Build Snyk Gitlab Broker on ECS Fargate including ALB, Security Groups and ECS Service. the Gitlab Token will be pulled from AWS SCM
Variable Name | Variable Type | Variable description | default |
r53_zone | string | Route 53 zone for creating the domain record | |
environment | string | Name refix for aws resource creation | |
task_name | string | The ecs Task name will be inherit to Several resources - like Task definition , Service etc. | |
exe_task_ssm_secret | string | execution task aws secret manager arn | |
registry_token_fargate_ssm_secret | string | gitlab registry access token aws secret manager arn | |
var_container_image | string | Snyk Container Image | |
ECS_Cluster_Name | string | ecs cluster for deploying the ecs service | |
gitlabServer | string | the gitlab server dns to connect to | |
FARGATE_Subnets | set(string) | "Fargate Security Groups " | [] |
FARGATE_SG | set(string) | list of Security groups to add Broker Fargate host to | [] |
broker_port | number | Snyk broker port | 8000 |
snyk_docker_cpu | number | 1024 | |
snyk_docker_memory | number | 2048 | |
fargate_SG_Ingress_Rules | set(object) | Fargate Host egress Rules - set(object({description=string,port= number,protocol=string, security_groups = set(string),cidr_blocks = set(string), ipv6_cidr_blocks set(string) } ) ) | |
ALB_SG_Ingress_Rules | set(object) | Broker ALB Ingress Rules - set(object({description=string,port= number,protocol=string, security_groups = set(string),cidr_blocks = set(string), ipv6_cidr_blocks set(string) } ) ) | |
certificate_arn | string | the certificate ARN (ACM) , if null the module will search for the zone wildcard certificate | "" |