- ToolboxRequirements
- ToolboxSetup - Installation, configuration and starting the toolbox
- ToolboxData - Basic data structures in the toolbox
- ToolboxIntro - A gentle introduction to the toolbox TODO: Johannes
- ToolboxContents - Overview of the contents of the toolbox TODO: all update
- ToolboxPracticalExamples - Of investigating ERPs, and Spectral Analysis TODO: Sven
- ToolboxFileio - Functions for reading and writing EEG data
- ToolboxOnline - All about the online system
- Function reference: TODO: Basti please add the link here!
- ToolboxAutomation - Automatic analysis of a set of experiments, and generation of PDFs (includes calculation of Grand Average ERPs)
- ToolboxTimeFrequency - Time-frequency analysis using wavelets and short-time Fourier transform
- ToolboxStatisticsTtest - T-test TODO: Update!
- ToolboxStatisticalAnova - Analysis of variance (ANOVA) TODO: Update!
The authors would be grateful if published reports of research using this code (or a modified version, maintaining a significant portion of the original code) would cite an article dedicated on this toolbox (to be published soon) or the following article:
Blankertz B, Tangermann M, Vidaurre C, Fazli S, Sannelli C, Haufe S, Maeder C, Ramsey LE, Sturm I, Curio G, Mueller KR, The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Non-Medical Uses of BCI Technology, Open Access Front Neuroscience, 4:198, 2010 http://www.frontiersin.org/neuroprosthetics/10.3389/fnins.2010.00198/abstract
Comments and bug reports are welcome. Please email to:
[email protected]
. We would also appreciate notifications about
publications in which the toolbox has been used.
We have a mailing list for questions and help regarding the toolbox. Please join the "bbci-toolbox" google group.