Os2display install profile without docker If you are looking for the older (debrecated) docker setup go here
Se usefull links at the buttom of the readme file.
This installation has been tested for Debian 12 server version and Ubuntu 24.04 server version. Both should work on the Desktop version as well.
- Server: Debain 12 or Ubuntu 24.04
- Root or sudo access
- A valid dns name that points to the ip address of your server
Issue the commands below and the needed server components will be installed
(You can copy and paste all commands - except sudo - in one copy past to a terminal - they will execute after each other)
sudo -s
rm -rf /var/setup.sh
wget -P /var https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bellcom/display/main/scripts/setup.sh
chmod a+x /var/setup.sh
cd /var
Issue the commands below to install OS2display and follow the instructions
DB credentials are saved in /var/www/[your_domain]
cd /var/www/display
./INSTALL.sh your-domain
Lets encrypt needs a valid domain. As does this installation. :-)
Lets encrypt could be blocked by your domain owner
To install via lets encrypt with a valid domain for your server do (follow instructions):
The INSTALL.sh scripts helps with creating a tennant, admin user, templates and For help on creating more of these type ./INSTALL.sh display
Symfony for Apache configuration: https://symfony.com/doc/current/setup/web_server_configuration.html