This documentation explains how to run the entire F1 Telemetry pipeline on an OpenShift cluster.
Use the Operator Hub to search for the Strimzi operator and install it.
In order to deploy the Apache Kafka cluster using the Strimzi operator, run the following command to create a Kafka
kubectl apply -f deployment/openshift/kafka.yaml
The Apache Kafka cluster is exposed outside of the OpenShift cluster via OpenShift Route
When the Apache Kafka cluster is up and running, apply the KafkaTopic
resources for creating the needed topics.
kubectl apply -f deployment/openshift/kafka-topics.yaml
In order to deploy InfluxDB and Grafana, run the following command.
kubectl apply -f deployment/influxdb.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment/grafana.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment/openshift/grafana-route.yaml
To make the Grafana dashboard accessible, an OpenShift Route
is created as well.
Get the URL of the Grafana UI.
kubectl get route grafana -o=jsonpath='{}'
Use the Grafana UI to configure InfluxDB as datasource with http://influxdb:8086
as URL and formula1
as Database.
Finally, import the dashboards from the deployment/dashboard
The F1 Telemetry applications which need to run on the OpenShift cluster are the Apache Kafka to InfluxDB and Kafka Streams ones. In order to deploy them, run the following command.
kubectl apply -f deployment/f1-telemetry-kafka-influxdb.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment/f1-telemetry-streams-avg-speed.yaml
NOTE: their configuration don't need any change if using the default
resource provided by example.
The UDP to Apache Kafka application has to run locally or anyway within the same network where the F1 2020 game is running (on your preferred console, i.e. Xbox). First of all, set the environment variables to configure the applications with the bootstrap servers address and the TLS truststore for accessing the Apache Kafka cluster via TLS.
export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$(kubectl get kafka my-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?(@.type=="external")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}')
kubectl get secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.p12}' | base64 -d > ca.p12
kubectl get secret my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.password}' | base64 -d > ca.password
export KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION=$(pwd)/ca.p12
export KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=$(cat ca.password)
Finally, run the application.
java -jar udp-kafka/target/f1-telemetry-udp-kafka-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar