This project aims at providing bash completion on eZ Publish command line scripts.
Author: Bertrand Dunogier <bertrand dot dunogier [at] gmail dot com>
Currently only available on
You can either download a tarball, or clone the repository:
git clone git:// extension/ezbashcompletion
Very hackish for now, but fortunately simple:
This script is the main wrapper script. It has two roles:
- provides the bash completion shell script with eZ Publish data: scripts list, arguments, etc
- gets called when commands are ran using the "ezp" executable, and transfers the command to the actual script
It needs to be available as 'ezp', without .php, through your $PATH, and to be executable:
ln -s /path/to/ezbashcompletion/ezp.php /usr/local/bin/ezp
chmod +x ezp
This is the shell script that will provide completion information. You just need to copy/symlink it to /etc/bash_completion.d
ln -s /path/to/ezpublish/extension/ezbashcompletion/ /etc/bash_completion.d/ezp
From anywhere within an eZ Publish instance, type ezp, then two tabs. It should show you the list of available commands. Type one of them (or part of one of them), and tab again: you should get the options:
ezp cache <tab><tab> => options !
ezp.php is a wrapper script that on one hand centralizes commands around a unique one, so that help can actually be provided. It also provides the bash script with the list of commands (try php ezp.php scripts), and with their arguments list (try php ezp.php args cache). is the actual completion script. That stuff works in mysterious ways, and I'd rather not explain right now...