Amazon's excellent AWS IoT SDK for iOS does not support Mac OS X. Since it is written in Objective-C, it seemed very natural to have an OS X port, but for reasons unknown Amazon has not made the necessary modifications to support OS X.
I have forked the Amazon aws-sdk-ios repository ( here: and ported AWSCore, AWSIoT, and a few other frameworks to OSX.
Making the frameworks build on OS X wasn't too difficult, I just followed instructions from ColemanCDA here:
Slightly more involved was making some API modifications to allow passing a certificate & private key (via PKCS12 file) to the MQTT routines vs. requiring they load from the keychain. The setup process is documented in main.swift and is repeated here:
// The PKCS12 file is created from the AWS IoT certificate and private key as follows:
// openssl pkcs12 -export -in certificate.pem.crt -inkey private.pem.key -out awsiot-identity.p12
// The file *must* be created with a password or SecPKCS12Import() will fail.
// Then run `base64 awsiot-identity.p12` and copy the base 64 output into pkcs12IdentityDataBase64 below
To install, clone this project and run
Some quirks:
- In case you didn't read the above, the PKCS12 file must be created with a password.
- You will need a valid signing identity to sign the various frameworks such as AWSCore/AWSIoT or the binary won't load. For each framework you use, open the framework target settings in the AWSiOSSDKv2 project, enable automatic signing, and use your Mac OS X developer credentials from Apple.
- This project only shows how to connect to AWS IoT. For MQTT operations such as subscribe/publish, see the AWS IoT Sample app here:
- My changes to aws-sdk-ios are in the brian/port-to-macos branch in my fork of the aws-sdk-ios repo. I do not intend to merge them into master of my fork. This project automatically selects the correct branch in the submodule.
- Finally, and most importantly, My MacOS "port" of the aws-ios-sdk is really just what I could hack together in about half a day... I needed to get this working fast so I pulled in files on an as-needed basis and took a slash-and-burn approach wherever possible. It works, but it ain't pretty. Caveat emptor.