- Controller: The account that may edit the records of a name. The Controller may be changed by the Registrant or Controller.
- Label: An individual component of a name, such as 'alice'.
- Labelhash: The keccak256 hash of an individual label.
- Name: An LNS identifier such as 'alice.bch'. Names may consist of multiple parts, called labels, separated by dots.
- Namehash: The algorithm used to process an LNS name and return a cryptographic hash uniquely identifying that name. Namehash takes a name as input and produces a node.
- Node: A cryptographic hash uniquely identifying a name.
- Owner: The owner of a name is the entity referenced in the LNS registry's owner field. An owner may transfer ownership, set a resolver or TTL, and create or reassign subdomains.
- Registrar: A registrar is a contract responsible for allocating subdomains. Registrars can be configured at any level of LNS, and are pointed to by the owner field of the registry.
- Registration: A registration is a registrar's record of a user's ownership of a name. This is distinct from the owner field in the Registry; registrations are maintained in the registrar contract and additionally store information on expiry date, fees paid, etc.
- Registrant: The owner of a registration. The registrant may transfer the registration, set the Controller, and reclaim ownership of the name in the registry if required.
- Registry: The core contract of LNS, the registry maintains a mapping from domain name (at any level - x, y.x, z.y.x etc) to owner, resolver, and time-to-live.
- Resolver: A resolver is a contract that maps from name to the resource (e.g., cryptocurrency addresses, content hash, etc). Resolvers are pointed to by the resolver field of the registry.