4.0.0 (2024-08-07)
- ontology: change URI domain from okp4 to axone
- schema: redesign the Service Execution order & results
- schema: remove SubSection hierarchy
- example: update examples (4433c38)
- example: update uuid (d73394f)
- remove exec order ref from auth credential (0e11bb9)
- schema: add digital-resource-publication credentials schema (b9490ff)
- schema: add hasExecutionEvidence prop to OrchestrationServiceExecution (681afd6)
- schema: add new credential to represents auth between services (a6e3e4e)
- thesaurus: specify InExecution term (f2756bd)
- correct some orchestration creds property domain (41aabd1)
- example: change type credential (c86c592)
- example: correct prolog governance (354ea76)
- example: remove subsection into gov VC examples (f093d2c)
- example: update uuid (eaa6ef5)
- schema: correct grammar (81bcf07)
- schema: fix typos (24fb40a)
- script: add property domain (was missing) (4f8b27a)
- script: fix plural form (cd433a1)
- ontology: change URI domain from okp4 to axone (f4887ab)
- schema: redesign the Service Execution order & results (7b7b66d)
- schema: remove SubSection hierarchy (c3cdd78)
3.0.0 (2024-03-05)
- project: generate flatten json-ld schemas
- schema: fix typo in class name
- schema: remove credential zone declaration credential
- release: remove json-ld artifact
- schema: remove credential-x-declaration claims
- add service webpage property (0a71d52)
- example: add Collab AI zone governance VC (4c52978)
- example: add collaborative ai zone (0b8eebf)
- example: add crime dataset description (ccf4bcf)
- example: add crime dataset governance VC (4a43f0c)
- example: add ipfs storage VC (dc2fde3)
- example: add keyring used by example VCs (0aea79a)
- example: improve description of example VCs (afa1810)
- example: rename ipfs digital service description file (fa32f2a)
- schema: add dataset-description credentials schema (c9d1c35)
- schema: add digital service execution order credentials schema (c098e09)
- schema: add digital-resource-registration credentials schema (78a727f)
- schema: add digital-resource-rights credentials schema (b9e3159)
- schema: add digital-service-description credentials schema (7afa260)
- schema: add digital-service-execution-result credential (4c320b1)
- schema: add digital-service-registration credentials schema (33c85a7)
- schema: add governance-text credentials schema (61235bc)
- schema: add zone-description credentials schema (6abcd35)
- schema: add zone-registration credentials schema (046c57e)
- schema: improve description of the Resources (4f9889a)
- schema: remove credential zone declaration credential (a64d0d3)
- thersaurus: add digital-service-execution-status thesaurus (3f96024)
- thesaurus: add Security concept to topics (f3c5840)
- apply suggestions after code review (edf4f30)
- example: correct thesaurus URI (2bbd685)
- example: correct URI credential (39bfe1f)
- format file in ttl (4f93b8a)
- schema: fix incorrect class name in rangeIncludes (2f54e74)
- schema: fix namespaces (was missing end slash) (1eb1bdf)
- schema: fix typo in class name (cc7f6c5)
- schemas: fix incorrect label (5242aaa)
- schema: standardize naming & namespaces (e328069)
- thesaurus: fix typo in rdf:property (6cbfb50)
- thesaurus: standardize naming & namespace (d5f8c65)
- schema: remove credential-x-declaration claims (8c15177)
- project: generate flatten json-ld schemas (454d1ef)
- release: remove json-ld artifact (8f76641)
2.0.0 (2023-11-20)
- remove okp4:core subclassification of resources
- turn wasCreatedBy property into annotation
- reverse the membership relation
- add area thesaurus (3b0bc50)
- add cads governance (881e1f3)
- add content to metadata files (1a870d0)
- add ds4i governance (90da852)
- add english and german translations title to dataset (c601c25)
- add examples governance metadata description (8d44ed3)
- add geopackage+sqlite3 (7e3f2d5)
- add governance (f59e77d)
- add governance metadata description (ab3a655)
- add hasIdentity property (3f2e132)
- add hasImage property (6abde27)
- add hasPublisher property (f4093dc)
- add identity and governance model section (26d957d)
- add license controlled vocabulary (020530c)
- add open licence v1 (566f892)
- add Open Licence version 1.0 to dataLicences collection (62daa41)
- add providedBy property (da4b94b)
- add reference dataset subsection (0a8bdaa)
- add Service concept (0dd8272)
