Also see GitHub releases.
12.0.0 (2022-09-13)
- Upgrade to Angular 14 (#235)
- The upgrade to Angular 14 breaks compatibility with Angular 13.
11.0.0 (2022-02-20)
- Upgrade to Angular 13, enable partial-Ivy compilation (#235)
- The upgrade to Angular 13 breaks compatibility with Angular 12. The library is now published as partial-Ivy code.
10.0.0 (2022-02-20)
- Upgrade to Angular 12 (#232)
- The upgrade to Angular 12 breaks compatibility with Angular 11.
9.1.0 (2021-07-13)
- Expose
9.0.1 (2021-03-12)
- Remove unnecessary white space around
9.0.0 (2021-03-12)
- Upgrade to Angular 11 (#203)
- The upgrade to Angular 11 breaks compatibility with Angular 10.
8.0.0 (2021-03-11)
- Upgrade to Angular 10 (#202)
- The upgrade to Angular 10 breaks compatibility with Angular 9.
7.0.0 (2021-03-11)
- Upgrade to Angular 9 (#201)
- The upgrade to Angular 9 breaks compatibility with Angular 8.
6.0.2 (2021-03-11)
6.0.1 (2019-10-20)
6.0.0 (2019-10-19)
- The upgrade to Angular 8 breaks compatibility with Angular 7 (and previous versions).
5.0.0 (2019-10-19)
- The upgrade to Angular 7 breaks compatibility with Angular 6 (and previous versions).
4.1.2 (2019-10-18)
4.1.1 (2018-08-09)
4.1.0 (2018-08-08)
4.0.0 (2018-07-04)
- The upgrade to Angular 6 breaks compatibility with Angular 5.
3.0.0 (2018-01-18)
- README: Add Angular compatibility details, cleanup (#40) (9286920)
- README: Fix wrong notifier container selector (#32) (7b82d35), closes #30
- angular: The upgrade to Angular 5 breaks compatibility with Angular 4.
2.0.0 (2017-05-11)
- notifier-config: Fix notifier config injection error, refactor notifier module (#22) (67f09f5), closes #17
- preview: Update animated GIF preview showing the new colors (#18) (571b098)
- animations: Refactor usage of Web Animations API, add typings (#27) (d34f9f3), closes #6 #10
- naming: Refactor namings to no longer use the "x-" prefix (#26) (d2158bd)
- naming: Compontent selectors and class name no longer have the "x-" prefix (see MIGRATION GUIDE).
- notifier-config: The forRoot() method of the NotifierModule is now called withConfig() (see MIGRATION GUIDE).
- angular: The upgrade to Angular 4 and its APIs breaks compatibility with all Angular 2 based applications.
1.0.6 (2017-04-04)
1.0.5 (2017-04-03)
1.0.4 (2017-03-21)
1.0.3 (2017-02-05)
1.0.2 (2016-12-21)
- config: Fixed broken configuration merge (9793773)
1.0.1 (2016-12-05)
- dependencies: Fixed wrong type dependencies in definition files (#2) (a986e66), closes #1
- gulp: Fixed broken release task (#3) (cdee2d8)
1.0.0 (2016-12-04)
Initial release!