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Setting up Greengrass Nucleus Lite

See the build guide to compile and install Greengrass Nucleus Lite. If running locally for evaluation, you can use the provided container to install in its own environment.

Greengrass Nucleus Lite executables will be available under bin in the build directory.

When run, they may use the current working directory to store state. Use the directory you intend to use as the Greengrass root path.

The following examples assume you are using ./build as the build directory, and /var/lib/greengrass as the Greengrass root path.


This project uses the following third party library dependencies:

Library Minimum Version Required
openssl 3.0
libcurl 7.86
sqlite 3.46.0
libyaml 0.2.2
libsystemd 249
liburiparser 0.9.6
libuuid 2.37.2
libevent 2.1.12
libzip 1.7.3
libcgroup-tools 2.0

Configuring Greengrass

You may configure a single device with the instruction below or a fleet of devices with the steps from Fleet Provisioning guide. Choose one or the other.

To configure Greengrass, you will need a config YAML file, in the same format as the Classic nucleus config. An example config file is available in docs/examples/sample_nucleus_config.yaml. If this is the first time you are creating a GG device, please follow the instruction in the TES setup instructions to get a role alias, thing, certificate, private key, and endpoints for your device.

Make a copy of the sample configuration as config.yaml.

cp docs/examples/sample_nucleus_config.yaml ./config.yaml

Configure the following in your config file

  • privateKeyPath: Path to private key for the Thing
  • certificateFilePath: Path to Thing certificate
  • rootCaPath: Path to Amazon Root CA certificate
  • rootPath: Absolute path to the Greengrass rootpath directory
  • thingName: Name of the Thing
  • awsRegion: The AWS region with the Thing
  • iotCredEndpoint: The IoT Core endpoint
  • iotDataEndpoint: The IoT Core endpoint
  • iotRoleAlias: The name of the role alias for accessing TES
  • posixUser: Colon separated user/group that generic components should run as

posixUser must be set to a valid user and group. If no colon and group is provided, the user's default group is used. If not running Greengrass as root, set this to the user Greengrass is running as.

To initialize the config, initial configuration will need to be present either as /etc/greengrass/config.yaml, and/or in one or more files in /etc/greengrass/config.d/.

The config daemon will initially load /etc/greengrass/config.yaml and then update the initial configuration with any other config files present in /etc/greengrass/config.d/. Copy your configuration file to the above directory ( Note: you might need to run with sudo in case you are getting permission denied error) -

mkdir -p /etc/greengrass
cp ./config.yaml /etc/greengrass/config.yaml

Running the nucleus

To enable and run all the Greengrass Nucleus Lite core services for testing, run the run_nucleus script available in the source directory.


All core services will be reported under the greengrass-lite target. View their statuses with systemctl status --with-dependencies

Entire system logs can be viewed with journalctl -a. Individual service logs can be viewed with journalctl -a -t <service-name> (e.g. journalctl -a -t ggdeploymentd to view deployment logs).

To stop Greengrass Nucleus Lite run systemctl stop

Performing a local deployment

To do a local deployment with the Greengrass Nucleus Lite CLI, you will need a directory with the component's recipe and a directory with the component's artifacts. See the Greengrass component documentation for writing your own Greengrass component.

Assuming you place these in ~/sample-component, and that your component has a single artifact named, the layout should be similar to the following:

├── artifacts
│   └── com.example.SampleComponent
│       └── 1.0.0
│           └──
└── recipes
    └── com.example.SampleComponent-1.0.0.yaml

With the above, you can start a local deployment with:

./build/bin/ggl-cli deploy --recipe-dir ~/sample-component/recipes \
  --artifacts-dir ~/sample-component/artifacts \
  --add-component com.example.SampleComponent=1.0.0