- add Service in the union of resources (901d4a1)
- add service management and buisiness section (268ae69)
- add storage services metadata (067a52a)
- add text_csv to text collection (8435c91)
- add the Service Category thesaurus (86de145)
- add the Topic thesaurus (48c33ee)
- add vndshp to collection (8788a09)
- core: add audit related properties (e62537c)
- core: add DIDURI concept and hasRegistrar property (56eb4af)
- core: add hasCategory core property (1fd328a)
- core: add hasFormat property (2fe325a)
- core: add hasIdentifier property (83a3432)
- core: add hasRegistrar property to dataspace (96561b2)
- core: add hasRegistrar to Dataset (a79d2c8)
- core: add Service execution concepts (6da9e05)
- core: add the concept of Governance (9aed033)
- datasets management section completion (af2b1df)
- example: add ddp and crop zones metadatagit (91790de)
- improve translation mediatypes thesaurus (75fb245)
- metadata: add DataProcessing broader concept (531c48c)
- metadata: add general metadata for Service (0c8e64b)
- metadata: add general metadata specification for dataspaces (fdc4041)
- metadata: add hasFormat property to dataset meta (4faf887)
- metadata: add metadata governance schema (eb1c49c)
- metadata: add Storage concept (b0e8ffb)
- specify GeneralMetadata class (ae1a113)
- specify hasCreator property (eca4f2b)
- specify hasDescription property (9b4a7c0)
- specify hasLicense property (135030b)
- specify hasSpatialCoverage property (34571de)
- specify hasTag property (a57039d)
- specify hasTemporalCoverage property (1c9cee9)
- specify hasTitle property (9a08fd7)
- specify hasTopic property (baf2af2)
- specity Period class (and related properties) (2a84d08)
- translate area thesaurus in french (2dfe188)
- translate service category thesaurus (9957c86)
- translate topic thesaurus (1104fd4)
- translation storage services (21f8fc7)
- update examples of zones (f9cded2)
- update examples of zones bis (6edf718)
- update governane after review (d7de2ed)
- update paragraph description (2d3caa5)
- update paragraph description (6cc9405)
- update paragraph description (8df95e4)
- vocabulary: add audit vocabulary (746d059)
- vocabulary: add mediatype controlled vocabulary (498c356)
- vocabulary: add text/csv term (3b35822)
- vocabulary: improve thesaurus description and definition (a2b6c33)
- cads: update metadata ids (66af561)
- change vnd-shp to vndshp (ebfaa35)
- change zones governance descriptions (0870ab2)
- core: correct incorrect range definition for skos vocabularies (65af993)
- correct dataspace uuid (e2c9856)
- correct some uuid (6835699)
- examples: fix wrong topic (60d923d)
- extends AgricutureEnvironnementAndForestry topic to food (588459c)
- fix cardinality (3c246b5)
- fix typo in Dataset description (b749366)
- fix typo in label (c9b1e7d)
- geopackage-sqlite3 to geopackagesqlite3 (b24e882)
- governance: fix incorrect uuid (eb42dc3)
- governance: specify language for description and title (30f6327)
- lint-ontology: correct syntax (9a53cc8)
- metadata: correct restrictions to skos vocabularies (4aa380c)
- metadata: fix typo in description (5d23d24)
- release: rearrange conventionalcommits preset (2f1f547)
- release: remove commit-analyser release rules (33fe1a3)
- remove governance metadata description (561f099)
- shapefile to application_vndshp (07d3fe6)
- syntax (7187e75)
- test: resolve non-compliant examples and ensure green tests (ce5782c)
- typo in the folder name Rhizome (6e09adc)
- update deutsch title with de language (5497eab)
- update of the AgricultureEnvironmentAndForestry topic to AgricultureFoodEnvironmentAndForestry (446e700)
- vocab-mediatype: fix wrong license prefix (85d164a)
- remove okp4:core subclassification of resources (0a1587f)
- reverse the membership relation (872f13a)
- turn wasCreatedBy property into annotation (4d5c336)
1.1.2 (2022-08-03)
1.1.1 (2022-07-27)
1.1.0 (2022-02-18)
- fix some typos on comments (after review) (78d9002)
- remove subPropertyOf axiom (was erroneous) (ece3f13)
- align labels with property names (a4fb8ae)
- fix typo (600eed6)
- improve description of ontology (e4e5dfd)
- improve wording of propery (627dab2)
- improve wording of propery (4343e6b)
- introduce Dataset concept (d575c19)
- introduce Dataspace concept (f39172e)
- specify the current status of the ontology (f9f0dfe)
- fix incorrect version IRI (c2300e5)