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MSK Serverless to MSK Serverless (Java Datastream API)

This blueprint deploys a KDA app that reads from MSK Serverless using IAM auth and writes to MSK Serverless using the Java DataStream API.

Arch diagram

Project details

  1. Flink version: 1.15.2
  2. Java version: 11
  3. Scala version: 2.12

Key components used

  1. KafkaSource connector (FlinkKafkaSource is slated to be deprecated).
  2. KafkaSink connector

High-level deployment steps

  1. Build app and copy resulting JAR to S3 location
  2. Deploy associated infra (MSK and KDA) using CDK script
    • If using existing resources, you can simply update app properties in KDA.
  3. Perform data generation


  1. Maven
  2. AWS SDK v2
  3. AWS CDK v2 - for deploying associated infra (MSK and KDA app)

Step-by-step deployment walkthrough

  1. If you haven't run cdk bootstrap please do so first. This is necesary on a region basis.

  2. First, let's set up some environment variables to make the deployment easier. Replace these values with your own S3 bucket, app name, etc.

export AWS_PROFILE=<<profile-name>>
export APP_NAME=<<name-of-your-app>>
export S3_BUCKET=<<your-s3-bucket-name>>
export S3_FILE_KEY=<<your-jar-name-on-s3>>
  1. Build Java Flink application locally.

From root directory of this project, run:

mvn clean compile package
  1. Copy jar to S3 so it can be referenced in CDK deployment
aws s3 cp target/<<your generated jar>> ${S3_BUCKET}/{S3_FILE_KEY}
  1. Follow instructions in the cdk page to deploy the infrastructure associated with this app - such as MSK Serverless and the Kinesis Data Analytics application.

  2. Follow instructions in orders-datagen to generate data into MSK.

  3. Start your Kinesis Data Analytics application from the AWS console.

  4. Do a Flink query against the Destination Kafka Topic to validate data has landed in the destination topic.