diff --git a/public/locales/ja/translations.json b/public/locales/ja/translations.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a04632 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/locales/ja/translations.json @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +{ + "root.description": "Nixエコシステムに代わる新たな選択肢", + + "header.community": "コミュニティ", + + "goals.title": "目標", + "goals.independent.title": "独立性", + "goals.independent": "私たちはNix, NixPkgs, NixOSをフォークし保守します。また、Nix DarwinやHome Managerなどのプロジェクトを追加でサポートすることも検討されています。", + "goals.gov.title": "統治", + "goals.gov": "民意により選ばれた役職を用いた民主的な統治体制を採用し、プロジェクトの運営に務めます。運営委員会(ステアリングコミッティ)が舵取りをし、 その他の委員会が特定のロジスティクスタスクを担当します。個々の機能やプロジェクトはSIG(Special Interest Group)が担当し、それぞれのSIGは目標を達成するためにワーキンググループと連携して活動します。それぞれの委員会やグループにおいて、目標、要件、および管理手法が明確に定義されます。", + "goals.stabilization.title": "安定化Stabilization", + "goals.stabilization": "Nix v3 CLIのようなユーザーフレンドリーな便利機能をデフォルトで有効にします。 Nix Flakesは削除や変更するにはあまりにも広く使われているため、現在の状態でv0の安定版とし、それ以降はSIGに委ねられることとなります。", + "goals.infra.title": "インフラ整備", + "goals.infra": "私たちは健全なエコシステムを維持するため、CIやバイナリキャッシュを含むインフラやツールを整備します。", + "goals.education.title": "教育", + "goals.education": "統一されたドキュメンテーション、チュートリアル、ガイドおよび使用例を提供し、Unified documentation, tutorials, guides, and examples will provide a better onboarding experience for newcomers and a faster iteration cycle for experts.", + + "roadmap.title": "ロードマップ", + "roadmap.soft_fork.title": "ソフトフォーク", + "roadmap.soft_fork.1": "初期フレーズではThis initial phase will involve an ad-hoc management structure due to its bootstrapping nature. As such, the project's stated Values, Goals, and Roadmap serve to keep all contributors aligned and safe knowing that the work they have committed to will not change.", + "roadmap.soft_fork.2": "The initial forking off of Nix and NixPkgs will be performed in this phase and new contributors will be given roles for handling package maintenance and pulling changes from upstream. We intend to move on from this phase once enough contributors have joined for the project to be capable of transitioning into a hard fork.", + "roadmap.hard_fork.title": "ハードフォーク", + "roadmap.hard_fork.1": "Like the Soft Fork phase, management structure will still be ad-hoc, but Committees, Special Interest Groups, and Working Groups may start to be formed. Due to there being necessary bootstrapping steps for each, elections will only begin once the Alignment phase has been reached.", + "roadmap.hard_fork.2": "At this point we will have enough contributors to safely maintain NixPkgs (or a reasonable subset) and Nix ourselves. We will begin allowing divergence from the upstream repository and changes to the repository structure to improve development can be introduced.", + "roadmap.hard_fork.3": "An initial release of the packages repository will be created and migration from `nix` to `aux` naming will begin to reduce confusion and errors now that the two projects have diverged.", + "roadmap.organization.title": "Organization", + "roadmap.organization.1": "The packages repository will have sets extracted to allow for Special Interest Groups to more easily manage their lifecycles. For example, `pythonPackages` will be moved to a separate repository that will be the reponsibility of a Python SIG if there is interest.", + "roadmap.organization.2": "Flakes will be standardized with its current implementation as a v0. While not ideal, the feature is used far too widely to be changed or removed without breaking the ecosystem. Instead, this v0 implementation will be enabled and future work for Flakes that addresses its shortcomings may be handled by a Flakes SIG.", + "roadmap.organization.3": "The `aux` CLI will be modified to provide more ergonomic management of packages and systems. Additional subcommands such as `aux system switch` and `aux system build` will be added to make onboarding and ongoing maintenance easier.", + "roadmap.infra.title": "インフラ整備", + "roadmap.infra.1": "Now that the project has significantly diverged from upstream, we will need to provide our own Continuous Integration and Binary Cache services. Existing governance structures will be used to manage the adoption of these technologies.", + "roadmap.infra.2": "Documentation will be included as a part of the Continuous Integration process and will have Continuous Deployment configured to keep it up to date, making it easier for contributors to create educational materials.", + "roadmap.infra.3": "Search infrastructure for packages and options will also be created.", + "roadmap.alignment.title": "Alignment", + "roadmap.alignment.1": "By this point, we've done it. We have created a sustainable, independent fork of the Nix ecosystem. Now that the initial work has been completed we will begin the governance rotation process with our first elections and education as to how project governance works.", + "roadmap.alignment.2": "Documentation, project branding, and packages will be polished and presented as a fully stable release. From this point forward the Steering Committee will be managing the creation of Special Interest Groups and other necessary Committees. All enhancements will be suggested in Aux Enhancement Proposals which encourage existing SIGs to implement features or encourage the formation of a new SIG to be created for such a purpose.", + + "values.title": "私たちの価値基準", + "values.rep.title": "レプリゼンテーション", + "values.rep": "組織は民主的に確立され、コントリビューターの多様な意見が尊重されるべきです。", + "values.kindness.title": "優しさ", + "values.kindness": "人々が歓迎され、安心して参加できるプロジェクトであり続けるべきです。", + "values.collab.title": "協力", + "values.collab": "他者とコミュニケーションを取り、連携を取ることを促します。", + "values.sustainability.title": "持続可能性", + "values.sustainability": "プロジェクトを安定して運営できるよう、作業量、負荷、財政面、スコープ(作業範囲)、疲労、およびバーンアウトについて十分な注意を払う必要があります。", + "values.accessibility.title": "アクセシビリティ", + "values.accessibility": "エリート主義は歓迎されません。知識は共有されるものであり、みんなが学び成功できるような手段を提供するべきです。" +} diff --git a/src/i18n/ui.ts b/src/i18n/ui.ts index a6838b0..ffdc983 100644 --- a/src/i18n/ui.ts +++ b/src/i18n/ui.ts @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ import en from "../../public/locales/en/translations.json" +import ja from "../../public/locales/ja/translations.json" export const languages = { - en: 'English' + en: 'English', + ja: '日本語', }; export const defaultLang = 'en'; export const ui = { en, + ja, } as const;