#Modified Spine / Backbone Todos
Summary of 2 Todo examples based on Spine and Backbone JavaScript libraries.
Both examples work in conjunction with CakePHP framework as the backend.
#Live Demo
Checkout the live Backbone based demo and Spine based demo
- Todo CRUD
- Login (Backbone only)
- Server Storage persistens
- Toggle Local Storage <-> Server Storage persistens (Backbone only)
- Mark all Tasks done/undone in memory and sync later
- Drag'n Drop to reorder Tasks
- Checkout the Git repository
- Create MySql Databases todos_backbone and/or todos_spine
- Save database.php.default as database.php, fill in your login and password values
- Setup your MySql server using *.sql files located in root directory
- Check out js files under /app/webroot/js/spine/app/todos respectively /app/webroot/js/backbone/app/todos to see how everything works