- Fix #23: fix property return type for ManyToMany
Transformation of words ending in double-s now handled more approproately. To wit, changes the regex for "ending in 's'" to be "ending in a single 's'" so that words like "address", "class", "illness", "pass", "press", etc. are not unexpectedly truncated.
Also added documentation about custom templates.
The skeleton generator command now accepts a second argument: a dot-separated list of array elements leading to nested Atlas configuration values.
The Transform class now takes an array of table-to-type name conversions as its only constructor param, and no longer converts "status" to "statu". Updated the relevant documentation.
First stable release.
Now adds a Table::DRIVER constant indicating the PDO driver used for the table.
Fix: adds use Atlas\Table\Row
to Type.tpl, since it is used as an argument
typehint in the docblock.
Fix: adds @property docblocks for relationships only on Fields, not Rows.
Now adds @property docblocks to the Fields trait for defined relationships.
Adds a docblock typehint for Record::getRow().
This release fixes a docblock typehint on generated Table classes.
Major break from alpha1 (and the previous 1.x series) in that the generated class names are significantly renamed.
In particular, the mapper class no longer has a "Mapper" suffix on it. This helps it to act as a "base prefix" for IDE completion, which is now greatly enhanced by the automatic addition of @method docblocks on the generated classes to indicate type-specific returns.
If you have generated classes with the alpha1 release, you will need to re- generate them and change your class references.
First alpha release.