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Helpful Kibana Queries

Vijaivir Dhaliwal edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 15 revisions

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Home > Developer > DevOps > Helpful Kibana Queries

The OpenShift Container Platform offers a Kibana interface for viewing the previous week of logs. Queries can be saved in Kibana so that they can be easily opened when needed.

Some helpful queries are:

API Calls:

This is useful to try to figure out why the database suddenly gets busy:

  • Look at the metrics for the database primary and find the time period that the CPU was high
  • Use the query below and set the Time Range to the period above
  • Look at the API calls to try to see the problem. Maybe a single endpoint is repeatedly being accessed
kubernetes.namespace_labels.environment:prod AND kubernetes.container_name.raw:app AND message:"app/api/v1"

Application 500 Errors:

kubernetes.namespace_labels.environment:prod AND kubernetes.container_name.raw:app AND message:"\"statusCode\":500"

All Problems:

This is complicated a bit due to there being files with "error" in the name. Perhaps there's a simpler query that uses a regex?

kubernetes.namespace_labels.environment:prod AND /error|warn/ AND NOT message:"/app/assets/error" AND NOT message:"/app/js/error" AND NOT message:"/app/css/error" AND NOT message:"/app/error"

Database Problems:

kubernetes.namespace_labels.environment:prod AND kubernetes.container_name.raw:postgresql AND (message:"\"level\":\"error\"" OR message:"\"level\":\"warn\"")
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