This is the source code of the wp-content directory for the Open Data Catalogue if you want to get hacking on it.
Download the latest copy of WordPress from here
Install WordPress. It may be wise to set the table prefix to wp_cat_ as this is what we use for the production data.
Change to the WordPress directory:
cd <path to wordpress install>
Remove the existing wp-content directory:
rm -rf wp-content
Clone the Open Data Catalogue theme and plugins:
git clone git:// wp-content
Download a copy of the live database:
[TODO: I don't have this easily accessible at the moment. Email me glen [at] opengovt [dot] org [dot] nz for a copy.]
Edit the SQL and do a find and replace:
Find: Replace: http://yourserver/path/to/installation
Fire up you browser and you should be set.
You can submitt bugs, feature requests, etc at the Lighthouse page here -
You can contact me at my email address glen [at] opengovt [dot] org [dot] nz