- Review the Architecture Diagram.
- Folder design information of the application.
+-- build ' Executable version of the project.
+-- docs ' Project, documents.
+-- .devcontainer ' Project, development configuration.
+-- .docker ' Project, docker file.
| +-- .env ' each env. the file holds or separates the development environment definitions.
| +-- docker-compose.yaml ' each .yml file holds or separates runtime definitions.
| +-- Dockerfile ' each docker file prepares the runtime launcher image.
+-- reports ' Project, coverage, test, screen.
| +-- coverage ' Project, coverage web content
| | ?-- index.html ' Project, coverage report static file
| +-- document ' Project, document web content.
| | ?-- index.html ' Project, document report static file
| +-- tests ' Project, test and coverage result.
| | +-- cobertura-coverage.xml ' Project, coverage result.
| | +-- junit.xml ' Project, Unit test result.
| +-- screen ' Project, e2e screens.
+-- src ' Project resource files.
| ?-- api ' In-app services.
| ?-- assets ' Design assets.
| ?-- controllers ' The parts that separate the business logic of the application and the user interface.
| ?-- core ' Application core.
| ?-- models ' View objects that separate the Controller From the user interface.
| ?-- views ' The area users view with models.
+-- tests ' Project testing.
| +-- e2e ' End-to-end test.
| +-- unit ' Unit test.
| +-- integration ' Integration testing.
+-- .editor.config ' Developers will use these code indents and styles in their IDEs.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/azmisahin/azmisahin-software-web-package-template-pip-python-v1.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd azmisahin-software-web-package-template-pip-python-v1
Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
Unix or MacOS:
source venv/bin/activate
Install project dependencies:
pip install -e .
Run the web service using the provided console script:
tracker run