This is OOD Service Changelog, it lists all published beta ood service versions
service version can be found in service startup log You can use Ctrl+F to search for specific service version
- Fix some read_to_end related bugs for error empty content
- Fix operation can stuck due to some timeout problem
- Fix status error caused by concurrent sync states and sync packages in ood-daemon service
- Fix Sqlite concurrent write error in some cases
- Add encryption and decryption to the crypto module of the cyfs stack
- Increase the minimum rust version to 1.63
- Refactor the logic of dsg-services
- Optimize the uninstall logic of DecApp
- Optimize download logic of Service and DecApp to reduce CPU usage
- bdt performance improve
- Improve the stability of master-slave OOD synchronization
- Fix the mount path of data directory in DecApp Service sandbox.