin-yang | +| Yoga | yoga | +| ZodiacAquarius | zodiac-aquarius | +| ZodiacAries | zodiac-aries | +| ZodiacCancer | zodiac-cancer | +| ZodiacCapricorn | zodiac-capricorn | +| ZodiacGemini | zodiac-gemini | +| ZodiacLeo | zodiac-leo | +| ZodiacLibra | zodiac-libra | +| ZodiacPisces | zodiac-pisces | +| ZodiacSagittarius | zodiac-sagittarius | +| ZodiacScorpio | zodiac-scorpio | +| ZodiacTaurus | zodiac-taurus | +| ZodiacVirgo | zodiac-virgo | +| ZoomCancel | zoom-cancel | +| ZoomCheck | zoom-check | +| ZoomCode | zoom-code | +| ZoomExclamation | zoom-exclamation | +| ZoomInArea | zoom-in-area | +| ZoomIn | zoom-in | +| ZoomMoney | zoom-money | 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