Homepage: https://connect.basx.org/
Issues: https://github.com/basxsoftwareassociation/basxconnect/issues
Requires: bash, curl, sudo (if not root), tar
This script installs basxConnect on your Linux system. You have various options, to install a development environment, or to install a production environment.
$ curl https://get.basxconnect.solidcharity.com | bash -s devenv --url=test.basxconnect.example.org
$ wget -qO- https://get.basxconnect.solidcharity.com | bash -s devenv --url=test.basxconnect.example.org
The syntax is:
bash -s [devenv|prod]
available options:
--git_url=<http git url>
default is: --git_url=https://github.com/basxsoftwareassociation/basxconnect_demo.git
default is: --branch=main
--url=<outside url>
default is: --url=localhost
default is: --behindsslproxy=true
--adminemail=<email address of admin>
This should work on Fedora 33/34 and CentOS 8 Stream and Debian 10 (Buster) and Debian 11 (Bullseye) and Ubuntu Focal (20.04).
Please open an issue if you notice any bugs.
Instead of using this script, you can also get the basxConnect Demo Repository with git, and use the Makefile:
for Fedora:
sudo dnf install git make
git clone https://github.com/basxsoftwareassociation/basxconnect_demo && cd basxconnect_demo
make quickstart_fedora
make runserver
for Debian:
sudo apt-get install git make
git clone https://github.com/basxsoftwareassociation/basxconnect_demo && cd basxconnect_demo
make quickstart_debian
make runserver
Now you can visit this link: