diff --git a/src/app/components/results-menu/timeseries-results-menu/timeseries-results-menu.component.ts b/src/app/components/results-menu/timeseries-results-menu/timeseries-results-menu.component.ts
index 6d608ba16..a95ae4d2c 100644
--- a/src/app/components/results-menu/timeseries-results-menu/timeseries-results-menu.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/results-menu/timeseries-results-menu/timeseries-results-menu.component.ts
@@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ export class TimeseriesResultsMenuComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
let format = new WKT();
let wktRepresentation = format.writeGeometry(this.pointHistory[index]);
console.log('updateSeries() task', task);
console.log('updateSeries() task.subtasks', task.subtasks);
diff --git a/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.html b/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.html
index 74511aba3..c458f0d75 100644
--- a/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.html
+++ b/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.html
@@ -16,6 +16,4 @@
diff --git a/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.ts b/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.ts
index 6d76c2193..44b8b90c8 100644
--- a/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/timeseries-chart/timeseries-chart.component.ts
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private thing: d3.Selection
private hoveredElement;
private data: any;
+ private lines;
// private selectedScene: string;
@Input() isLoading: boolean = false;
@@ -95,14 +96,6 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
- // this.subs.add(
- // this.store$.select(sceneStore.getSelectedScene).subscribe(test => {
- // this.selectedScene = test.id;
- // this.updateChart();
- //
- // })
- // );
showLines => {
@@ -118,22 +111,21 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
- this.language.translate.onLangChange.subscribe( () => {
- this.language.translate.get('SCENE').subscribe( (translated: string) => {
- console.log(translated);
- this.translateChartText();
- this.createSVG();
- });
- }
+ this.language.translate.onLangChange.subscribe(() => {
+ this.language.translate.get('SCENE').subscribe((_translated: string) => {
+ this.translateChartText();
+ this.createSVG();
+ });
+ }
public translateChartText() {
this.xAxisTitle = this.language.translate.instant('SCENE') + ' ' +
- this.language.translate.instant('DATE');
+ this.language.translate.instant('DATE');
this.yAxisTitle = this.language.translate.instant('SHORTWAVE_DISPLACEMENT') + ' (' +
- this.language.translate.instant('METERS') + ')';
+ this.language.translate.instant('METERS') + ')';
public onZoomIn(): void {
@@ -152,54 +144,48 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public initChart(data): void {
- console.log('****** timeseries-chart init data *******', data);
this.dataSource = []
- if(data !== null) {
+ if (data !== null) {
let aoi: string = '';
- console.log('****** timeseries-chart init data *******', data);
- for (let result of data) {
- aoi = '';
- // pre-process data, remove test v_2 files from results
- // won't be necessary in production
- for (let key of Object.keys(result)) {
- if (key.startsWith('v_2_')) {
- delete result[key];
+ for (let result of data) {
+ aoi = '';
+ // pre-process data, remove test v_2 files from results
+ // won't be necessary in production
+ for (let key of Object.keys(result)) {
+ if (key.startsWith('v_2_')) {
+ delete result[key];
+ }
+ if (key.startsWith('aoi')) {
+ aoi = result[key];
+ }
- if (key.startsWith('aoi')) {
- aoi = result[key];
+ this.timeSeriesData = [];
+ for (let key of Object.keys(result).filter(x => x !== 'mean' && x !== 'aoi')) {
+ this.dataSource.push({
+ 'aoi': aoi,
+ 'unwrapped_phase': result[key].unwrapped_phase,
+ 'interferometric_correlation': result[key].interferometric_correlation,
+ 'temporal_coherence': result[key].temporal_coherence,
+ 'date': result[key].secondary_datetime,
+ 'file_name': result[key].source_file_name,
+ 'id': key,
+ 'temporal_baseline': result[key].temporal_baseline
+ })
+ this.timeSeriesData.push({
+ 'unwrapped_phase': result[key].unwrapped_phase,
+ 'date': result[key].secondary_datetime
+ });
- }
- this.timeSeriesData = [];
- for (let key of Object.keys(result).filter(x => x !== 'mean' && x !== 'aoi')) {
- console.log('timeseries-chart init key', key);
- console.log('timeseries-chart init result', result);
- console.log('timeseries-chart init result[key]', result[key]);
- this.dataSource.push({
- 'aoi': aoi,
- 'unwrapped_phase': result[key].unwrapped_phase,
- 'interferometric_correlation': result[key].interferometric_correlation,
- 'temporal_coherence': result[key].temporal_coherence,
- 'date': result[key].secondary_datetime,
- 'file_name': result[key].source_file_name,
- 'id': key,
- 'temporal_baseline': result[key].temporal_baseline
+ this.dataReadyForChart.push({ 'name': aoi, 'values': this.timeSeriesData });
+ this.averageData = ({
+ ...data.mean
- this.timeSeriesData.push({
- 'unwrapped_phase': result[key].unwrapped_phase,
- 'date': result[key].secondary_datetime
- });
- this.dataReadyForChart.push({ 'name': aoi, 'values': this.timeSeriesData });
- this.averageData = ({
- ...data.mean
- })
- }
} else {
this.dataSource = [];
this.averageData = {};
- console.log('timeseries-chart init dataReadyForChart', this.dataReadyForChart);
@@ -245,30 +231,26 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
this.toolTip.attr('transform', `translate(0, 0)`).style('text-anchor', 'middle').style('z-index', 100).style('opacity', 0)
this.allGroup = [...new Set(this.dataReadyForChart.map(d => d.name))];
- console.log('allGroup', this.allGroup);
this.lineGraph = this.clipContainer.append("path");
// A color scale: one color for each group
const colorPalette = d3.scaleOrdinal()
- .domain(this.allGroup)
- .range(d3.schemeSet2);
+ .domain(this.allGroup)
+ .range(d3.schemeSet2);
const self = this;
- console.log('dataSource', this.dataSource);
const points = this.dataSource.map((d) => [this.x(new Date(d.date)), this.y(d.unwrapped_phase), d.aoi]);
- console.log('points', points);
- const groups = d3.rollup(points, v => Object.assign(v, {z: v[0][2]}), d => d[2]);
- console.log('groups', groups);
+ const groups = d3.rollup(points, v => Object.assign(v, { z: v[0][2] }), d => d[2]);
+ groups // just do something
this.dots = this.clipContainer.append('g')
- .append('g')
- // @ts-ignore
- .style("fill", function (d: DataReady){ return colorPalette(d.name) })
+ .append('g')
+ // @ts-ignore
+ .style("fill", function (d: DataReady) { return colorPalette(d.name) })
.data(d => d.values)
// .data(this.dataSource)
@@ -291,23 +273,13 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
.style('opacity', 0);
- // .on('click', (_event, d) => {
- // this.store$.dispatch(new sceneStore.SetSelectedScene(d.id))
- // })
- // .attr('class', (d) => {
- // if (this.selectedScene === d.id) {
- // return 'timeseries-selected';
- // } else {
- // return 'timeseries-base';
- // }
- // })
.attr('r', 5);
this.zoom = d3.zoom()
.extent([[0, 0], [this.width, this.height]])
.on('zoom', (eve: d3.D3ZoomEvent) => {
this.currentTransform = eve.transform;
- this.initChart(this.data);
+ this.updateChart();
this.thing = d3.select('#timeseriesChart').selectChild()
@@ -320,16 +292,15 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('y', 0);
- if(this.dataSource.length <= 0) {
+ if (this.dataSource.length <= 0) {
- .attr('width', this.width)
- .attr('height', this.height)
- .attr('x', 0)
- .attr('y', 0)
- .attr('class', 'loading-rect');
+ .attr('width', this.width)
+ .attr('height', this.height)
+ .attr('x', 0)
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('class', 'loading-rect');
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.width / 2}, ${this.height + this.margin.bottom - 20})`)
.style('text-anchor', 'middle')
@@ -344,39 +315,30 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
.attr('class', 'ts-chart-label')
- // this.svg
- // .on("pointerenter", pointerentered)
- // .on("pointermove", pointermoved)
- // .on("pointerleave", pointerleft)
- // .on("touchstart", event => event.preventDefault());
- //
- // // When the pointer moves, find the closest point, update the interactive tip, and highlight
- // // the corresponding line. Note: we don't actually use Voronoi here, since an exhaustive search
- // // is fast enough.
- // function pointermoved(event) {
- // const [xm, ym] = d3.pointer(event);
- // // @ts-ignore
- // const i = d3.leastIndex(points, ([x, y]) => Math.hypot(x - xm, y - ym));
- // const [x, y, k] = points[i];
- // this.path.style("stroke", ({z}) => z === k ? null : "#ddd").filter(({z}) => z === k).raise();
- // this.dot.attr("transform", `translate(${x},${y})`);
- // this.dot.select("text").text(k);
- // // @ts-ignore
- // self.svg.property("value", self.dataReadyForChart[i]).dispatch("input", {bubbles: true});
- // }
- //
- // function pointerentered() {
- // this.path.style("mix-blend-mode", null).style("stroke", "#ddd");
- // this.dot.attr("display", null);
- // }
- //
- // function pointerleft() {
- // this.path.style("mix-blend-mode", "multiply").style("stroke", null);
- // this.dot.attr("display", "none");
- // this.svg.node().value = null;
- // // @ts-ignore
- // self.svg.dispatch("input", {bubbles: true});
- // }
+ if (this.showLines) {
+ const colorPalette = d3.scaleOrdinal()
+ .domain(this.allGroup)
+ .range(d3.schemeSet2);
+ // Add the lines
+ let line = d3.line()
+ .x(function (d) { return self.x(Date.parse(d.date)); })
+ .y(function (d) { return self.y(d.unwrapped_phase); })
+ this.lines = this.svg.selectAll("myLines")
+ .data(this.dataReadyForChart)
+ .enter()
+ .append("path")
+ .attr('clip-path', 'url(#clip)')
+ .attr("d", function (d) { // @ts-ignore
+ return line(d.values)
+ })
+ // @ts-ignore
+ .attr("stroke", function (d: DataReady) { return colorPalette(d.name) })
+ .style("stroke-width", 2)
+ .style("fill", "none")
+ }
@@ -395,58 +357,18 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
.ticks(smallChart ? 10 : 5, 's')
- // var lineFunction = d3.line()
- // .x(function (d) { return newX(Date.parse(d.date)); })
- // .y(function (d) { return newY(d.unwrapped_phase); })
.attr('cx', d => newX(Date.parse(d.date)))
.attr('cy', d => newY(d.unwrapped_phase))
- // .attr('class', (d) => {
- // if (this.selectedScene === d.id) {
- // return 'timeseries-selected';
- // } else {
- // return 'timeseries-base';
- // }
- // })
- // .on('click', (_event, d) => {
- // this.store$.dispatch(new sceneStore.SetSelectedScene(d.id))
- // })
- if (this.showLines) {
- // this.addPairAttributes(
- // this.lineGraph
- // // .data(this.dataReadyForChart)
- // .join("path")
- // // .attr("d", d => line(d.values))
- // // .attr("stroke", d => (d.name))
- // .attr('d', _ => lineFunction(this.dataReadyForChart.flatMap(d => d.values)))
- // .attr('fill', 'none')
- // )
- // A color scale: one color for each group
- const colorPalette = d3.scaleOrdinal()
- .domain(this.allGroup)
- .range(d3.schemeSet2);
- // Add the lines
- let line = d3.line()
- .x(function (d) { return newX(Date.parse(d.date)); })
- .y(function (d) { return newY(d.unwrapped_phase); })
- this.svg.selectAll("myLines")
- .data(this.dataReadyForChart)
- .enter()
- .append("path")
- .attr('clip-path', 'url(#clip)')
- .attr("d", function(d){ // @ts-ignore
- return line(d.values) } )
- // @ts-ignore
- .attr("stroke", function (d: DataReady){ return colorPalette(d.name) })
- .style("stroke-width", 2)
- .style("fill", "none")
+ const line = d3.line()
+ .x(function (d) { return newX(Date.parse(d.date)); })
+ .y(function (d) { return newY(d.unwrapped_phase); })
- }
+ this.lines
+ .attr("d", function (d) { // @ts-ignore
+ return line(d.values)
+ })
private updateTooltip() {
@@ -456,13 +378,6 @@ export class TimeseriesChartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
.style('top', `${bounding.y - 10}px`);
- // private addPairAttributes(ps) {
- // return ps
- // .attr('class', 'base-line')
- // .attr('stroke', 'steelblue')
- // .attr('stroke-width', 1)
- // };
public onResized() {