- JWT based secure authorization system with password hashing.
- Smooth and better user experience ensured with redux persistence.
- Sslcommerz integrated as payment gateway
- Add to cart, add to favorite and some common ecommerce features.
- Authorization based custom dashboard for better management system.
* Backend :
- TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Zod, Bcrypt, JWT, nodemailer, multer, cloudinary
* Frontend :
- TypeScript, React, Redux, Tailwindcss, Rtk query, sonner, react-hook-form
- First, clone the repo and install the dependencies using
yarn install
command. - then, build the project using
yarn run build
command. - at last, run the project using
yarn run dev
- client: https://gizmobuy.vercel.app
- server: https://gizmobuy-backend.vercel.app
* Customer :
- email: [email protected]
- password: customer123
* Vendor :
- email: [email protected]
- password: vendor123
* Admin :
- email: [email protected]
- password: admin123